View Full Version : Aviachamp.ru broadcasts [Gameplay Video]

03-25-2012, 06:29 PM
A small training championship to celebrate CloD birthday is broadcasted by aviachamp.ru .

Enjoy http://en.justin.tv/dip78/videos

Each video contains several fights stay tuned till the end.

Rules are similar to the 1st championship (http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=28010&highlight=championship):
Each 1x1 match consists of 3 sets. Each set lasts till 2 wins advantage by any participant. Planes are selected by participants in turns for each of first 2 sets. In the 3rd set they are selected in turns for each of first 2 flights. For the 3rd flight in the 3rd set planes are selected by exclusion of unfavourable planes in turns one by one.

Shooting on the 1st merge is allowed to speed up the match.

Link to English page with videos http://en.justin.tv/dip78/videos#


03-26-2012, 11:53 AM
Videos are renamed to allow searching by a participant.