View Full Version : (Hungarian) Walkthrough for Armored Princess! (SPOILERS)

BB Shockwave
10-17-2009, 07:55 PM
Apparently some folks got the russian version and using the english mod already finished the game numerous times...

Use Google translate to translate it to English - even if it's rough, there are tons of pictures, maps, statistics.

SPOILERS of course! I myself did not read anything, just the skill / Rage skill descriptions.

King's Bounty Armored Princess walkthrough (http://gamempire.extra.hu/articles.php?article_id=57)

10-18-2009, 09:52 AM
Now that's smart, at least they haven't been waiting for six months like we have to play it. That is IF it is indeed released at the end of this month! Otherwise it's more waiting for US!
At least I hope they release it, after trying to play Risen and giving up on it I am itching to play a good RPG, if not there's still Venetica to look forward to.:-P

04-01-2010, 08:58 AM
Hi Fellows!

GamEmpire website has moved.
The new location is: GamEmpire.hu (http://gamempire.hu)

Permalink to Gaming guides (HUN):

King's Bounty - Armored Princess (http://gamempire.hu/vegigjatszasok/kings-bounty-armored-princess)
King's Bounty - The Legend (http://gamempire.hu/vegigjatszasok/kings-bounty-the-legend)
