View Full Version : Pilot's Lounge
Pages :
- CoD screenshots (merged)
- The Crystal Ball 2
- Mac OS X version petition
- Arguments, speculations, rants and generally off-topic/repetitive topics megathread
- Expansion from Desatersoft
- Introductions please
- Rule suggestions please
- This resurrection of the Pilot's Lounge
- So Luthier
- CoD startup logo
- Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad...
- how easy is to get the usa green card
- Dead
- Why I think we ALL love this game :)
- We have some rules for this forums
- August 4th was the day
- David Hayward - Troll or Not a Troll
- Can we get an anti-rep system?
- UFO's and extra-terrestrial life
- Paths of Hate - cool trailer!!
- Hurricane pilot bail out
- Will I enjoy DCS A-10?
- UFOs or ASCs ?
- SIM HQ down?
- Nice lounge. Thanks!!!
- VVS Pilot uniform
- auras, anubodys seesthem?
- If you're going to read one 'Dear Luthier' thread, make it this one.
- To my fellow "communication" critics
- Where to start?
- Saitek X45 meets X52
- Just one reason why the new Batman film will be pants.
- Prometheus
- I seem to remember a Pilot's Lounge
- best comic ever for you :)
- water cannon
- Clod has it's problems, but this might make you feel better
- Campaign as British Pilot
- RoF sale. Worth getting it now!
- 777, why slot machines give the price on 777
- Can somebody ask Tully over at the Ubi forum...
- BoB Spitfire Pilot Brian Lane DFC - Memorial Plaque Unveiling, London
- Space Pirates And Zombies aka SPAZ
- Battlefield 3 | Caspian Border Gameplay
- Minecraft anyone?
- Hey, can someone help me
- Game of Thrones
- Nexus 2 is back possibly!!!!!
- IL2 revisited
- Buy real me 109
- From dust !
- Steve McQueen's 1970 Porsche 911S available for purchase
- Moscow International Aviation and Space Salon
- any game to improve your english?
- Great Wallpapers
- World War II Air Combat Novels
- dont be shy what do you look like :)
- Flightgear open source flight simulator
- New ArmA3 video
- dr emoto and subliminals on clothes
- New update from Wags for Nevada terrain
- Tripoli is falling
- Flight Lieutenant Jon Egging
- hmm, whats this washed up on my beach.
- how they do this?
- Guess what it is
- What goes up...!
- While we're waiting for the Korean Airwar sim
- Gamescom Coverage : Hyper WTF is Red Orchestra 2? Part 1
- Need advice on selling sites.
- Great news report
- if the mayas were crossed eyed and binoculathey could tell star distance just looking
- The quickest way to feel ashamed.......
- Ubisoft Removing DRM from PC Version of From Dust
- an idea for a singing guitar hero
- ROF Vids
- Are there People here which could translate japanese text?
- Got a good speaker setup?.....
- VAT Berkuts - 2011 Promo
- people coments on listening a stero recording in the 21st century
- What will come first....
- Post made by Jason at Sim HQ
- Blue Nose Bastards of Bodney and Bluenoser tales, what are they worth?
- has there been an update since the "August 6 2011 Dev Update" ?
- could this be proof youtube its stereoscopic
- New Graphics Technology?
- If this was CoD would this be a MOD or a Hax?
- Can we please have a sign of life this week?
- Luthier - Please take note.
- What do you think it is that Luthier thinks will have Competitors squirming?
- would it be posible to make a game look like this?
- Commercials pilots: stall warning, and they pull up!
- can you watch an stereogram?then you can verify this proof the world is staged
- Pressing ] does not work in real world
- I nominate tomorrow...
- What music do you listen to when playing?
- Can we all just prepare please........
- there any italian?
- Take On Helicopters
- Beautiful flight demo. Fokker D7.
- am i the only one to see this thread?
- Virtual Museum Tour
- Funny bug in IL-2 1946
- music for adrenaline boost in order to slow time perception :)
- Another G940 question..
- I've set my watch to Moscow time.
- Patch Is Out
- Dead island
- Tree has been banned
- an example of how im brainwashed into a truman delusion
- best fps ever
- Falcon 4.0 BMS 4.32
- Is the official patch scheduled for this friday?
- Little OT: World of Planes
- So now I must eat hypothetical crow...
- Sweet patch!
- Another review by IGN
- The only way to fly!
- wouldnt be cool dogfighting over new york city?
- Has Anyone Seen This?
- Absolutely awesome Vid (its to do with flight)
- bad joke rising
- Any more news on the Sturmovik
- Porsche shows how easy it is to make a lot of money
- do you think the best actor in the world could decieive you?
- 1970's Super 8mm footage shows Vulcan Bomber + Lancaster aerobatics at Royal Show
- Biggin Hill - accurate grass modelling?
