View Full Version : am i the only one to see this thread?

09-02-2011, 11:51 PM
hey mods ive just had my monthly shot of ultrastrong antipsicotics and these guys are teasing me wildly

maybe im a children who needs protection

does anybody read this thread? when i say my mind altering stuff i honestly tell what i think and only share the beautiful worlds

so is anybody reading this thread?


either theyre alien or they teasing me


well obviously theyre teasing me and they use info i forgot i had provided to confuse me, but the difference is they make that up while i tell the truth

09-03-2011, 01:47 AM
Yeah, they are teasing you. I'd not take too much notice though. Everyone is just bored, and looking for something to do while we wait for the patch - and your threads do rather encourage this sort of thing. I don't think any harm is intended. Ignore them.

09-03-2011, 02:48 AM
thanks for the advice andy ill ignore them

but how would you explain right about my description that alien-angels only see shape im shown this comercial

is people in charge of tv also teasing me:confused:


09-03-2011, 03:21 AM
is people in charge of tv also teasing me :confused:

No, they are trying to sell you stuff - or more likely, trying to sell stuff to people with more money than you. Ads with weird images attract people's attention, which is what they are meant to do. Most of us probably just ignore them anyway, because we don't try to analyse them for any deep content. I expect that the anti-psychotics you're taking make them seem weirder, but the only 'hidden message' inside is likely to be 'buy our stuff' - not that I had a clue what they are trying to sell here before I used Google translate on their website. It looks like they are selling insurance. So yes, they may have been thinking about 'guardian angels' when they made the ad - and angels within European culture have always tended to be creatures you're never quite sure you actually see, but that you sense as watching over you. Clever stuff, but just made by people with an understanding of how the mind works, rather than with any special powers. It is a shame to see such talent wasted on making commercials.

09-03-2011, 10:50 AM
Am I the only one who doesn't get this meaning of this thread? :-P

09-03-2011, 12:11 PM
Raaaid, I know you like this kinda stuff so think on this....

Think how far computer games have come in such a short time, it wasnt so long ago the only computer game available was pong in black and white.

Imagine how good they will be in say 200-300 yrs !

How easy would it be to distiguish "real life" from being in game ?

Now back to todays computers.
Just imagine your conciousness was within a computer game, online with millions of others, with you being unaware that you were ingame. Scientists "within game" trying to work out the meaning of the universe and existence would probably deduce that the universe was built upon built upon a series of 0 and 1`s. Its not that far removed from Schrödinger's Cat is it.

Now lets go forward in time 300 yrs, Quantum computers are old technology, unimaginable advances have been made, What would it feel like to ge "ingame" now ?
Would you really be able to know if you existence was "real".

Today scientists are trying to understand our universe. The more they look the less they understand.
Hell they dont even know where most of the universe is, its invisible to us, Dark matter and Dark energy are hidden to us. The higgs boson is deceptively ellusive. Gravity isnt as powerful as theories suggest, perhaps its spread out across multiple dimensions.
Particles behave as both particles and waves, and seem to change their behavior depending if they have been observed or not. Perhaps we are all one, woven together from space and time, perhaps we live in a multiverse. Or perhaps its all just a game.

09-03-2011, 01:19 PM
Am I the only one who doesn't get this meaning of this thread? :-P


09-03-2011, 01:21 PM
Raaaid, I know you like this kinda stuff so think on this....

Think how far computer games have come in such a short time, it wasnt so long ago the only computer game available was pong in black and white.

Imagine how good they will be in say 200-300 yrs !

How easy would it be to distiguish "real life" from being in game ?

Now back to todays computers.
Just imagine your conciousness was within a computer game, online with millions of others, with you being unaware that you were ingame. Scientists "within game" trying to work out the meaning of the universe and existence would probably deduce that the universe was built upon built upon a series of 0 and 1`s. Its not that far removed from Schrödinger's Cat is it.

Now lets go forward in time 300 yrs, Quantum computers are old technology, unimaginable advances have been made, What would it feel like to ge "ingame" now ?
Would you really be able to know if you existence was "real".

Today scientists are trying to understand our universe. The more they look the less they understand.
Hell they dont even know where most of the universe is, its invisible to us, Dark matter and Dark energy are hidden to us. The higgs boson is deceptively ellusive. Gravity isnt as powerful as theories suggest, perhaps its spread out across multiple dimensions.
Particles behave as both particles and waves, and seem to change their behavior depending if they have been observed or not. Perhaps we are all one, woven together from space and time, perhaps we live in a multiverse. Or perhaps its all just a game.

I like that..

09-03-2011, 01:50 PM
How easy would it be to distiguish "real life" from being in game ?

Computer games are real life as well by the way. Everything human created is part of our real lives. :cool:

09-03-2011, 07:57 PM
oh yeah ive seen life as a game for a long time

this thread is a complaing by these guys pretending to be aliens or cia agents or som,ething

hell this line confused me so much:

"Without giving away too much, one of those things happens to be the realization that what other people refer to as your insanity is in fact their insanity for not realizing the new intellectual and cognitive ground you are breaking."

09-03-2011, 09:09 PM
Raaid, I reply in most of your threads because they are unique.

I can honestly say that you ask the questions nobody even thinks of.

My favourite threads are, in no particular order (I haven't made any of these up)

if the mayas were crossed eyed and binocular could they tell star distance just looking?

dr emoto and subliminals on clothes

a thought: what takes longer: to operate a very light wheel or a 100kg lever

Zebras are better then horses

what would you prefer photo realistic graphics or graphics designed by

And the waaaaay too sensible..

did succesive patches ruin turning rate of 109?

It wouldn't be the same around here without the odd raaaaaaid thread. Even the ones I don't understand.

I'm with whoarmongar - Everythings connected, the universe is wierd, people are wierd and we know very little about the fundementals. At least you're having a good look around on your journey, there's plenty with blinkers on.

It might just take somebody wierd to work it all out ;) However the answer isn't on TV or youtube - think bigger.