View Full Version : Joystick setting to start/stop engine

01-22-2012, 08:29 PM
I have a Logitech Force 3D Pro and I just started playing Cliffs of Dover. I have found numerous online information on realistic starting and stopping the Spitfire, but I want a simple button on the joystick or keyboard to start and stop the engine. Does this exist?

Thanks in advance


01-23-2012, 01:14 AM
Controls menu - Aircraft - 'Toggle Selected Engine(s)'

Assign a Keyboard command or Press the switch on your Stick to assign it to that command.

You will still need to set the fuel Cock first before starting the engine.

Alternatively, all aircraft start procedures can be done automatically by selecting AI pilot - AI control of ac is in the difficulty level settings (I think the default is A) - press A and the plane starts/TO/flies untill you press A again to give you control - If you only want to start - press A and then press A again when started.

01-23-2012, 02:26 AM
Thank you!