- Time for moscow time again - Luthier said patch might be released tonite.
- Thanks for all the fish
- Patch Released for Tree_UK only!!!
- Rudorffer
- Spitfire Spares
- Do you collect any aviation/militaria memorabilia?
- bird without feathers
- a compilation of odities on stereo
- a couple of question on bikes
- plz advice on an online poker bussiness
- Chinese can make videogames too!
- Mustang accident
- Reno air crash ( P51 )
- Computer specs in sig :)
- non locality of chance, a pattern in chaos
- Optimistically Patient...Wings of Victory II is helping
- The Battle of Britain Was The First Defeat For The German Luftwaffe.
- Seemingly impossible task. Looking for a picture of Major Ralph F. Johnson - 325thFG
- 1946... Shall I snap it up while I wait for CLOD to mature?
- Goodwood revival..75 Years of the Spitfire celebrated at Goodwood
- clydebank blitz march 13th 14th 1941
- Wheres me Buccaneers?
- Spitfire MkI
- Restored Mk 1 spit
- Heads Up - Spitfire Programme BBC
- Spitfire maintenance
- Airshow Video
- Meeting BoB Spit pilot and Rigger
- SAITEK RUDDER Aussie EBay Bargain
- and thats how they do it.
- 109 F4 recovery
- Shame on us :(
- Lame Ducks!
- Patch Tomoz lads...
- Sold my soul to the devil...
- Tower 2011! "Talk them down"
- Some guys are living our dream...
- OT: Head's up!!!!!!!!!!!
- Battlefield 3 Jet F-18 Gameplay
- Question re. 20thFG P-51 markings please. Was it O/D above the nose marking or Black?
- London
- DSC:A10 you really should try it... ;)
- A question of aesthetics
- A post from a guy who currently doesn't fly CloD
- WW II Veterans return to skies in Catalina
- 1/24 Scale Curtis P40 AVG Fling Tiger
- OT-nice video ....
- OT, but you need to look at this listing..
- What us Luftwaffe pilots suffer 8..(
- Windows 8 released for all to try
- OH BOY! Maybe another DB 109 will fly
- Air war over ...
- Panzer sim
- had anyone noticed? i just did :)
- Messerschmitt Bf 109K “Kürfurst”
- 'Bf 109G2/Trop Black 1 Oberleutnant Franz Schiess
- anyone knows the name of this muscle im training?
- Part of an Article from ""
- i just discovered im alien with a binocular rivalry test, you can test too :)
- the 21th century addiction with ravages nature, duped toilet paper :)
- Might be OT so mods can move
- Patch patch patch patch
- Do you want the patch to come out?
- F1 2011
- BF3 Beta
- Watch an Armored Combat Vehicle Go…‘Invisible'
- Is this real ingame footage ?!!
- Tentatively
- Tree?
- No patch this week
- had you noticed i just idd
- update on the update
- actual patch info thread shunted to lounge?
- my thoughts on online poker casinos , los trileros
- Sorry patch delayed...
- Ive taken the plunge and got a new rig!
- OT: "The German" movie
- wow the general mood has changed from this game is bull to is great
- is the photograph underneath the galaxy or over it
- when was the last time you saw this on tv?
- Battles of war videos, pts 1, 2 & 3
- Why don't mathmeticians say that three and five are prime?
- BBC Prom "Battle of Britain"- 'Battle In The Air'
- 45 large Battle of Britain pics
- Salvaged German Warbirds.. USSR
- how longer till i can reverse neginneer slot machines?
- Was there talk of a patch today?
- I want one...DROOL
- A new BOB movie!
- Rock Music videos and songs
- Drove the boss's '96 911 today.
- my favourite movies those in which things are not that they seem :)
- Everything Is A Remix: THE MATRIX
- how many people are there in the world by the online players
- Kondor restauration
- Steve Jobs just passed away.
- Why does luthier even bother?
- Goodbye Steve
- game devs should learn from hollywood
- could you recomend me a non violent game?
- Photoshop contest
- Oleg lives!!!
- archimedes principle debunked, confusing you :)
- Are you in a band?
- The Bundesarchive photos
- could you endure 8g feeling zero g by being in a fluid density 8?
- Monday patch day!!?
- Help save a museum 361st fg Bottisham UK
- A-10C DEMO Flight
- recursive compression anyone?
- Metro 2033 for 2,50€ at Steam....
- Rocket Launch
- Other Flight Simulators[Videos-Trailers]
- And now for a short pause...
- AMD Bulldozer is here, oops!
- Retro Flight sim thread
- So what's next?
- absolutly all adults from this world are lobotomized by fluorine in water and tooth p
- could i be able to slow time uncounciously?
- How big really?
- IL-2 Sturmovik recovered from Lake Balaton in 1999
- Airbus A 400
- Beware, raaid has mystical powers!
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