View Full Version : black box in-flight data recorder

11-02-2011, 03:17 AM
Howdy all

Figured I would post my 'black box' script and corresponding mission file. It is a basic flight test data recorder, nothing fancy, nothing new just took a few different examples and put them into one script file. I made if for those who are into testing, but might not be into C# programing. The script does two things; one it displays to the screen (HUD) the time, heading, altitude, speed, and air temp, and two it logs this data to a csv file on the root of your C drive called 'FLIGHT_TEST_DATA.CSV'. If ya have MS EXCEL you can open er up and do all sorts of stuff with it.

Here is the script code
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using maddox.game;
using maddox.game.world;
using maddox.GP;

public class Mission : AMission
bool done = false;

//Create Stream
System.IO.StreamWriter sw;

//Log Line
string str_log = System.String.Empty;

//Create Log File
System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo("C:\\FLIGHT_TEST_DATA.CSV");

//Script Main
public override void OnTickGame()
//Init Ticker

//loop rate set to ~1/30th of a second, i.e. 30 ticks = ~1 second
if (Time.tickCounter() % 30 == 1)
//Get player aircraft
AiAircraft curPlane = GamePlay.gpPlayer().Place() as AiAircraft;

if (curPlane != null)
//Instrumentation - Machine Spatial
double I_VelocityIAS = curPlane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.I_Veloci tyIAS, -1);
double I_Altitude = curPlane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.I_Altitu de, -1);
double I_Variometer = curPlane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.I_Variom eter, -1);
double I_MagneticCompass = curPlane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.I_Magnet icCompass, -1);

//Parameters - Machine Spatial
double Z_Overload = curPlane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Overlo ad, -1);
double Z_AltitudeAGL = curPlane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Altitu deAGL, -1);
double Z_AltitudeMSL = curPlane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Altitu deMSL, -1);
double Z_VelocityIAS = curPlane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Veloci tyIAS, -1);
double Z_VelocityTAS = curPlane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Veloci tyTAS, -1);
double Z_VelocityMach = curPlane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Veloci tyMach, -1);
double Z_AmbientAirTemperature = curPlane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Ambien tAirTemperature, -1);

//Game Time
double dtime = Time.current();

//Log Header
if (done == false)
//Write Header
sw = fi.AppendText();
done = true;

//Log Data
str_log = dtime.ToString("0.00") + "," //TIME
I_MagneticCompass.ToString("0.00") + "," //HDG
I_Altitude.ToString("0.00") + "," //ALT
I_VelocityIAS.ToString("0.00") + "," //IAS
I_Variometer.ToString("0.00") + "," //ROC
Z_AmbientAirTemperature.ToString("0.00"); //TEMP

sw = fi.AppendText();

//Display HUD
GamePlay.gpHUDLogCenter("TIME: " + dtime.ToString("0.00") + //TIME
" HDG: " + I_MagneticCompass.ToString("0.00") + //HDG
" ALT: " + I_Altitude.ToString("0.00") + //ALT
" IAS: " + I_VelocityIAS.ToString("0.00") + //IAS
" ROC: " + I_Variometer.ToString("0.00") + //ROC
" TEMP: " + Z_AmbientAirTemperature.ToString("0.00")); //TEMP

Here is the mission code
MAP Land$English_Channel_1940
BattleArea 150000 100000 100000 150000 1000
WeatherIndex 0
CloudsHeight 1000
BreezeActivity 10
ThermalActivity 10
player BoB_RAF_F_FatCat_Early.000
Power 3.000 0.000 0.000
BottomBound 0.00
TopBound 1500.00
GustPower 5
GustAngle 45
Flight0 1
Class Aircraft.SpitfireMkIIa
Formation VIC3
CallSign 28
Fuel 100
Weapons 1
SetOnPark 1
Skill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
TAKEOFF 141594.60 233985.67 0 0
NORMFLY 140789.51 233939.32 10000.00 300.00

To use it just copy the 'black_box.mis' and 'black_box.cs' files into your 'USER' single folder

C:\Users\<YOUR NAME HERE>\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\missions\Single

Than from the FMB open the 'black_box.mis' file and select 'Play Mission'! When yer done, goto the root of your C drive and there you will find the 'FLIGHT_TEST_DATA.CSV'. Note after each run, you should rename this file, because each time you run the mission it just keeps adding to (append) this file

Also keep in mind parr.. The HUD display and log file have some tumble weed looking values while the plane is on the ground, once she gets up in the blue the values seem to be fine, Also note the ROC value in the script is the indicated value, that is to say it is the value used to drive the cockpit gauges. Now on the spit, the gauge has a max of 4000fpm, and thus the indicated value is limited to that value, even though the ROC is higher than that. When I tested a 109E4 the ROC value was stuck at zero.. So there are some issues, but, there are other values you can use for ROC, but I have not had enough time to ponder over them to figure out them thar units yet. That's all I can recollect fer now, try er out and let me know what ya think.

That's about it parr, good luck!

Oh, if yah are lazy like me, below is an attached zip file you can dl that has all the above code and an example track

11-02-2011, 04:13 PM
Thanks for sharing. I think it might be useful.
I followed all the instructions but I do not get it to work.
I have opened a new window of information and I have added all possible data, but no data appears from the script and dont create the CSV file at end of flight.
Any help, please?

11-02-2011, 10:01 PM
I followed all the instructions but I do not get it to work.
Ok parr, quick question.. Did you use the files (black_box.mis & black_box.cs) in the attached zip file? Or did you copy the text from the two code windows in my post and save them each to a file? If the later, the 'key' is to make sure both the *.mis and *.cs file have the same name.

I have opened a new window of information and I have added all possible data,
Ya lost me there parr.. new window?

but no data appears from the script and dont create the CSV file at end of flight.
Any help, please?
That is strange.. Letme type out some steps here, and let me know if it helps.

1) unzip the attached zip file (black_box.zip) into your '\missions\Single' folder.
2) from the Clod menu start the full mission builder (under Extras).
3) if the Clod file explorer does not show up, click on File->Load Mission.
4) open the mission called 'black_box.mis', note you will not see the 'black_box.cs' file listed.
5) after it opens, click on Edit->Script than click on the Script tab, there you should 'see' the script code

If you make it threw all those steps.. Than I am at a loss for why it does not work? But if any of those steps fail, than, there is a problem.

Let me know how far ya get in those steps, than we can talk more

PS note in step one you have two options as to where to unzip the files

1) the dir where the game is installed
2) your USER folder

note below the bold USER, on your PC you will see your log in 'USER' name

Below are the two 'typical' paths, either one should work, but I typically use the USER path

C:\Users\<USER>\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\missions\Single

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\missions\Single

Oh one more thing, that attached zip also has a track file in it (black_box.trk), you can delete it or move it to the \records folder assuming you want watch it at some point

11-03-2011, 04:52 PM
Thank you for your reply.
It's hard for me to write in English, so I put pictures as answers:
Mis and cs files are from your zip file, and unzziped here:


and i can open it in full mission builder:

Here the script:

Here the "new window information" (sorry, literal translation from spanish):

And no information from script, with and without "window information":

Thinking about the possibilities ... will be possible to include information about acceleration :rolleyes:?

11-04-2011, 03:30 AM
Everything looks correct up to this point..

Here the "new window information" (sorry, literal translation from spanish):

You should not need to do this 'new window information'.. But I don't think using it should hurt anything either.

As soon as you start the mission you should see the HUD overlay display as shown in the attached pictures.. If your not seeing that.. than there is a problem with the script.. But to be honest I don't know for sure what it is just yet..

Ill can make a new script.. where we basically comment out some items one by one to see which item is causing the error.. Problem is I wont have much free time until sunday.

But I love debugging so, if ya can hang in there till sunday I know we can get it to work!

Thinking about the possibilities ... will be possible to include information about acceleration :rolleyes:?
Ill have to check the var list again, I think I recall seeing that.. but if not, there is a 3D XYZ world var that says it is accelerations in XYZ, but I have not had a chance to play with it to know what the units are for sure

11-04-2011, 09:00 AM
Sure I can wait until Sunday ... but no more please... :grin:
Seriously, I like to test the aircraft and I think that your script is very useful, so I'll be here as long as needed.
Thank you very much for the effort.

there is a 3D XYZ world var that says it is accelerations in XYZ
I will looking for this.

11-06-2011, 03:50 PM
Hey partner

I going to re-write the script in a way that will allow you to turn portions of it on and off.. Ill upload them in a bit. I was also thinking of another thing to try right now..

Not 100% sure if you 'need' to do this next step, but it would be very interesting to see if this fixes your problem. You may 'need' to install the FREE

Microsoft Visual Studio C# 2010 ESPRESS (http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010-editions/visual-csharp-express)

Again, not 100% sure if you 'need' to, in that I think winXP and win7 comes with the file allready installed but I am not sure. My reasoning a script that only use madox includes wont need this, but, if you start making use of 'other' includes as I have done you might need to install it. Again, give it a try and if it works, we found it, if not, well you can uninstall it.

11-06-2011, 04:34 PM
You should test the .getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.I_MagneticCompas s, -1); about null value, not every plane has a magnetic compass in game (blenheim for example).

11-06-2011, 05:20 PM
You should test the .getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.I_MagneticCompas s, -1); about null value, not every plane has a magnetic compass in game (blenheim for example).
That is a good point parr! Ill add that in, I don't think that is E69_vencejo problem though.. In that looking at his pics he was using the Spit from the mis file I provided.

11-06-2011, 06:20 PM
Sure I can wait until Sunday ...
Hey Parr

Ok, re-worked the script a little bit for ya. See below

using System;
using maddox.game;
using maddox.game.world;

public class Mission : AMission
//User Control
bool do_get = true;
bool do_log = true;
bool do_hud = true;

//Define and Init
AiAircraft cur_Plane;
double cur_Time = 0.0;
bool flag_do_once = false;
double I_VelocityIAS = 0.0;
double I_Altitude = 0.0;
double I_Variometer = 0.0;
double I_Peilzeiger = 0.0;
double I_MagneticCompass = 0.0;
double I_Slip = 0.0;
double Z_Overload = 0.0;
double Z_AltitudeAGL = 0.0;
double Z_AltitudeMSL = 0.0;
double Z_VelocityIAS = 0.0;
double Z_VelocityTAS = 0.0;
double Z_VelocityMach = 0.0;
double Z_AmbientAirTemperature = 0.0;
string str_log = "";
string str_hud = "";
string str_hdr = "";
string str_tmp = "";

//Create Stream
System.IO.StreamWriter sw;

//Create Log File
System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo("C:\\BLACK_BOX_DATA.CSV");

//Script Main
public override void OnTickGame()
//Init Ticker

//loop rate set to ~1/30th of a second, i.e. 30 ticks = ~1 second
if (Time.tickCounter() % 30 == 1)
//Get player aircraft
cur_Plane = GamePlay.gpPlayer().Place() as AiAircraft;

if (cur_Plane != null)
//Get Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (do_get)
cur_Time = Time.current();
I_MagneticCompass = cur_Plane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.I_Magne ticCompass, -1);
I_Altitude = cur_Plane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.I_Altit ude, -1);
I_VelocityIAS = cur_Plane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.I_Veloc ityIAS, -1);
I_Variometer = cur_Plane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.I_Vario meter, -1);
I_Peilzeiger = cur_Plane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.I_Peilz eiger, -1);
I_Slip = cur_Plane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.I_Slip, -1);
Z_Overload = cur_Plane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Overl oad, -1);
Z_AltitudeAGL = cur_Plane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Altit udeAGL, -1);
Z_AltitudeMSL = cur_Plane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Altit udeMSL, -1);
Z_VelocityIAS = cur_Plane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Veloc ityIAS, -1);
Z_VelocityTAS = cur_Plane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Veloc ityTAS, -1);
Z_VelocityMach = cur_Plane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Veloc ityMach, -1);
Z_AmbientAirTemperature = cur_Plane.getParameter(part.ParameterTypes.Z_Ambie ntAirTemperature, -1);

//Display HUD ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if (do_hud)
str_hud = "TIME: " + cur_Time.ToString("0.00") + //TIME
" HDG: " + I_MagneticCompass.ToString("0.00") + //HDG
" ALT: " + I_Altitude.ToString("0.00") + //ALT
" IAS: " + I_VelocityIAS.ToString("0.00") + //IAS
" ROC: " + I_Variometer.ToString("0.00") + //ROC
" TEMP: " + Z_AmbientAirTemperature.ToString("0.00"); //TEMP

//Log Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (do_log)
str_log = cur_Time.ToString("0.00") + "," + //TIME
I_MagneticCompass.ToString("0.00") + "," + //HDG
I_Altitude.ToString("0.00") + "," + //ALT
I_VelocityIAS.ToString("0.00") + "," + //IAS
I_Variometer.ToString("0.00") + "," + //ROC
I_Peilzeiger.ToString("0.00") + "," + //PEI
I_Slip.ToString("0.00") + "," + //SLIP
Z_Overload.ToString("0.00") + "," + //OL
Z_AltitudeAGL.ToString("0.00") + "," + //AGL
Z_AltitudeMSL.ToString("0.00") + "," + //MSL
Z_VelocityIAS.ToString("0.00") + "," + //WIAS
Z_VelocityTAS.ToString("0.00") + "," + //WTAS
Z_VelocityMach.ToString("0.00") + "," + //WMACH
Z_AmbientAirTemperature.ToString("0.00"); //TEMP

if (flag_do_once == false)
str_tmp = str_hdr;
str_tmp = str_log;

sw = fi.AppendText();

//Set Flag
flag_do_once = true;


Note at the top of the script where it says..

