View Full Version : game devs should learn from hollywood

10-07-2011, 12:59 PM
check out how this tech:


is applied here:


geez games are stoned age


this is the hollywood equivalent of top game tech from nowadays:


10-07-2011, 01:22 PM

good ones:-):grin:

10-07-2011, 02:10 PM
thanks :)

the 1st use of johny lee effect was used on gunsight reticles

its beyond me why they dont use it in games

maybe its this what will have the competitors squirming?


and beofre someone says it this is not 6dof:

a picture only has one right spot in space form where to look at the picture so the proportions are realistic

this is a correction so the picture can be seen realistically from any spot in space

10-07-2011, 02:43 PM
Something I've been hoping for, for a long time.

I know it's inherent in the techniques used but the distortions in game (all games) when not looking straight ahead are awful.

10-07-2011, 02:49 PM
this is like looking through reality through a real window :)

now you can have any kind of lens in the window from great angular to telezoom

actually i think johny lee got this idea from a post i did long ago at the ubizoo

i call this effect the gunsight effect :) so as an owner of this idea i give it fully away to the dev team

10-09-2011, 12:21 AM
Mhhh, I don't get how you think these techniques should be used in gaming. You're confusing the principle here: it's exactly the other way round I believe.

In real life you don't want to have a greenscreen in front of your nose. What sense would that make? None. The real actors can't see the scene. It doesn't serve any purpose in gaming.

Let's assume you replace gaming with "simulation" (as in simulating a virtual world) then you can simply see that what they do is USE gaming - they use a greenscreen and then virtually replace that with virtual content.

There is one exception. Augmented reality. This IS being done but slowly introduced. The issues are that the world is not a greenscreen so you need a tremendous amount of cpu power to calculate the new virtual space onto the real space. That aside there is only limited use though as you need to make sure that the human does not endanger himself by overlapping reality experiments. E.g. car racing in the real world and seeing digital pictures and images. Could work but would be highly risky.

As for air combat this stuff is old already. Virtual target shooting is being done so there's that. But then again - gaming is enabling sandbox experience WITHOUT real world requirements.You fly a plane in a game means you don't crash, die, need to pay fuel etc.

10-09-2011, 01:09 PM
the idea is not a green screen idea

each picture only has one postion from where to look at it

if youre not in that position is not right

what johny lee does and hollywood does is correct the image so as the viewing point moves the image changes to be correctly viewed