View Full Version : Please help getting mods installed correctly

04-19-2011, 09:13 PM
First, sorry about the formatting of this msg - having trouble on my end.
I'm having trouble getting any mods to actually work and I'm
hoping someone here can help me. I have the KB:CW:GOTY
edition. I installed everything from the disc and decided to
play 'Armored Princess' first. Years ago I played KBTL and
this is my first chance to get back to it (AP, etc.). The
mods and exe are ones that were pretty much the same that I
had working on KBTL. They are the Camera Zoom, Contract Hero
Mark, Interface Enhancement, and also the 'KBFBC' executable
that allows 360 deg camera angles in battle.
I read a post that said:
'Some mods include several in one
file. To install, simply put the mod file in your KB AP
directory > data > mods directory. For Crossworlds, the same
ones will work if you put them instead in your KB
Crossworlds directory > data > sessions > orcs > mods
directory. You may need to create the directories.'

Because I have Crossworlds I did as it says above. I don't
see any Crossworlds directory: 'data > sessions > orcs >
mods'. So I created the sessions > orcs > mods directory
myself, nestled each one inside the other (and in the KB
directory) and put the mods I'm tring to get to work in the
final directory - mods. Nothing works, nothing changes. Not
even the simple exe (the new one for AP) that gives you 360
in battle that I ran right before the game will work. What
am I doing wrong? Please help, and thanks very much.
Running patch 1.3.1
Build 6170
Windows7, 64.

04-20-2011, 07:26 PM
Armored Princess Location: King's Bounty Armoured Princess > Sessions > Addon > Mods.
CrossWorlds Location: King's Bounty Armoured Princess > Sessions > Orcs > Mods.