View Full Version : Engine Sounds and FM. Why we should improve both.

04-30-2011, 10:33 AM

I've been flying COD since it came out and having fun mastering how to handle aircraft especially in the pattern for landing. I'm finding flying the pattern especially difficult which seems to boil down to three things. Engine Sound, Control Lag and Flight Model.

When flying the pattern especially landing an aircraft like the Spitfire we use feel, sound, the view around our aircraft and our instruments. Okay so we don't have feeling in the sim. We compensate visually and through sound. The sounds for the Spitfire in COD lack a defined power range and urgency. I can't judge the power setting just by listening so I'm more reliant on visual confirmation via my gauges. This problem is compounded when combined with control lag which means I start to induce PIO. A lurching, wallowing feeling of being out of control where I start to fight the aircraft. A small change in power setting has no discern-able difference to power so I overcompensate. Too fast, too slow, wallowing. It's really a wild ride.
The third factor is the flight model. It just doesn't feel like I'm flying a thorough-bred fighter but more like a lumbering, underpowered transport. If I open the throttle to go-around for example I have to check the RPM and Air Speed gauges to see that something is actually happening. There is no roar from that big Merlin.

If I can make a comparison with FSX and the Real Air and beautiful A2A Spitfires. With these aircraft I can fly the pattern quite easily as the aircraft are more responsive. I can hear the different moods of the engine as I adjust the throttle. Curved approaches are the norm. I've also got more visual cues externally to aid my judgment of altitude. So I fly looking out of the cockpit without relying so much on instruments. I can hear the wheels as they lock down or thump into the wheel wells. Also when gear and flaps down the aircraft settles into a defined behavior. 120knots, -500 fpm, dirty on finals at about 500feet means I can fly down to the runway, power off and three point. I just can't feel that `groove` in COD - well, not yet.

I hope the COD team can improve these areas as it will add much realism to the sim. That feeling of entering the pattern after an engagement, perhaps in a damaged aircraft, and making a perfect curved approach and delicate touchdown. Rather than having the feeling that piling into the runway is more dangerous than engaging 20+ 109's. The roar of the Merlin at Scramble and the purr during cruise.

All the best,


04-30-2011, 12:19 PM
I can certainly think of a few sound additions:

- coughing sound of the engine on Merlins when they cut out under negative G
- some audible sound of rolling on grass/concrete
- sound of touchdown on grass/concrete surfaces

05-09-2011, 09:40 AM
Engine sounds wont be changed by the devs you can count on that. The only hope for this is when the SDK gets released some modders will make an engine sound mod. Sounds are complete shit in this game, no doubt. The sound of wheels locking up and down IS missing along with numerous other sounds. Canopy sliding open is not there, wind noise is non existent and I'm sure there are others.

The flight model for the aircraft is lacking in certain areas, but I am more concerned about improper engine models on the Spitfire. Considering the huge advantage 109's have I would like to have every single bit of power that should be there to actually be there. The 109 is king until 42-44 when the lighter Spitfires came out as well as the P-47, 38 and 51 from the US.

I refuse to fly the 109 because of its huge advantage in power combined with maneuverability that is only SLIGHTLY outclassed by the Spitfire. If your in a Spit your job becomes much more difficult since you cant run and you cant outclimb the 109. Then it comes down to your skills as a pilot and making every knot, turn and altitude change vital for survival. This will make me a better pilot in any aircraft and once we get some, ahem, real aircraft (P-47, P-38 anyone?) Jerry wont stand a chance no matter what hes flying.:cool: S~

On another note, the Battle of Britain is completely boring from an aircraft perspective. Basically two flyable fighter models for the Brits and 3 for the Germans...Bored already.

05-09-2011, 11:42 AM

i have no problems online with a spit vs. a 109, same the other way around!
The problem isn't the plane!!!!

05-09-2011, 12:10 PM
Engine sounds wont be changed by the devs you can count on that. The only hope for this is when the SDK gets released some modders will make an engine sound mod. Sounds are complete shit in this game, no doubt. The sound of wheels locking up and down IS missing along with numerous other sounds. Canopy sliding open is not there, wind noise is non existent and I'm sure there are others.

The flight model for the aircraft is lacking in certain areas, but I am more concerned about improper engine models on the Spitfire. Considering the huge advantage 109's have I would like to have every single bit of power that should be there to actually be there. The 109 is king until 42-44 when the lighter Spitfires came out as well as the P-47, 38 and 51 from the US.

I refuse to fly the 109 because of its huge advantage in power combined with maneuverability that is only SLIGHTLY outclassed by the Spitfire. If your in a Spit your job becomes much more difficult since you cant run and you cant outclimb the 109. Then it comes down to your skills as a pilot and making every knot, turn and altitude change vital for survival. This will make me a better pilot in any aircraft and once we get some, ahem, real aircraft (P-47, P-38 anyone?) Jerry wont stand a chance no matter what hes flying.:cool: S~

On another note, the Battle of Britain is completely boring from an aircraft perspective. Basically two flyable fighter models for the Brits and 3 for the Germans...Bored already.

Well I am sure that later they will expand theatres to 1942+, personally I am looking forward to the Spitfire Mk IX, the best close in fighter of them all. The P51 also would be a welcome addition as would the FW190D.

05-09-2011, 04:10 PM
On another note, the Battle of Britain is completely boring from an aircraft perspective. Basically two flyable fighter models for the Brits and 3 for the Germans...Bored already.

Dude, the BoB is not only a matter of Spits/Hurris vs 109's... This is the most complex early war air battle fought (till the round-the-clock-offensive over Germany 3 years later).

The BoB also deals with :
- the "war of the beams", EWS, GCI, ECM, ECCM
- the pathfinder & nightfighter arms
- the blind-bombing devices...

The BoB obviously can't - and shouldn't - be reduced to the question of dogfighting, otherwise I'm afraid that the point would be definitely missed...
Dogfighting was not so common during the BoB for obvious reasons (not to mention Bf109 range), so flying such detailed a/c just for basic dogfighting is a real pity.

Just hoping for the CloD dev team to introduce all the aforementioned aspects once the main flaws are fixed... then we'll get a very decent & credible gameplay for Battle of Britain.

05-09-2011, 06:10 PM

i have no problems online with a spit vs. a 109, same the other way around!
The problem isn't the plane!!!!

It seems every time someone posts something about one plane being better than another some dimwit comes along and says " Its not the plane, its you! I can fly both planes like a ******* champ so you must just suck."

Now listen here, I have been flying in sims of all kinds since MSFS2 and I know what I am doing. To say that the the 109 doesnt outclass the spitfire in almost every way is just foolish. Anyhow this thread is not for this topic really so I will leave it there.