//User Control
bool do_get = true;
bool do_log = true;
bool do_hud = true;

There you can control what you want to happen.. So delete the code that is in your current 'black_box.cs" file and copy-n-paste this code into your 'black_box.cs' file.

1st TEST

//User Control
bool do_get = true;
bool do_log = false;
bool do_hud = true;

Set the values above where data logging is OFF.

Than run the 'black_box.mis'. You should see the HUD but you will not be logging any data..

If you see the HUD, than we have narrowed down our search..

If you don't see the HUD goto next test

2nd TEST

//User Control
bool do_get = true;
bool do_log = true;
bool do_hud = false;

Set the values above where HUD display is OFF.

Than run the 'black_box.mis'. You should NOT see the HUD but you should be logging any data..

Let the mission run for a few min, than exit the game, goto the root of your C:\ drive and open the file called 'BLACK_BOX_DATA.CSV' to see if any data was written to the file..

If you see the data in the file, than we have narrowed down our search..

If you don't see data in the file goto next test

3rd TEST

//User Control
bool do_get = false;
bool do_log = true;
bool do_hud = true;

Set the values above where get data is OFF.

Than run the 'black_box.mis'. You should see the HUD and you should be logging any data.

Let the mission run for a few min, while it is 'see' if all the HUD values are ZERO (0.0), they should be because we did not 'get' any data thus only the init values are displayed. Than exit the game and goto the root of your C:\ drive and open the file called 'BLACK_BOX_DATA.CSV' to see if any data was written to the file.. All the data should be ZERO (0.00)

If you saw all ZEROS in the HUD display and you see all ZEROS in the log file than we have narrowed down our error to a 'get' issue

If you didn't see the HUD display and the log file is empty.. Than.. well.. shoot Ill have to ponder it some more! ;l

PS before you start each TEST above goto the root of your C:\ drive and delete the file called 'BLACK_BOX_DATA.CSV' if there is one.

11-06-2011, 08:29 PM
I will check all test right now and i´ll post it.

11-06-2011, 11:11 PM
Finish the very first test.
All work, including the 3 test and excel file. THANKS!
Hud data:
Working all data default, with remarks:
TIME: Refresh every 0.9 seconds in my pc ( processor 2.66 mgh @ 3.6).
ROC: no work in bf´s (they dont have climb/descent rate gauge) and Tiger (it have it).
HEADING: work on all models.

What is PEI?
What is the difference between "I_VelocityIAS" and "Z_VelocityIAS"?
What is the difference between "I_Altitude" and "Z_AltitudeAGL/Z_AltitudeMSL"? (i think agl=altitude from ground level and msl=from sea level)

Well, is too late for me now, so I leave the rest for tomorrow :grin:
Good night and thanks again.

11-07-2011, 12:00 AM
Yee Haa that is good news!


Did you install the Microsoft Measurement Studio C# EXPRESS software? If not, I wonder what caused it to start working for you?

As for the difference in those different values. I'm working on a readme to explain/cover those. Also working on variables that are not depended on wether or not the plane has 'said' gauge. I hope to have it done by next weekend.

11-07-2011, 03:34 PM
I do not install it because finally it was not necessary.

I really do not know why it started to work.
The first steep I did was copy and paste the script in the *. cs file, and did not work.
The next steep was to open the mission in FMB and paste the script in the tab "script", save and fly the mission. It was then that it worked.
It may be that when I copied the first time the script to paste in the *. cs not copy everything.
Although this does not explain why it works now and before, with the zip files, no.

05-10-2012, 11:12 AM
Yee Haa that is good news!


Did you install the Microsoft Measurement Studio C# EXPRESS software? If not, I wonder what caused it to start working for you?

As for the difference in those different values. I'm working on a readme to explain/cover those. Also working on variables that are not depended on wether or not the plane has 'said' gauge. I hope to have it done by next weekend.


an old thread I know, and seen in other places, but I wondered if you could explain something.

I am getting Z_VelocityTAS readings of roughly half I_VelocityIAS. Am I misunderstanding this as 'True Airspeed'? Also the Z_VelocityIAS is similarly about half the I_VelocityIAS. Any thoughts?

I'd also like to know what I_Peilzeiger is :)
Pfeilzeiger seems to be german for mouse pointer but don't see where that fits in :(

One other thing, I'm trying to find out if we are given 'Standard Day' temps, pressures etc as there is a discrepancy between on and off line speeds. The temperatures at altitude suggest not. Have you found a variable for air pressure that might also help?