View Full Version : Intelligence Shrines

03-29-2010, 03:01 PM
Sorry, didn't know where to post this.

I'm doing a Max INT run for my mage and I wanted to know what pluses I could get.

Not counting items, medals, companion, or the green dragon.

I've found 1 INT shrine, and I read about using the Demon Tongue for +1.

So, how should I go about this...

I was planning to use the save game scanner until I was sure there were at least 5 or more INT shrines.

What else?

And items don't matter cause if I really want I can add those.


03-29-2010, 06:43 PM
What else?
Not sure how it is called on english version. Поглотитель Магии. Eater of Magic or something close. Gives +1 int.

Drink which you must carry from temple to chief in Reha gives -1 int if used.

You can always search for intelect or Интеллект in game manual.

Items matter, because you can't use all of them. If you want to max intelect, you must be sure that Elenhill with his set of items is not worse than other companion with different set of items.

03-30-2010, 11:41 AM
If you aren't very far into your game, you can download my last game. Of course startin at lvl 1.
I was able to get my intelligence huge.

Final post in:
