View Full Version : General effect

08-19-2009, 06:45 PM
How many it is important select a general for the army?

All know the rally ability, but what is the exact effect of this one? How change incrementing the grade of ability? When the general die what is the moral effect?

The presence of general change something int he nearby troops?

08-20-2009, 09:06 AM
How many it is important select a general for the army?
I dont take the general on 15 thousand, it is better to buy on 1000 more soldiers.

How change incrementing the grade of ability?
The distance on which general is more inspires the armies

When the general die what is the moral effect?
Any destruction or flight of allied group in the face of soldiers is negatively reflected in their morals. At destruction of the general the player loses possibility to inspire armies bringing the general to them and cannot return by means of a forge to stop flight of soldiers.