View Full Version : Hurricane Summer, Part 2 - youtube video I did...

11-23-2012, 03:09 PM

Video best seen in full-screen and 1080p. My video web site: www.flightsimvids.com

To celebrate that my Youtube Channel just passed 1000 subscribers (woohoo!) I am uploading a new little movie made in Cliffs of Dover: part two of "Hurricane Summer". It has been a tough few months for our Flight Lieutenant, but hopefully things are looking up for him...

The Hurricane in "Il-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover" doesn't excel at anything, but it is a solid, good all-rounder and quite capable of creating trouble for Bf-109s, especially if they are not flown optimally. The Hurri is also an excellent gun platform. When shooting at convergence the eight machine guns can really deal out some mayhem.

Hope you enjoy the vid, comments very welcome!

Part one here: