View Full Version : Bug report: evil beholder's mind control ability

06-14-2011, 03:35 PM
When I use evil beholder's mind control ability, I can only target my own troops with the spell, instead of enemy troops.

To be more detailed: I click the ability button, then the sing saying "choose troop over which you wish to gain control" appears. When I hover the cursor over enemy troop, it changes to "?" symbol (so I cannot cast the spell). When I hower on my troop however, cursor changes to spellcasting wand. Then I can use the spell on my troop and that order it to attack an enemy, but it loses it's regular turn then (so it's a waste of the ability).

I can assure you, that the enemies meet the requirements for the spell to be cast on them (they don't have mind spell imunity and their level and total leadership are below maximum for the spell).

About the game version: I play classic AP campain, but I have the crossworlds expansion installed. Game version is 1.3.1, build 6171. I have bought the game via Steam.

I remember that the ability worked fine about a month ago, so probably it is bugged only in the latest patch.