View Full Version : Do the flight models actually work?

05-07-2011, 02:50 AM
Apart from CEM I've got all the realism settings checked. Stall, spin etc.
Flying the Me110 I chopped the throttles, gear and flaps down, hauled back on the stick and.....well not a lot happened. The aircraft just settled into a nice leisurely controlled decent.

Flying the Spitfire and Hurricane there is no stall warning. Just a metal wrenching kind of sound, a bit of floppiness and then stall out. Where's the buffet and warning prior to stall so characteristic of these aircraft?

05-07-2011, 04:11 AM
It's difficult to be perfect right off the bat I guess is my look on it. Having spent many years building FMs for another sim I find the stalls of IL2 at least 'encouraging' in it's effects. It's complicated to reproduce each aircraft realistically, as each differ in so many ways. The buffet for one would be different in onset to another, some stalled violently, some just mush with level wings.

I'd find a handling test document for your chosen aircraft and reffer to it for handling qualities @ the stall, then see how IL2-CoD shapes up against those. The noise of a buffet could be easilly added, I imagine FF sticks have a shudder applied now?? It's smoke and mirrors building FMs, given enough paramiters to the FM engine you can trigger many kinds of effects.

Is it correct?? Probably a bit generic but it's at least a stall that is 'functional' in battle. As the game develops and the all important 3D is sorted, I personally hope more fidelity will be added to the FM.

I'd be happy to see it performing to the main performance specifications of RoC, Max Speed & Max Alt before working on fine tuning stalls.

My 2c.

05-08-2011, 06:52 PM
At least i was able to do some snap-rolls in diffeerent planes.