View Full Version : final 2 bosses

12-01-2009, 10:01 PM
I have "slight" problem with that giant gremlin and giant lizard (I cannot beat them). Im playing like mage on hard level. Any good tactic to recommend?

12-01-2009, 10:15 PM
u got the weapon that deals + dmg to the lizzard?

i beat the gremlin with my warr so easily..like 4 rounds lol

12-01-2009, 10:40 PM
Here's how I did it without losses on impossible as a mage like you.

Against K'Tahu:
- he is pure physical damage dealer. So stock up on units with high physical resistance. I did it with this lineup: Paladins, Knights, Horsemen, Guardsmen, Demonologists (for extra units).
- Put 2 units in front of him - Knights on his weak spot (in front of the unprotected hand) and Paladins if front of his armored hand. Paladins have a tad better defense than knights, and this is the reason for that.
- Put Stone skin on the Paladins and the Guardsmen. Then add stone skin to the Demonologists and Horsemen. Make sure that any unit that is not in front of his weak spot has stone skin on it to prevent huge losses.
- Now hack away! When he summons allies, beat them up with demonologists, horsemen and guardsmen. If you find it hard, have the unit that is in front of his armored hand to help.

THat should do it, generally :)

For Zilgadis:
Zilgadis inflicts physical damage when striking and magic with his mass attack. Make sure you have items to boost both. If not, it isn't so bad anyway.

I did it with the same lineup against K'Tahu.
1st round, mass haste and stone skin on the horsemen. The task is to get the horsemen to hit Zilgadis and suffer a counterattack, so that there is a unit in front of the boss. Otherwise there is a high chance he will do a mass attack 2 turns in a row.
2nd round, get the Knight on his left side (or right side) and the paladins on the opposite side. Cast 2x stone skin to both of them. Now hack away with both those units while the rest take care of any towers zilgadis summons.

Also, on both fights, save mana for resurrections after the boss is down and there is a stack of gorguanas vs K"tahu or any gremlin tower or a ranged stack vs. Zilgadis.

12-02-2009, 06:10 PM
Thank U, this strategy works (at least with gremlin) with little modification (using red and black dragons instead of demonologist and guardsmen (they are too vulnerable)). Still having trouble with lizard - he is constantly moving, and shocking my toops after that, and when my knights and palladins reach him, after 1 or 2 rounds of exchanging blows he moves again.

BTW I cannot belieive that u beat them both on impossible level WITHOUT LOSS (not that i do not beleive u, i just cannot imagine that).

tnx for tips

12-02-2009, 07:06 PM
Dragons are nice, but the towers are resistant to fire damage. This is why I didn't recommend them. On normal, it won't be much of a problem, but on imposiible, it is, because the towers have 12-15k points.

As for believing, every screen you need is in these threads:

as well as a save game to show everything is clean :) It is all about knowing the game mechanics, the boss behaviour and knowing how to use it to your advantage.

12-03-2009, 03:46 PM
I finally found out what I was doing wrong - I forgot to use wanderers magic scrolls (doh). Im so dumb, with scrolls - its sooo easy to beat lizard (not without loss like someone :rolleyes:, but pretty easy:grin:)

12-06-2009, 05:53 PM
Dragons are nice, but the towers are resistant to fire damage. This is why I didn't recommend them. On normal, it won't be much of a problem, but on imposiible, it is, because the towers have 12-15k points.

As for believing, every screen you need is in these threads:

as well as a save game to show everything is clean :) It is all about knowing the game mechanics, the boss behaviour and knowing how to use it to your advantage.

I cant kill both of em on normal mode, i see it just impossible.

I have paladins, knights, horsemen, hyeterants and guardsmen. The maximum damage i can deal both lizard and zigaldis is about half. Of course im a mage, but wtf while they have about 80000 hp and i cant barely reach 500 guardsmen (and they are all dead after 4 turns, for example and 8 paladins on every turn so..) with the poor leadership the games gives u. I cant believe u killed em without loses on impossible even with screens (well at level 57 must be more easier). Even with physical def improved on tanks, resurrect and so on, u lose about 50 units on every round, so i really cant see a way to kill em. Not only that, they summon high level creatures and towers that dont let me to preserve the tanks or the other units, using lighitng bolts all the time. I never imagined this game was so unbalanced omg..

and by the way i wasted all the wanderer scrolls trying to kill em... frustrating. maybe i dont have enough leadership (i have only 25000) but i just cleared all the island and i dont have enemies left -.-, im only level 53 but i cant raise it more. So, with a maximum of 112 paladins, and 500 guardsmen, and 138 knights, for example i see impossible to kill lizard and zigaldis.

As i noticed on KB The Legend too, this games can only be finished doing the things ONLY on 1 way, the game turns from easy to impossible simply doing the things a bit different making the game totally unplayble. I am a bit dissapointed and maybe this is the last king's bounty game i play. HOMM series were much much better game tittles.

12-06-2009, 06:04 PM
LOL, for what he would modify screens lol?? Many ppl kill them no losses on impossible and its just true .... Don balme anyway and excuse for cheating just bacause you can play this game ...

Zilgadis?? you cant kill him OMG. This means you are screwing it ...
hes not stronger than any usual stacks ... with mage ??
I had 23K LD mage and i killed him with not a single problem .. with Spellls ....... ktahu is different story ... but paladins are enough ... just use stoneskin !!! and phantom padins if needed to ress..

12-06-2009, 06:16 PM
LOL, for what he would modify screens lol?? Many ppl kill them no losses on impossible and its just true ....

Zilgadis?? you cant kill him OMG. This means you are screwing it ...
hes not stronger than any usual stacks ... with mage ??
I had 23K LD mage and i killed him with not a single problem .. with Spellls ....... ktahu is different story ... but paladins are enough ... just use stoneskin !!! and phantom padins if needed to ress..

23000 leadership and u killed him lo.. without a single problem... tell me how and i will beleive u. I just get tired of using stone skin, target, phantom, useless. Nothing seem to be effective. Yea, instead of losing 5 paladins, i lose 4. Good .. lol. And of course i have all the spells maximized and on their higher levels. And without loses?? come on 80000 hp and u kill him without no loses. Nah..the only way to do that is killing em on 2 rounds before em start to spawn. I cant kill lizard with 18 trex, 300 gorguls and 200 hyeterants spawned (for example, sometimes they spawn more troops than that..). Zigaldis, i can only damage him about 4000 hp for round. He has 70000 (as i remember). So, every round he attacks or he spawn , i lose about 8-10 % of my troops. And i need for about 10 turns for killim him lol. So, true is that i only have 40 intellect, but even if have 50 or something, i dont see a way. Well, congratulations everyone that fake killed em, today was my last day playing AP xD. I will change to a better game.

Any video of showing that they can be killed?

12-06-2009, 06:30 PM
I do not have any software for capturing movies and aint gonna get one.

Zilgadis is just easy ... offensive speels will take him down with no problem and i got easy no loss..

Ktahu i had loses but wining was not hard ... i am not gona believe that u lose 4 instead of 5 .. since ktahu was hiting me for like 15 without stoneskin
And it cant be done n many ways not just one .. there are many setups i did it with paladin knight horseman royal grphing and demonologists ... ktahu has a weak spot on his unarmored arm and he cant atack unit being there so use that spot for atacking him .. i used horseman since he is fast but could be paladin and teleport him when ktahu moves. I was stonesking gryphons and demonologists since they have low phiscal defense .. paladin and knght dont need it at all. I atakced the ktahu with angelic guards demonolgists summons and horseman rest was killing hes summons thats all ....
there are many other ways ... the most overpowered ktahu/baal strategy for no loss is using black knights .. they rise their damge and its going insane ... with warior i could hit ktahu for 60K at the end and evlin spell for resing them .. but with mage ... numbers wil be way lower of course so it wil take a little more time but its stil doable, just be sure to have items like black helmet or staff of acolyte necormancer to rise their numbers greatly

those are 2 of many many other setups working here ..

12-06-2009, 08:08 PM

I can sympathisize with your feelings of frustration, but in these games you will sometimes have to adapt your favourite strategies or try something new completely. In the end, that's part of the charm.

You say you're a mage, but you mention only your troops, not the kind of spells you have. Have you tried nuking him with spells like Elwin suggested?

