View Full Version : Pilot's Lounge
Pages :
- God save our King
- Graphical aspect preference ROF vs COD and other stuff
- can we raise the $$$ to get 1c to release a CoD SDK or other tools ?
- IL-2 and Rise Of Flight team up
- Brandenburg W12 - A Rise of Flight Movie
- thread about possible "cracked" code or scripts gone again?
- "easy" maths question
- Message to Oleg and Ilya
- No Sense to anymore nonsense
- Low level bombing with the Bf-110= suicide?
- Since CloD is over
- locked treads on IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
- Is CLOD like Jesus .. second coming ..
- is facebook intended to make people dumb?
- sound familiar
- Just in case.
- 1C games's own BOM ?
- Hardware, software and the future of flight combat sims.
- PC Pilot
- Advice: should i buy "fisical" CLOD?
- For the Spitfire / Seafire lovers
- What the heck happened?
- ?
- Poll- Still flying Clod?
- Merry Christmas to you all!
- the failure of clod is a failure of US ALL
- War Thunder.... After some time.
- Channel Map Comparisons
- Clod fixing
- Lock symbols
- any cpu monitoring afterburner style but for CPU
- Happy New Year!
- Windows Question
- Irritating grey square in cocpit!!
- Any virtual aerobatic team on this sim?
- i think the justin biever issue is just people are jealous
- Friday update - still going strong ..
- blackholes as only forward time machines for eternal return antifreezing
- the crazy existentialist game with four cards
- Spitfire Crash - Very short on info
- were people 700 years ago way smarter than today?
- good for kids learn to type properly by playing music
- Spitfire Family Tree.
- Big Thanks To sYk0
- Inquiry about supposed WW2 sunglasses
- HUD Display In COD
- How To Improve Your Vision The Bomber Command Way
- fashion: point me to a famous not old baldy with no almost shaved hair
- My AI flight will not attack- drives me crazy!
- The Human Fly.
- Me 323 Gigant found
- the fact the proves reality illusion its pretty easy to see can i awake now plz?
- Bomber tutorial out there somewhewre?
- Inside the ISS
- A Kerbal Space Program Movie
- One wheeled motorcycle that actually works.
- Clash of wings
- War Thunder video Axis & Allies
- Hanks and Spielberg developing WW2 8th Airforce Mini series
- after sometime definitly i solved the unsolved longitude problem
- Helicopters
- Corpo Aereo Italiano and ClOD: where are the airfield?
- the paradox of the grandma present
- Encouraging Dev Update on BOS
- will ai ever get so complex as to deserve rights?
- This n That
- Exe. stopped working
- some odd lyrics
- RAF Campaign Redux
- Needs a bigger garage.
- Amazing Mind Reader.
- upcoming patch vid
- RQ-170 sentinel iran released decoded footage from captured U.S israel drone
- Who Knew....the Cosford museum Me-410 is technically a runner.
- "Lore" I really liked this film
- so if a bomber takes 2 gunsights at 100m and 1 at 100 m then how many at 150 m?
- Awesome F-18 video
- Does anyone here play Eve
- Native German person with engineering backround is needed for DCS Fw190
- Adolf's smiley
- How Do I Delete A Thread
- Problems.
- "Folk" music
- How to start up & fly the REAL P-51.
- Good luck F35
- Blitz Ghosts.
- Need Help from someone in germany!!
- curved Projection Screen
- murphys inverse law: chances to connect a usb at 1st
- my grand prix legends review the most realistic feeling racing sim ever
- Oh...eef zee beaufighter were onlt how you say ...flyable?
- For the golfers amongst us
- Goodbye Joystick?
- Any Certified Flight Instructors here??
- My take on CoD...
- Color film from 1920s London
- Steam problem
- Blue recon spitfire
- Mind over mechanics
- leaked il2 BoS footage
- RoF BS advertising spam posted in CoD forum, masquerading as normal CoD forum user
- Do-17-Z2 raised from her Watery grave Yesterday
- Site: Day by day account of weather and operations in summer 1940
- exposing my indignation to the world ... (unrelated matter with the simulator)
- navigation, tides and moon position
- June 14 1943
- Bournemouth July 23 1943
- Huge Sub find
- Some History for those who haven't seen this
- New and looking for a Squadron or just people to fly with!
