View Full Version : Hud Message

01-19-2013, 02:41 PM
Trying to get a hud message to appear when an aircraft is destroyed but cant find the code to get a players name or the class he destroyed to display.

Tried a number of different ways to this but no joy .

public override void OnAircraftKilled(int missionNumber, string shortName, AiAircraft aircraft)
base.OnAircraftKilled(missionNumber, shortName, aircraft);

GamePlay.gpHUDLogCenter("?PlayerName? Destroyed + ?planeType?");



Is there a way to get this to display?



01-21-2013, 10:34 AM
Anybody point me in the right direction..................Still get an error at the end of the GamePlay.gpHUDLogCenter line ?
How do I end that line ?

using System;
using maddox.game;
using maddox.game.world;

public class Mission : maddox.game.AMission

public override void OnAircraftKilled(int missionNumber, string shortName, AiAircraft aircraft)
base.OnAircraftKilled(missionNumber, shortName, aircraft);

if (aircraft != null && damagedAircrafts.Exists(element => element == aircraft))
GamePlay.gpHUDLogCenter(null, "{0} Shot Down" + planeType +");

01-21-2013, 11:31 AM
Not sure this is exactly what you are trying to achieve

public override void OnActorDead(int missionNumber, string shortName, AiActor actor, List<DamagerScore> initiatorList)

if (actor is AiAircraft)
if (shortName.IndexOf("607Sqn", 0) > 0) MySquad++;// indicate playerSqn loss

if (actor.Army() == 2)
if (shortName.IndexOf("ErprGr210F", 0) > 0) hunt++;

else bomb++;

is a snippet from Redux campaign that shows something similar to what you want?- particularly the commented out HUDLog line

The 'plane type' is handled by referencing the Sqn shortName and incrementing 'counters- probably not elegant but is good enough for what was required in that campaign

01-21-2013, 12:48 PM
Hi Bolox,
Was trying to get the kind of message you see in the server menu into the hud for a online dogfight.
Something like this: