View Full Version : Airfield Points - How link

02-19-2013, 02:42 PM
I make a airfield somewhere in Belgium for Italian CAI missions.
All work OK.


But I need that planes start from camo's nets, go to runaway and after RTB go back to camo's nets.

I find a sample mission "landingtest" - a custom airfield near Dover - dont remember who as maker...

They provide what I need - but I an not ably to replicate this setting:


In this, the "airfield point" 2 are linked with 3 and with 4 that are linked with 5, etc.

The best I what I get is two points near, ie 3 and 4., that dont work as expected.

How do this, editing files?

File .mis for this mission - To simplify I remove some static objects.

MAP Land$English_Channel_1940
BattleArea 150000 100000 100000 150000 1000
WeatherIndex 0
CloudsHeight 1000
BreezeActivity 2
ThermalActivity 2
player BoB_RAF_F_FatCat_Early.000
Power 25.000 0.000 0.000
BottomBound 0.00
TopBound 0.00
GustPower 1
GustAngle 0
Flight0 1 2 3
Class Aircraft.SpitfireMkI
Formation VIC3
CallSign 26
Fuel 100
Weapons 1
Belt _Gun03 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 11 Residual 25 ResidueBelt 10 10 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Belt _Gun00 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 2 10 12
Belt _Gun07 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 2 10 12
Belt _Gun05 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 9
Belt _Gun04 Gun.Browning303MkII MainBelt 11 Residual 25 ResidueBelt 10 10 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
SetOnPark 1
Skill 1 1 1 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 1
TAKEOFF 247009.89 237937.66 0 0
NORMFLY 247350.12 237316.26 500.00 300.00
NORMFLY 248395.31 237340.11 500.00 300.00
NORMFLY 248449.51 238193.12 500.00 300.00
LANDING 247523.55 238025.69 500.00 300.00
Static3 Stationary.Environment.CamoNetPlaneBig nn 247167.33 237864.75 100.00
Static2 Stationary.Environment.CamoNetPlaneBig nn 247240.84 237883.92 100.00
Static1 Stationary.Environment.CamoNetPlaneBig nn 247318.84 237898.36 100.00
Static0 Stationary.Environment.Windsock_Strong nn 247499.55 238044.42 70.00
Static15 Stationary.WellingtonMkIc gb 247165.16 238018.53 270.00
0_bld buildings.House$EnglandFortWatchOffice207_36 1 247259.08 238042.86 -80.00
airdrome1 247224.72 237820.02 0 1000 700 0
247267.28 237978.74 10.00 550.00 40.00 0
247530.20 238019.31 1
247542.23 237967.10 2
247316.49 237924.52 4 3
247321.22 237897.87
247237.73 237911.91 6 5
247241.82 237883.49
247160.81 237895.60 8 7
247167.79 237865.58
247009.08 237872.50 9
246999.90 237934.18
BirthPlace_0 1 247582 237967 0 3 1 0 . . .


02-19-2013, 03:37 PM
Bring cursor on Airdrome Point 0, move it in the direction you want then type CTRL B, now you see a line going to Airdrome Point 1, then put the cursor on Airdrome Point 1, move the cursor a bit and type again CTRL B and you see a new line going to Airdrome Point 2 etc. Two times typing CTRL B on the same Airdrome Point will give you two lines originating from this Airdrome Point. One of them you can direct to your camouflaged shelter

Hope this will help.

02-19-2013, 10:20 PM

Work 100% now, for take of and landing. :)

Thank you.