12-06-2009, 08:35 PM
Nuking bosses with spells oonly works on normal. On hard and impossible you run out of mana before you even manage to get the boss' helath down to 50%.

I still wonder how did N3MES1S fail to beat them up when he had stone skin all the time. As a mage, he can easily get 2 units close to the boss, stone skin them and hack. That alone is enough as a mage to beat the boss on impossible (both with and without losses).

12-06-2009, 08:55 PM
The problem is not the setup. The problem is that the 2 bosses are too strong. Doesnt matter if u use attacks spells cuz u can only damage him for about 3000-6000 per round. U lose about 10000 hp per round, so at round 3 it is virtually impossible to kill em. I need about double unit numbers to have a chance on killing em. And that, its impossible. I had a helmet that gives +20 defense and critic for paladins, a shield that gives me +20 light powers strenght, have the highter magic talent at maximum, and all the magic talents at rank 3. I can only use 1 stone skin, resurrect per round, so no, i dont believe its possible. I also tried black knights, and nothing changed , they died like fairys lol, like the paladins. So, i cant understand y people say they use paladins and kill the bosses without any lose, while i virtually get all my paladins dead. So , sorry for my ignorance, but i dont see any way to kill em. Maybe my game is bugged LOL. Well, this is my last post and this is my last game that i buy from katauri. Good luck everyone.

12-06-2009, 09:01 PM
LOL. Man if there are hundred of pople here showing beating the game means its posssible? and so what ?? they all phoytoshopped the screenshot to fool everyone ?? nonsense
Bosses DO NOT do 10k damge per ruond ... for paladin its just 2k !! and for normal units its 5-6k max ... 6x damage per round?? your spell power is kinda not good if so :p you can cast 2 seplls i cast lvl2 fire rain and then lvl 3 fire raind it does around 10k total ...

I took zilgadis on normal in 8 rounds with no loss .. resing and such .. not only nuking ..

12-06-2009, 09:06 PM
Honestly N3MES1S stop crying, learn to play. Dont play a game on impossible and then blame it for being too hard.
Anyhow i doubt anyone here will miss your whine, cya! :rolleyes:

Kings Bounty Hunter
12-07-2009, 10:09 PM
He keeps casting his area attack all the time in my game. Probably cause i'm using Fairies.

12-07-2009, 10:49 PM
Well, it's all about the boss behaviour in battle.

K'Tahu has several things to consider:

If there is a unit in his weak spot, there's 70% chance that he will move (change position) on the next turn (with the restriction that he can't move 2 turns in a row).
If there are 2+ units he can hit with his armored hand, he will do so with a high probability, rather than summon allies or spit.
If he can hit only 1 unit or he can't retaliate to a hit, he will either spit or summon allies. If there are already allies on the field, it is more likely that he'll spit, and if he spat the last turn, he is more likely to summon allies this turn, provided there are no 2+ units that he can hit.

Here are the chances (in general values, not percentage):
10 - to hit one enemy with his armored hand
110 - to hit two enemies with his armored hand
210 - to hit 3 enemies with his armored hand
20 - to hit an enemy in a side cell
200 - to hit 2 enemies in both side cells
50 - to do a mass attack (spit)
50-100 - Summon allies if there are less than 6 allies on the battlefield (including K'Tahu). The chance is 100 - Allied Troops*10 (meaning from 50 to 100)

When you want to minimize the casualties, simply work on these values. If you keep 2 tanker units near his armored hand, the chances are 110 vs 50 that he will attack them rather than do a mass attack, which is highly preferable.

It's the same vs. Baal.

01-03-2010, 03:29 AM
I took zilgadis on normal in 8 rounds with no loss .. resing and such .. not only nuking ..

I killed Zilgadis(mage, hard) using only black dragons+magic protection diploma(95% magic protection), they didn't attack anything. I just used fireballs(above 7k damage), fire rains(above 7k damage) and flame arrows(above 4k damage). It was over before round 10 and black dragon just lost half it's health.

On demon island you have necklace that increases your fire damage by 30% and on Tekron you have dragon cloak that increases attack spells by 15%.

