View Full Version : Proper G.50 engine info for you here luthier!

11-07-2011, 02:55 PM
I borrowed an interesting book from the local library today, thanks to Flanker35M for that.:) It's amazing, I look for info on the Fiat G.50 all over the net but find the same stuff typed over and over again but here in small Finland I go to the small local library and they have WHOLE books on it because it saw service in the Finnish airforce. Anywho, I (and probably others) have suspected that the G.50 is undermodeled in the game and the book I borrowed (Lentäjän näkökulma II) seems to confirm it. I refer you to the text below that I scanned from the book (sorry about the crappy scan I did it rather quickly):


Basically it says that it's rated a 740 HP below 3800 meters and 840 HP 3800 meters and above but the interesting bit comes after that. It roughly translates to "Momentarily it was possible to gain emergency power rated at 870 HP below and 960 HP above 3000 meters". So luthier, if it's possible could you add emergency power to the G.50? People complain about underpowered spitfires and stuff but this is an aircraft that REALLY needs it's extra power. Also, is it modeled correctly that when above 3800 meters we get 100 HP extra? I've been at that altitude but can't tell any difference.

11-07-2011, 07:01 PM
Found this on my hardisk, may be usefull also:

Fiat G50Bis Manuale di Volo MM-5933-6247

11-07-2011, 08:40 PM
Found this on my hardisk, may be usefull also:

Fiat G50Bis Manuale di Volo MM-5933-6247

Amazing dude! Thanks! Too bad my italian is not that sharp. ;)

11-07-2011, 09:19 PM
FG28_Kodiak the link does not work for me. Can you re-post it or upload somewhere else ?

EDIT: it's working now

@Addman : let's pair for G50[Cr42] flight online one day ;)

11-08-2011, 05:40 AM
While I don't speak Finnish, I would suppose that the engine output is 740 hp at sea level, increasing to 840 hp at 3800m at normal power 790mm. With 890 mm of WE boost, by another 120-130 hp. But above 3800m, the power will go down, that's how the supercharger works.

Kodiak, thanks for uploading the manual. It has similar info on page 100/101. Since it mentions the WEP and is 1939 material, it is safe to assume that during BoB, the power setting was available.