View Full Version : Files to Mod & Suggestions

05-28-2011, 01:55 PM
Hey, I am a decent programmer with some modding experience with other games. I'm wondering which files are usually modded in this game. I see about a billion files when I unpack the "orcs" KFS file.

Also, once I know "which" files contain relevant data, if anyone has any requests on basic things to mod, I'd like to hear them. I'm currently thinking of altering the "Trapper" medal. I think it should trigger on units hit by traps, not killed by traps. I think that would be easy to mod if someone could direct me to the proper file.

Again, any other suggestions, let me know.

05-28-2011, 02:50 PM
Good luck with it man :-)
Some general files to mod as far as i know :
logic_hero.lng hero.txt are basic files to change hero lvlup leadership/rune gain, item slots, difficulty, enemy strenght etc.
eng_skills.lng skills.lua skills.txt for changing hero skills (bonus, requirements,rune price, mechanics . . .)
addon_rewards.lua emg_rewards.lng medals.txt (for medal description,requiremenst, bonuses . . .) Check also addon_special_attack.lng and special_attack.lng in addon folder to see conection for talents and medals. For spell counter and medals lvlup i have no idea where it is located.
eng_items.lng items.txt special_params.txt for item properties bonuses, and unit relations (ex: some items give -leadership% to certain units, that relation is in special_params.txt file).
every unit have it`s own files considering basic specification like priest.ato for priest and priest2.ato for inquistor here you can manage unit stats, but adding new talents/abilities i dont know how it`s done.

As personal wishes if you manage to replace some spell required for medal lvlup and make it work pls describe here how you did it. `bladeking77` helped me with this
but i still cant make it work. Counter incereases after every battle but i dont get medals after reaching enough for next lvl. I got to this idea because warrior/paladin classes are disabled comparing to mage who from 1st lvl can spam spells for his medal, and warrior/paladin both have to w8 at least 6-8 lvl to get enough runes/mana to get spell book in working state. I replaced dragon arrows with paladin second wind talent, in iron warrior medal for +rage. And counter works fine, but after enought castings for lvlup nothing happenes. So i ask if you find some way to make this work explain here pls.
Good luck with moding :-D