View Full Version : How to call up reinforcements in Desastersoft's Adolf Galland Fighter Aces??

08-28-2013, 03:36 PM
I know how to get them airborne , but I don't know when.No matter when I seem to call them up or how I plead for them to join or contact ground control for reinforcements I can never get them to be of any help.Is there a readme somewhere i have missed? I have a feeling there is a "right time -right place " factor that is critical to have them joinf me when the battle is about to begine...any help ...please...the future of England may depend on "Big Wings!"
( Originally posted in pilot's lounge but no response...)

08-28-2013, 07:14 PM
Is not in "radio" Tab > 4 (mission menu)?

I dont have Desastersoft missions, but SNAFU missions, Padovox Battle of France, have some aditional command in Tab > 4.


08-28-2013, 07:55 PM
Is not in "radio" Tab > 4 (mission menu)?

I dont have Desastersoft missions, but SNAFU missions, Padovox Battle of France, have some aditional command in Tab > 4.


Yes that's not the problem ...I can call them & they will take off but they don't join me when I need them.I've tried different combinations of when I call upon them to help: along ways out from action, medium distance & then just before the battle is joined,but they never come.They just seem to orbit in the general area of their aerodrome.As you can imagine this is pretty frustrating when facing heavy odds!
I think you have to call them up at a certain time & a certain place...just not sure when & where that would be.
http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d116/jamesdietz/Screenshot41396_zps08e312e1.png~original (http://s34.photobucket.com/user/jamesdietz/media/Screenshot41396_zps08e312e1.png.html)

10-23-2013, 10:35 PM
Superb screenie James.

Perhaps ask in the Atag forums: it is the new vibrant CoD community imho...

10-23-2013, 11:21 PM
Reinforcements is like a deflection shoot. They go to where you were when u called them. Not where you are later. So you have to time it when you are first in a fight and then they will come to you but if too far there is no point. You can also call them to where you think enemy will be by the time they gentthere but that hardlynever works for me.

And btw Teamfuzion new patch does not work with desastersoft campaigns the planes fly in the ground.