- i am back, advice please
- Can't download pics
- Right hand bank
- Eve Valkyrie
- Calling up reinforcemants in Desastersofts Fighter Aces - Adolf Galland???
- How to call up reinforcements in Desastersoft's Adolf Galland Fighter Aces??
- Dump CloD!!!!
- New project from Luthier: DCS WWII [Target complete]
- A poem I read today. A tribute to our war veterans.
- Possible to install cod without steam?
- How do I switch sides?
- Beginners questions
- Will this change the way we fly?
- Messers and Spits
- Hawker Hurricane V6722 A/C designation
- Hi everybody: was away for a while.
- How to change your name
- Some questions...
- Unable to access ATAG web site
- Fat black mamba joystick for sale
- CoD for Windows 8
- Persistent German controller loop
- Have these pilots had too much schnapps?
- Learn how to fly
- ClOD Future?
- Yea, the rudder
- Looking for places to chat and play
- custom skins for AI?
- 8.1 WWII flight sims
- Preview Video "In the Clutches of a Spitfire"
- Biggin Hill St Georges Chapel of Rememberence saved from closure.
- I need to replace my aged headphones & need a spot of advice..
- Simple question about friends playing on line...
- Re: A/C Fliables now and Soon to Come?
- I finally got CLOD!
- Photobucket browser unblock
- Please get FREE this useful .pdf on Glossary and Abbreviations, Ranks, Awards, etc.
- 16016 sounds for free from the BBC, including lots of WWII planes.
- New Flight Sim suggestion
- Reach glory heights identifying this aircraft
- Bomb holes full of tenths of german WWII warplanes in its way to be recovered.
- 5.0 Update (interim) from Buzz
- 5.0 update
- 5.0 WIP Sneak Peak
- TFS Developer Update 19 June, 2019
- TFS Developer Update 29 June, 2019 - Spitfire Vb Tropical
- TFS Developer Update 30 June, 2019 - Martlet and new sounds.
- TFS Developer Update 2 July, 2019
- Team Fusion Simulations Update 6 July, 2019 - 5.0 Map WIP
- Team Fusion Simulations update 7 July, 2019 - Introducing the Bf 109 F4 Trop - WIP
- TFS 5 0 Map WIP - Halfaya Pass - Dawn footage
- TFS 5.0 Bf 110 Trop First screenshots.
- TFS 5.0 current September WIP updates video.
- Kittyhawk Mk 1A - WIP
- Us spitfire by larry - tfs 5.0 wip
- TFS 5.0 Map WIP update - Halfaya Pass
- TFS 5.0 - Kittyhawk Sunset
- TFS 5.0 He 111 H-6 Torpedo Attack Tobruk Harbour - WIP
- Kittyhawk Mk 1A - WIP update October 2019.
- Kittyhawk Mk 1A and Macchi C.202. Images by Larry
- TFS 5.0 Marseille's Bf109F/Trop, and Blenheim IV (Part 2)
- Kittyhawk Mk1A in action
- He 111 H-6 TFS 5.0 WIP
- New WIP video released - Oct 2019
- Hawker Hurricane IIc Trop - First Look - TFS 5.0
- TFS 5.0 - North Africa theatre - WIP - images by Larry
- Latest patch release notes
- Team Fusion Simulations 5.0 Hawker Hurricane IIc/Trop
- Raid on Tobruk - TFS 5.0
- Latest work in progress pictures from the TFS 5.0 Map Team!
- Mapping. TFS 5.0 v actual locations
- First Look TFS 5.0 weather and clouds - in progress
- TFS 5.0 Ground and Smoke Effects Update
- TFS 5.0 Ju 88C-2
- TFS 5.0 Alpha Testing Annoucement
- TFS 5.0 Alpha Testing Opportunity!
- TFS 5.0 Bf 109F4/Z GM-1 Nitrous Injection System
- TFS 5.0 Alpha testing - First images
- TFS 5.0 Tomahawk MkII
- TFS 5.0 Macchi C-202 Series VII damage modelling
- TFS 5.0 New Special Effects Update
- TFS 5.0 Wellington Mk 1C Cockpit and Bombardier Stations - WIP Screenshots
- Kittyhawk Mk1A Attack TFS 5.0 Alpha
- No Way Out - New TFS 5.0 Alpha video
- Happy New Year from TFS
- Hurricane IID Tank Buster! - TFS 5.0 Cliffs of Dover Blitz expansion - WIP first look
- TFS 5.0 Ju 88 A-5 of 2.LG2 1942
- TFS 5.0 Anti Aliasing Announcement
- Screenshots from the upcoming Night Bombing SFX Alpha video
- TFS 5.0 Alpha Gun Cam Action!
- Full Listing of Flyable TFS 5.0 Aircraft
- TFS 5.0 Wellington Mk.Ic, "Little Joe" 458 Sqn RAAF, N. Africa 1942
- TFS 5.0 Heinkel He 111 H-6 torpedo bomber of 6./KG 3
- New TFS 5.0 Alpha testing battle - Halfaya Raid!
- TFS exhibiting at the Oz Flight Sim Expo 2-3 May, 2020
- TFS Update 17 February, 2020 - Explosive New Land Weapon.
- TFS 5.0 New Aircraft - Ju 88 C-4 and C-4 Late.
- New Video Tomahawk MkII v Bf 109 F-2 trop
- TEST FLIGHT - TFS 5.0 Vickers Wellington Mk 1A
- TFS 5.0 Land Assets
- Custom TFS 5.0 Spitfire skins - Part 1.
- Custom TFS 5.0 Spitfire skins - Part 2 of 3
- TFS 5.0 Custom Skins Part III
- TFS 5.0 Beta Announcement
- First Beta screenshots
- TFS virtual VE Day 75 Anniversary Fly Past
- TFS 5.0 Leander and Leipzig class cruisers - First look WIP images
- TFS 5.0 New Beta Video
- New Beta video - Macchi C.202 Folgore
- Latest Beta Images
- New Update - All Confirmed Flyable Desert Aircraft!
- IL-2 Sturmovik: Desert Wings - TOBRUK Announcement
- IL-2 Sturmovik: Desert Wings - TOBRUK Announcement
- Single Player Update - Campaigns and single missions
- New Player
- IL-2 Sturmovik Desert Wings Tobruk - Release Date Announcement!
- Bf 109E-7 Trop and D.520 start up guides
- IL-2 Sturmovik Desert Wings Tobruk - OUT NOW!
- Changelog - Updates for Core and Blitz 5.0
- Latest TruSky beta images in 4K
- W.I.P. Weather GUI
- Breathtaking screenshots from upcoming VR Visual Update!
- A beta video!
- A Quick Mission video of our W.I.P. Beta
- Caught in the Searchlights: Night Raid on Boulogne
- IL-2 Cliffs of Dover: Blitz - Bf 109 E-4/B vs Kittyhawk Mk IA
- Tobruk Attack Ludicrous VR
- J-Hat's Stuka Shipping and 110 Blitz
- Raid to France in a Hurri Bomber Hurricane IIb CloD VR
- J-Hat Hurri llc vs DAK
- Gunfreak: Martlet in Combat Over the Mediterranean!
- Gunfreak: Cliffs over Dover Blitz VR beta Mediterranean fight Part 2
- J-Hat: Luftwaffe takes off to defend against an RAF Ramrod
- Gunfreak: Cliffs of Dover Blitz/Desert Wings Tobruk VR Beta Low Level Aerial Attack
- Cliffs over Dover Blitz VR Beta: Cliffs over Dover Campaign Mission 1
- Cliffs over Dover Blitz VR Beta: Cliffs over Dover Campaign Mission 2
- Cliffs over Dover Blitz VR Beta: Cliffs over Dover Campaign Mission 3
- Gunfreak: Cliffs over Dover Blitz VR Beta: Cliffs over Dover Campaign Mission 4
- BIG WEEK EVENT -- TODAY!!! Friday, Dec 30th 2200 UTC
- Gunfreak: Cliffs over Dover Blitz VR Beta: Cliffs over Dover Campaign Mission 5
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