- Skins and Repaints
- Battle Of Britain Movie Paints (Repost)
- Cpt_Farrels skinthread
- Shado's Skins
- Kristorf's stuff
- Buzpilots Recon skins.
- Skinning Tutorials
- Skin Help Plz
- Skin help
- Skinners,here's a useful website for you
- My first attempt - SHark spit
- Stuka request
- Max of 4 skins showing in COD
- .rar files
- Eagle Squadron Hurricane Skin
- Markings
- First finished skin (not historic)
- Website who regroup skins
- Airwarfare downloads feature list
- Templates like in 1946?
- where find the default skins?
- Where is this beautiful Sunderland skin?
- Templates request
- G.50 Skin request...
- Custom Skin only visible for me in MP?!
- strange skin behaviour
- 402nd Skin
- 33 Squadron, Greece 1941
- Zerstorer!
- The Bf-110 by GRAF
- Tiger Moth template
- Requests, Russian Hurri, Med 109s?
- Help Accessing Files
- GREY nurse spit
- Spitfire Mk I, Ia, IIa Skin Template
- 109 Template please
- Correct Markings
- 109 skin request
- Tracers
- new CoD skins site
- 109 eagle skin
- Skins by Aelius
- A skin for the BEAUFIGHTER
- Request Hurricane Skin
- Airwarfare: IL-2 CoD Skins uploads & downloads
- 9./ZG26 Historical Images
- Request Italian SKIN BoB.
- What about a workgroup, collaboration and tutoring for, by and from skinners?
- is there a way to paint parts like the radiator or the oil cooler?
- Br 20
- 610 Sqdn Spitfire Skinpack
- voids
- my first attempt of a skin...
- 'Fat Cats' Spitfire MkIa
- Cpt_Farrels skinthread MkII
- Dornier Do17-Z2 skin request
- Possible to change the default skins?
- skin templates for Heinkel,Dornier and Ju88?
- Hawker Sea Hurricane
- Nightfighter Bf110
- Any chance of some Polish hurricanes?
- Need help for skin
- 32 Sq Hurricane Skins x3
- Object skins
- FAA Hurricane colors?
- Bf 109 E camouflages
- Hakenkruz enabler
- My skins at cliffsofdover.fr
- Hurricane Tempalte
- Request to Skinners
- New spinner colours for the Dorniers?
- Do17 Z-2 Skin W.I.P Screenshot.
- Skin request Br.20M
- Do-17 Skin[WIP] Update Screenshots
- Bf110 Wespe Skin
- Pilot skins.
- Problems with Bf 110 spinner
- Bf109-E4B Skin for Leutnant Steindl II.JG54
- [DOWNLOAD]Dornier Do17 Z-2 Skin
- Skins with Steam?
- Do-17 F1+FH.. Oblt Robert Zelbe
- He-111 template skin
- Rudolph Rothenfelder
- Fictional RCAF Squadron Badge
- Heinz Urlings
- Additional Squadron Codes
- Andreas Walburger
- Letters for Squadron Code/Aircraft Code
- Adolph Galland?
- Skin of Do-17 5K+AR "Goodwin Sands" Dornier
- Blenheim Skins
- As is biz
- Skins anyone?
- Someone wanted a North Africa 109 skin
- Editting standard Skins?
- JU-88 Template [Download].
- a stupid question
- Do17 Z-2 Template[Download]
- Metallic Skin
- Brightspark101's Skins
- Two aircraft of Hans-Karl Mayer I./JG53
- Romanian Emils of 7-th Fighter group
- Request: FAA Gladiator
- Gerd von Massow
- Artur von Casimir's He-111 & Hans von Hahn's Bf109E
- Me 109E-1
- Did anyone do a skin for this surviving Emil?
- Ju-88A-I
- Ju-88A-I of II/KG30...Summer 1940
- To all skinners
- JU-88A-1 of I/KG51 Night PaintScheme
- Ju-88A-1 Generic Skin with Swastika
- Top quality Abbeville Boys skin for my next video (E-1 or E-3)... Any suggestions?
- The Ju-87 by GRAF
- New CLOD icons (for game shortcut)
- Heinkel 59 2-C
- Bf109E-7/Z W.Nr5819 Major Adolf Galland
- The Bf-109E by GRAF
- Bf109E-4 flown by Franz von Werra
- Emblem / Bow Painting
- My first skin!
- Void spots on default skin - Bf109E-3
- Bf109E-4 of Wilhelm Balthasar
- "Mechanical" Layer
- Bf109E's of II.(Schlacht)/LG2
- adding new skins
- Exhaust on Spit Skins is not taken from the Skin Template. :(
- Skinning tutorial request
- Metallic skin
- How Do I make A Spiral Spinner
- adding victory/pilot name/hakenkruz easily
- 7.JG51 Oberst.Walter Oesau (W+13)France 1940
- Hurricane and Spitfire: Is the weathering always turned on?
- second attempt
- Ju-87B-2 T6+KN "Immelmann" of 5/StG.2 France 1940
- Do-17Z-2 Skinpack. 11 Blank Skins with Hakenkreus [Assorted]
- SkinPack[x14] Mk-I Hurricane of 249 Squadron.1940
- New Spitfire Skin
- Where are the 'rivet and panel lines' files
- Plane edition
- Skins ?
- Wellington Mk-IC Skinpack[x12] 311(Czech)Squadron.RAF Honington 1940
- Wellington Mk-IC Skinpack[x12] 311(Czech)Squadron.RAF Honington 1940
- Two Hurricanes from 87 Squadron
- Captured Vickers Wellington Mk.IC (RAF serial L7842)
- Custom skin
- Hurricane Mk-I Skinpack[x5] 501 Squadron.1940
- Bare metal/chipped paint
- Two Hurricanes from 85 Squadron
- Hurricane Mk.1 306th Polish Squadron
- Spitfire Weathering Excessive at 0%
- Hurricane Mk.1 303th Polish Squadron Mirosław Ferić
- Hurricane Mk.1 316th Polish Squadron SZ T
- Hurricane Mk.1 303th Polish Squadron Zdzislaw Hennenberg
- Hurricane Mk-II "Boxing Chicken" of No.71 Eagle Squadron 1941
- Unfortunatally its a MkIIa.....
- Hurricane Mk-I Skinpack [x6]of No.71 "Eagle Squadron" 1941
- Hurricane Mk.1 46 Sqadron, PO-N
- Hurricane Mk.1 312th Czech Squadron DU L
- Hurricane Mk.1 Central Flying School, 4
- Night Hurricane Mk.1 85th Squadron VY X
- COD aircraft tables and info
- Folder names for new Spit and Hurri
- Heinkel He111-P2 G1+HP [W.Nr 1992] 6./KG55
- Spitfire Weathering
- John 'Cocky' Dundas Stag
- test 01
- He-111-P 6/KG55 in Night Blitz Paint Scheme
- Skin Request: Bf-110 III./ZG26
- New repaint of Crop Duster....in CoD (RAF) Style
- Bf-110 III./ZG26 U8+BB Flown by Günther Specht
- Skinning the Bf109 - Locations of particular objects
- request .
- Swiss-Air Force Machine Me 109E-1
- Spitfire Sharkmouth
- Bf 110D 9.ZG26 (3U+LT) WNr 3406 Sicily 1941-0A.
- Bf-110C. L1+XB of Stab-V LG1 Horst-Liensberger
- Skins BF-109 request
- Treasure chest of Emil Skins;
- Bf 110E1 6.ZG76 (M8+IP) Hans Joachim Jabs WNr 3866 Germany 1940
- A skin's colour count
- Bf-110D 6.ZG76 2N+MP 1941
- Checkmysix skin request?
- A short story about an old ZG76 Bf-110
- Bf.110C [3C+DM] II/NJG3 'Operation Donnerkeil' 1942
- Bf110's
- Is your Is your wingman an idiot? Can he not tell 3 from 9?
- Luftwaffe Markings
- Bf110E-1 (S9+EN) 5./ZG1 Willi Dibowski
- A request for someone on the inside..
- Bf110C-4 (2N+EP) 6./ZG76 - Gerhard Kadow
- Need Help identifying certain Skin parts!
- Bf.110-C Skinpack[x26] I./LG1(Schwere Jadge)Barth 1939
- Skinning the Bf110 - Locations of particular objects
- Bf110D-0 (S9+CB) I./Erpr_Gr210 / Karl-Heinz Koch
- search skin
- Someone cue up "Night on Bald Mountain" (Skinning the FW200)
- Skin Templates?
- 100 Octane skin folder???????
- Next...?
- Luftwaffe Skin(s) by Matze81
- Could anyone assist me with a couple of skins please? 1x Hurri and 1x 109
- SpitIa_100oct skin folder missing fix
- EZ's Air Racing Skins
- The "Black Spit"
- Bf109E- 5./JG27 (Skin Pack) Black 10, 11, 12 & 13
- Bf109E-1, III./JG52 - Kurt Wolff - Black 15
- Spitfire skins
- Bf109E-4, II./JG77 - Graf Merseburg - Black 13
- Bf109E-3, 4./JG77, Helmut Henz, White 12
- Another Kurt Wolff, 3./JG 52 (hellgelb)
- Bf109E-3, 6./JG26 Squad - Skin Pack (brown 1-12)
- Bf109E-7/Z, I./JG26, Josef Priller, White 8, (Early Markings)
- Bf109E, RRAF - 7FG, Loan DiCezare (no.27)
- HE-111 generic skin
- JG2 Richthofen squadron logos for all you painters!
- JG3 Udet squadron logos
- Setback's skin: Hurricane W9200 'Joker' flown by Sqd Ldr John Simpson
- Problem with skins
- JG1 Oesau squadron logos (may have errors)
- Skinning Resources - Markings, Emblems, Noseart, etc,.
- [Request]British Br. 20
- Spiral spinner nose art
- Setback's RAF skin for the BR-20M
- Can you skin plots in CoD?
- Bf-110C 6.ZG2 (A2+AL) Guyancourt, France, 1940
- Bf-110D 6.ZG2(ex ZG52) A2+BL Guyancourt, France, 1940
- custom skin issues
- Are there any major differences between He111 H-2 and H-6 for skinning purposes?
- Shado's skins cleaned thread
- Setback's desert Bf 108 from the daring 'Sonderkommando Blaich' raid.
- Defiants [x11]264 Squadron.1940
- BF-109E4 9.JG/52 Leopold "Bazi" Steinbatz. Balkans 1941
- Setbacks blue Malta Hurricane.
- Request template Bf-110 .
- Request template .
- Setback's Yugoslavian Bf 108 Taifuns.
- BF-109E4-B Stab III_JG27 WNr765, Kozani Greece 1941
- Obergruppenfuhrer Heydrich's 109???
- [rel]africa skins pack
- [REL]Africa Skins Pack (Part 2)
- BF-109E-7 9.JG/27 [Erbo Graf Von Kageneck] WNr1326 Russia 1941
- Request help .
- Setback's Night Hurricane (NZ) 'Blackie' Smith's DZ-D flown from Wittering May 1941
- Bf 109E 1+ of Stab I.JG52 France 1940-1
- He-115B-2 skin (Non-Historical)
- other request
- Setback's catapult launched Navy Hurricane
- Setback's He-111 Sonderkommando Blaich raid (Desert Scheme).
- Setback's Cyprus Hurricane