01-03-2010, 09:13 PM
I'm plaing on impossible, both bosses (and also Baal) were causing massive area damage, beating them 'normally' was out of question.

For Zilgadis: I got 3 items with 20-30% magic protection, some shield, the mage diploma and a cape. There're ranged units with 25% magic resistance or above: demonologists, druids, red dragons, archmages. Towers can be placed on 5 spots on the second row, so they were all lined up there and were shooting the gremlin, with 95% magic protection they hardly ever got damaged. Only had to cast heal a few times on the dragons and phantom on the paladins to rez the fallen. The gremlin went down eventually.

For the lizard: even the area attack is physical damage, so any item with + physical resistance puts your paladins to 95% resistance with stone skin. I also had ancient vampires, they were killing the summoned lizards. Gorgonuas first because of the "mark of blood" ability and ranged magic damage, and Tirexes because they can fear the paladins. Stay away from the 'safe spot' near the damaged hand, or it'll switch places and it's hard to follow with the paladins. I had 27k leadership, 32k with scroll.

Baal was the same as K'Tahu, only harder, the paladins and ancient vampires alone couldn't keep up. I've added normal vampires and cursed ghosts, and got "frenzy". It still wasn't that straight forward, had to "time back" the vampires a few times when they got 12k damage from Baal followed with a "halve" from archdemons, and the ghosts were hard to keep in control. I only took 250 cursed ghosts of the possible 290, so that in the end any amount over 250 is good for lossless victory. My first try with ghosts was funny. I had paladins, ancient vampires, normal ghosts, and I didn't have "frenzy". I lost control of the ghosts about halfway and they started growing exponentially. The paladins got halved a few times, then got constantly charmed, thus surviving for quite long, the ancient vampires died. When the paladins died too on the 83rd turn, Baal was down to 8k, I had almost 10k ghosts critting constantly over 100k.

02-13-2010, 01:22 PM
ahaaa so when ghost are killing something they are added to your own troop?

02-13-2010, 02:15 PM
They suck a portion of the life of the victim and replenish their stacks. The problem is that replenishing has no limit, so in the end, they may outgrow their number seriously. This means that even if you kill the boss, you will need to kill your own extra troops before finishing the battle.

That is very inconvenient and also one of the reasons I don't use ghosts. They're great, no argue there, but if they outgrow their leadership, the AI stops targeting them (even with mass attacks!), but they will keep on targeting the AI units and will keep on growing. In the end, you may end up with a force you can't kill.

02-14-2010, 09:11 AM
ah ok ..good point there..must be very frustraiting to kill the boss but not being able to finish of your own ghost army :)

03-13-2010, 02:19 AM
The time had come in my game to face K'Tahu. I am playing a mage on impossible and trying to do a quick run. I am currently on day 6, so it will probably be a 8 days game... Anyhow, my level is only 47 and I wanted to visit Reha only once. I tried a couple of times with my standard setup (Paladins, Inquisitors, Archmages, Trolls and Emerald Green Dragons). Unfortunately I have not found a single resistance item in the game so far. Thus in the first round I lost 50% of my Inquisitors, Archmages and Emerald Green Dragons. The Trolls and Paladins lost much fewer units due to their higher resistance. But eventually I had to give up. I could not keep up with K'Tahu's summoning and had to come up with an alternative approach.

A scroll of Call of Death saved the situation. I summoned up 158 Black Knights and attacked K'Tahu with a single stack cosisting of these 158 Black Knights. By using Stone Skin, Avenging Angel, Magic Spring, Geyser, and of course Eviln, I was able to pull it off. My int was 65 so my damaging spells did a lot of damage - Geyser did almost 10k (I have not found Death Star yet). When K'Tahu died I had only 8 Black Knights left. Three Evilns later I had ressurected all of them. What made this possible was that in the beginning K'Tahu does not seem to summon Gorguanas. I tried not to kill his summoned units so he only summoned units 3 times in the battle, and the Gorguanas never showed up. The double damage that Gorguanas cause was to much even for the Black Knights.

So, I guess I can only agree on what has been said earlier: The Black Knight is a panic button, that can be used if everything else fails. Notice that I did not have a single undead item and still managed to pull it off, while with my original setup I did not have a chance at all.