View Full Version : auras, anubodys seesthem?

08-06-2011, 10:47 AM
pay attention to this vdeo(the 1st), the skin of the guy with the electric blue guitar is purple

do you see it purple or is it jusr me?


also often see a very white thin hallo around peole

i often see crown hallos around people, always seethem of diffeerent tones of blue

also see peoples sking of colour

normal mood=green

that loving feeling mood=purple

action mood=red

for example why do you think in music purple lights are everpresent, the musical mood :)

so my reason to make this thread is to ask if you see the guy with the electric blue guitar so purple as i see it


im making exercise with the yes to get rid of farsightendness

i just was charged 628 euros for a pair of glasses:( godamm thieves

08-06-2011, 11:43 AM
I see dead people, but unfortunately no auras.

08-06-2011, 11:53 AM
of course i know youre no kidding though you may want to appear so

but ive noticed that if your good kid and dont want to see them you dont see them :)

08-06-2011, 01:21 PM
of course i know youre no kidding though you may want to appear so

but ive noticed that if your good kid and dont want to see them you dont see them :)

try again in english please :grin:

08-06-2011, 01:25 PM
the chap on the couch looks to have an acoustic guitar and is suffering from poor colour temp balancing for camera... really nice piece of music though

08-06-2011, 01:39 PM
hummm since you see them maybe the camera can caught sometimes invisible auras?

check this out:

this is a guy in a normal mood, seems the painter can see auras:


here the camera caught lucy liu crowns aura as i often see them



i didnt mean an electric blue electric guitar but an electric blue(also caleed cobalt blue, a colour) guitar(spanish guitar :)


and check out how intense is this girl aura since her hair seems died bk¡lue, not its black its in wikipedia entry for black hair


seems the camera sees bvetter than the human eye

08-06-2011, 01:51 PM
hmmm... Lucy Liu - drool (one of the most wicked smiles ever)

no, sorry - just poor camera work... white background is blazing away creating lens flare
artist? room lighting

blue hair? ... camera effect again - very helathy black hair eflects colours around it if lit hard

08-06-2011, 01:58 PM
well but what if i tell you that i see like that in real life with natural light?

i know my brother has an electric blue aura, my favourite colour

my moms aura is more marine blue

my dads is identical to my moms

so if i know what you see in that picture its what i see i know its not a camera effect when i see that in rl

08-06-2011, 03:04 PM
raiid, you're not special, you have cataracts and high blood pressure.

08-06-2011, 03:17 PM
Raaid... how does a person look if they are stressed, drugged or ill to you?

08-06-2011, 03:19 PM
well id say im on my path of enlightenement, sseein auras seem an indication

but you know lifes gambling

ill put on the table one of my eyes and you put enlightenment for one and you know what they say once one awake he can awake the rest

know whose the bluffer

08-06-2011, 03:22 PM
Raaid... how does a person look if they are stressed, drugged or ill to you?

never seen anybody ill and seldom see auras

i know carismatic acotr top stars have intense auras, intensity seems a matter of imposible to tell charisma

watch this:


08-06-2011, 03:34 PM
raiid, you're not special, you have cataracts and high blood pressure.

I disagree. I believe raaaid is very...special.

08-06-2011, 03:38 PM
never seen anybody ill and seldom see auras

okay then matey

08-07-2011, 12:20 PM
Raaiiiiiid, do you see or think about colours when you look at letters of the alphabet or hear musical notes? I have friend who does this (and is otherwise entirely normal). It is called synesthesia, just some very unusual brain wiring often associated with a creative mind, you can research it easily enough. It may be that you have a variant of this condition associated with faces or figures.

08-07-2011, 03:44 PM
yes i knew that about sinestesia but i dont have that though may be rewiring the brain into that:

im doing two exercises:

blink slighly strong in natural light for a while which i think stimulates the pineal gland


seeing double at will which increases the amount of info going through the corpus callosum developing it

08-07-2011, 03:54 PM
So you are more 'autistic' then?

08-07-2011, 04:04 PM
im researching into healing farsightedness with exercises with myself as guinea pig, thats why i say im gambling one eye

with quite a lot of succes i think this summer ill need no more glasses :)


the guy who made this video probably sees auras, check out how he plays with the lights

sometimes i see like that but lights come from poeple for a tenth of second

like the video exclusively lights in the blue spectrum with red or green mixed as to produce a coblat blue or a turqoise :)



currently i can read this at half meter with 7 dioptries :)

08-08-2011, 02:36 PM
yes i knew that about sinestesia but i dont have that though may be rewiring the brain into that:

im doing two exercises:

blink slighly strong in natural light for a while which i think stimulates the pineal gland


seeing double at will which increases the amount of info going through the corpus callosum developing it

Yeah let me know how that goes. Laser surgery is gonna set me back a small fortune.

Do your exercises include eye-pushups for strength training?


08-08-2011, 05:38 PM
oh i know im assuming a risk with the exercises, people has talked of epilepsy, retine detachment..., im still kind of young and willing to take chances


i dont want to give the impresiiion i see auras all the time

i see them like once every two ore tree days but when i do is owing

i was having an argument saw my dads sking purple and all negativity went away :), amazing

08-11-2011, 11:21 PM
Before I got old and fat, I used to see auras all the time, thats the darker colored part outside a ladies nipple, right?
Is that what we're talking about, but in code, right?

edit: I thought I should put "ladies" in there, so..you know who...wouldn't get all uppity

08-11-2011, 11:44 PM
Seeing auras is one of the most common and well documented supernatural phenomenon in human history.

Religious and metaphysical iconography is full of it and almost every human culture and faith has their own derivative or explanation so it's not as hippy trippy as you guys might think.

Sir Hugh Dowding, whom I'm sure some of you may have heard of, became deeply involved in spiritualism in his later life and claimed, if memory serves, to have the ability to see auras.

From Wikipedia, (for what it's worth)

"In his youth Dowding was an accomplished skier, winner of the first ever National Slalom Championship, and president of the Ski Club of Great Britain from 1924 to 1925. Dowding and his second wife Lady Muriel Dowding, whom he married in 1951, were both anti-vivisectionists and in 1973 Britain's National Anti-Vivisection Society founded the Lord Dowding Fund for Humane Research in his honour.

Dowding became a vegetarian, based on his beliefs as a theosophist and spiritualist. Although he personally was a vegetarian, he believed that "animals will be killed to satisfy human needs for many a long day to come", and he made several appeals in the House of Lords for the humane killing of animals intended for food.[11]

Dowding was a member of the Fairy Investigation Society[12] and of the Ghost Club. Although he knew that people considered him a crank for his belief in fairies, Dowding believed that fairies "are essential to the growth of plants and the welfare of the vegetable kingdom".[13]"

That said, most of those are just bad photography raaaid.

08-12-2011, 12:19 PM
actually im not surprised that a person into esoterics developed that baility

this exercise is very old is a form of ancient meditation

i do it but i just see double i dont look fancy pictures:
