View Full Version : custom skin issues

01-16-2013, 03:48 PM
hi here is a post about my problem and custom skins
I reinstalled the IL2 and I'm still having issues with purple skins and purple gun port cover on the spitfires. net skin downloads is on, its on my side. I look in the folder and there the correct folder
just when I'm flying single or Multi-player there purple. the custom ones that is the default is good.

ill post some pics in bit


01-16-2013, 05:20 PM
Ahhh "The Fluffy Nuts Skin"!

We used to get wierd colours appearing on our skins from time to time back in the IL2:46 days No idea what caused it, in '46 or CloD though, sorry.

01-18-2013, 01:54 AM
the skins are ok even in the folder they look good its just when they get rendered into the display engine is when they turn purple.

01-26-2013, 02:22 AM
found out this problem after changing the PhysX back to GPU instead of auto-select or on CPU.
The IL2 video settings are back to normal.

why would physX setting even have anything to do with the rendering in this game?

Wow I thought the engine was screwed up, but this is ridicules.

01-26-2013, 05:31 PM
found out this problem after changing the PhysX back to GPU instead of auto-select or on CPU.
The IL2 video settings are back to normal.

why would physX setting even have anything to do with the rendering in this game?

Wow I thought the engine was screwed up, but this is ridicules.

Blimy that doesnt make sense, well done for finding it though.:smile: