View Full Version : Red Sands Mod: Lilith

09-25-2011, 09:16 PM
Hi similar to other NPC mods, I made this for Red Sands, All it does is replaces Agvares with a female NPC named Lilith, but it also changes her abilities and all her images, I wanted her to be a better NPC... feel free to change them if you dont like them.. and it also changes more of the NPC, for example, it also changes the in game image (though stiff, couldnt figure the idle animation out) I didnt bother with all the NPCs as Im only interested in having a demon NPC


A demonic succubus, famous being very promiscuous with other women, She has a profound affect on demons due to her extraordinary beauty.

+100% base attack and +1 Speed to base of:
Forest and Lake Fairies
Sunny Sprite

+2 Morale to Demons

As you can see I added the +1 speed to the female units (I also added the missing text for the new sunny sprites) and added a +2 Morale to Demons, her description mentions why, as I said change it if you dont like it :) also I changed her race to demons (as it was human for some reason)

Just copy the mods folder to your red_sands folder

I wanted to change the units she can control, but havent figured out how yet, when I do, I'll upload a new version of the mod (If any of you do, let me know, I couldnt find it)

Also, eventually, Im gonna change all the text, and make it a completely unique NPC.. but probably overpowered, as I always felt other then the slots, the NPCs didnt do much..

Edit: Updated mod to include Driads (A new red sands unit)

09-25-2011, 10:32 PM
Try adding driads for bonus, they are undead but also female so i guess Lilith should give bonus to them also. She give 100% base attack for low lvl units so it`s not much, how about give +1 dmg astral to listed units ?
And why do i have some feeling you kited all way to shetera in your 2 attachemnt :-)

09-25-2011, 11:24 PM
Because I did lol, I havent actually played a game in a long time, mot a full one anyway.. its kinda more fun to mod it :) but I did play with red sands for a bit and its very cool! Dryads are already added?

EDIT: oh Driads lol, ok I'll add them :)

09-25-2011, 11:36 PM
Updated mod with driads, do you know how to modify the troops controlled? I want to change them to the female units?

09-26-2011, 01:57 AM
If you mean on units controled during battle, no i dont think you can change it. It`s part of companion file
actions{ use=....
bfight= ....
Bfight part of hex code is bonus companion gives to all units +100attack in this case, afight is what companion do with units during fight i think, so that part of code is what you need to mod to change what units she can control in battle (good luck with that :-)
If you figure out how to `read` that hex code, pls explain because i want to make more composite items which wil acctualy function in game (compose/decompose them in containing items):-P

09-26-2011, 02:04 AM
ahh thats hex code? Thats what that crap is? lol, I'll give it a shot, I know hex mabey not this, but I'll give it a shot...

09-26-2011, 02:36 AM
Ok, I see, I can figure this out but will take awhile..

for example, the first string 4D554C5449414354494F4E in bfight translates to:

616374696F6E73 is:

45585052455353494F4E is

776172 is

6C755F766172 is

6E616D is

6D6F6465 is

246865726F is

6167765F6D6F6465 is

636F6E64 is

45585052 is

ect, ect ect lol

This is gonna suck.. and take forever, but I can crack it, I see what there doing..

10-01-2011, 06:36 PM
EDIT: I have now uploaded the rest (bfight and onuse) of the translations..

Ok Fatt Shade, the zip below contains the afight code for Agvares, lets see how I explain this..

the start of the file you will see this:


20000000000000005000000010000000100000001000000010 0000001000000020000000B000000

4D554C5449414354494F4E: MULTIACTION


616374696F6E73: actions

note the entire afight code is in file, what I did was translate everything that I could translate.. the parts that are not the code is the : followed by two spaces, then the translation..

This translation (what I could figure out) should help, fiddling with the code after the translation part should hopefully help through trail and error, change things.. you will hopefully see what I mean when you look at the file..

Note this hex code is from the companion.txt and is only the afight section from Agvares.. I hope this all makes sense.. again the code is all in order as it normally was, I simple "interjected" translations into it..

I was able to translate I think all of it.. the parts that are not translated, I beleive is simply the code for the translated part, for example:

45585052455353494F4E030000000000000001000000010000 0003000000

would be:

This part is..
45585052455353494F4E: EXPRESSION
and the part below is what ever the EXPRESSION is..

At least I think it is... although it could be the code above rather then below that is the EXPRESSION

Hopefully this can help mod it.. will still be a trial and error type of thing..

I'll upload the translation for the bfight and the rest soon... the afight part was by far the largest hardest part, thats why I did this part first, the rest wont take long. EDIT: Finished and uploaded

parts of the code that start with agv_ obviously I think most likley stands for Agvares, so the


parts are of real interest :)

some of the codes in the file I think are:

var = Variable

rnd(10,15) = a random number between 10 and 15

nam = short for name or names? just a guess..

war = battle actions maybe?

cond = condition

EXPR = experience or expression

==0 or ==1 = either true or false

10-02-2011, 09:10 PM
Hey shadowtek i checked out your posted files and you did good job translating those strings form hex code, but i have no idea how it`s suposed to work in game. All `words` have no meaning, no relations to other game files from mod folder, and i`m lost how to conect them to in battle situation. I had same problem making composite item, all ocmponents have `use` option but it doesnt work like i planed , when i get new composite item with shift + tilda it also works, but whe i try to use it do change it into components it doesnt work.
Sry for not being able to help, but this is beyond my moding skills :-(