View Full Version : Wellington Mk-IC Skinpack[x12] 311(Czech)Squadron.RAF Honington 1940

05-17-2012, 10:01 AM
No. 311 Squadron was formed at Honington, Suffolk, on 29th July, 1940, from Czech Air Force personnel who had formerly served in France and had escaped to this country at the time of the French collapse. Flying Wellington bombers and forming part of No. 3 Group, it first went into action on the night of 10th/11th September, 1940, and continued in the bomber role (being based at East Wretham, satellite of Honington, from mid-September onwards) until late April, 1942, when it was transferred to coastal command and Aldergrove and given a general-reconnaissance role. By then, it had operated 150 times, flown 1,021 operational sorties, and dropped more than 1,300 tons of bombs on enemy targets; these included Berlin, Bonn, Boulogne, Brest, Cologne, Flushing, Essen, Kiel, Paris and Turin. Shortly after joining Coastal Command No. 311 took part (as did certain other units of "Coastal") in the third 1,000-bomber raid, on Bremen; on this occasion its Wellingtons operated from Birchan Newton.

Hi Guys
All Aircraft are marked with individual Aircraft and serial codes based on actual aircraft used with 311 Squadron.
Have also added T_KX RAF (serial L7842) was in service with the German Luftwaffe, probably based at the test center at Rechlin, circa 1941.
L7842 was delivered in mid-1940. It was lost on 6 February 1941 while in service with No. 311(Czech) Squadron, RAF, while on a mission to Boulogne (France). It was forced to land, and captured intact.
Have Fun

Click on images below and they will change to correct 2048 x 2048 dimensions,then Copy and Paste to appropriate Skin folder
http://s19.postimage.org/ydlu7xwir/T_KX_L7843_311_Sq_Captured_German_Markings.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/xo31vkvz3/full/)
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http://s19.postimage.org/b6ha4209v/C_KX_R1598_of_311_Czech_Squadron_1941.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/jbzc27oin/full/)
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http://s19.postimage.org/yyqlfl2ar/D_KX_R1466_of_311_Czech_Squadron_1941.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/inqhj9psv/full/)
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http://s19.postimage.org/rwsntdyoz/E_KX_R1046_of_311_Czech_Squadron_1941.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/5kuuzzzkv/full/)
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http://s19.postimage.org/wwq41c4bn/F_KX_R1371_of_311_Czech_Squadron_1941.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/yoj2w8nof/full/)
image host (http://postimage.org/)

http://s19.postimage.org/wl8noknvn/G_KX_R1269_of_311_Czech_Squadron_1941.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/aytn7jpb3/full/)
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http://s19.postimage.org/6r3gcjd9f/K_KX_R1378_of_311_Czech_Squadron_1940.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/o4dqre8kf/full/)
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http://s19.postimage.org/87eyuog6b/M_KX_R1410_of_311_Czech_Squadron_1941.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/6sde5yf33/full/)
picture hosting (http://postimage.org/)

http://s19.postimage.org/4cbks3x0j/P_KX_R1451_of_311_Czech_Squadron_1941.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/3zk6lxeqn/full/)
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http://s19.postimage.org/i8jt3zt9f/U_KX_R1516_of_311_Czech_Squadron_1941.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/aft5c0na7/full/)
picture hosting (http://postimage.org/)

http://s19.postimage.org/xvb2hd71f/W_KX_R1441_of_311_Czech_Squadron_1941.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/ppt0j7isf/full/)
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http://s19.postimage.org/u07oesnvn/X_KX_R1161_of_311_Czech_Squadron_1941.jpg (http://postimage.org/image/56y4e54v3/full/)
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05-17-2012, 10:30 AM
Owww, I likeee mucheee ;)

05-17-2012, 04:31 PM
Now if only the Wimpy was a flyable ...well,one can always dream..


Very nice skins however & hope one of our mission builders is able to use them at some point!

Plt Off JRB Meaker
05-17-2012, 05:37 PM
Now if only the Wimpy was a flyable ...well,one can always dream..


You and me both bro,would love to see the Wimpy flyable,sooo much it hurts,lol.

Keith,what a superb job you've done to these skins mate,brilliant........again!!:grin:

05-18-2012, 04:52 PM
Your a Legend C6. I did my basic training at Honington and know all about the bases history so imagine my joy when you post this up.

05-19-2012, 01:07 PM
Thank a lot Guys for great feedback.
Really Happy you like them.

05-19-2012, 04:37 PM
Great Check!!!!!

Incredible. Many thanks. This is HOT STUFF.
Flyable. That would be a great patch:rolleyes:

We need some heavy bomber for the British.

05-23-2012, 10:08 PM
AWESOME thanks :D

02-01-2013, 08:43 PM
Your a Legend C6. I did my basic training at Honington and know all about the bases history so imagine my joy when you post this up.

Small world Droop, I live about 2 miles away from RAF Honington .............:)