View Full Version : Can't Click Airfields?

04-16-2011, 09:41 PM
Sorry for asking for help without providing sufficient data, but that's all the information I have.
Here's the story:

Testing CoD online with a gaming buddy, he was the server I was the client, connection OK, map shows up, I choose the army, click the airfield, spawn. So far so good.

Then like a minute or 2 later, he loads another map, I choose the army... and I couldnt click any airfields any more.
Also, there was no red airfield on the map, they were all white and unclickable.

We tried all the usual stuff like disconnecting and reconnecting, reloading the mission, restarting the game, ever reboot the whole machine, but no luck.
I couldnt click any airfields.
We gave up after a while, and went on to play other games.
That was last night.

Earlier today, we tried again but with inverted roles: I was the server and a game buddy (another one) was the client.

Connection OK, map shows up, selected army... and again, I couldnt click on any airfield, but he could.

So it's not about sever/client stuff, it must be something on my end, but I have no idea what I did... I remember that I could click airfield, then another mission was loaded and I couldnt click any more.

Sorry for insufficient data, again. Maybe it can be sorted out anyway? Ever heard of a problem like this? What are the most common causes? Anyone had similar problems? How was it solved?

Any help really appreciated

04-16-2011, 09:48 PM
I have just come on forum to find answer to this problem on servers map "english channel 1940 the map has changed now an east/west map area. ?? Now i cant click onto planes after choosing sides, just spent 15 mins combing map trying to find clickable slots to join game . On othermaps no problem can click planes and enter server

04-17-2011, 12:51 AM
Not really the same problem.
I can't click airfields on any maps when on line, no matter if im the server or client. Other players can click airfields but I can't.

After some more testing I found that if i'm the server, and load one of the maps listed under 'single', everything seems to work... at least it does for me (I havent tried that with any clients connected yet).

The 'unclickable airfields' problem shows up only on missions listed under 'multi'.

Doesnt matter if im server or client: airfields are always unclickable for me and clickable for other players.

04-17-2011, 09:29 AM
I havent, but I was testing on those small fictional online maps, not the big channel map. I can see 4/5 airfields per map, try to click each and everyone of them, nothing.

But if I load maps listed as 'single' (even tho im in online mode as server) then I can click airfields and get into planes.

One more weird thing, I re-enabled the Steam cloud, hoping that it would restore a working version of my config files (even though I can't remember changing anything between last time it worked and first time it didn't...), so I shut the game down, enable Steam cloud, restart the game and load a map; after loading Server and an Online mission (dogfight), I was never able to even check if I could click airfields, because now I couldn't even choose an army!

Clicking on 'Choose Army' made the button blink but no dialog window popped up.
Disabling the Steam cloud again, I could choose blue or red but still not click airfields on Multi missions (airfields still clickable on Single missions loaded in Online mode)

04-18-2011, 03:51 AM

Tried joining all the servers I could find in the in-game list, couldn't click any airfields.

I disabled airfield icons and only had available airfields displayed... but I still couldnt click on them

04-18-2011, 10:20 AM
Sorry for asking for help without providing sufficient data, but that's all the information I have.
Here's the story:

Testing CoD online with a gaming buddy, he was the server I was the client, connection OK, map shows up, I choose the army, click the airfield, spawn. So far so good.

Then like a minute or 2 later, he loads another map, I choose the army... and I couldnt click any airfields any more.
Also, there was no red airfield on the map, they were all white and unclickable.

We tried all the usual stuff like disconnecting and reconnecting, reloading the mission, restarting the game, ever reboot the whole machine, but no luck.
I couldnt click any airfields.
We gave up after a while, and went on to play other games.
That was last night.

Earlier today, we tried again but with inverted roles: I was the server and a game buddy (another one) was the client.

Connection OK, map shows up, selected army... and again, I couldnt click on any airfield, but he could.

So it's not about sever/client stuff, it must be something on my end, but I have no idea what I did... I remember that I could click airfield, then another mission was loaded and I couldnt click any more.

Sorry for insufficient data, again. Maybe it can be sorted out anyway? Ever heard of a problem like this? What are the most common causes? Anyone had similar problems? How was it solved?

Any help really appreciated

I have the same deal with Co-OP maps just cant click on any airfields! I think its just a bug in the code that will get fixed up.....

04-18-2011, 12:16 PM
The weird thing is, why does it happen to some and not to all? That seems to point towards a local settings problem, but then again, why does it happen on some maps and not others?

If I'm in 'server mode' and load a map listed as 'single', then I can click airfields. Still in 'server mode' but loading a map listed as 'coop' or 'dogfight', airfields become unclickable.

Xpupx on the other hand seems to be able to click on 'dogfight' maps but not 'coops', and the weirdest thing of them all is that after posting the first message (or two?) in this thread, I went to 'client mode' and joined whatever was available: On some servers I could click on airfields, but on other servers I couldn't.

Then last night I tried again, and I couldnt click on any airfields on any servers. No settings were changed in between.

PS, forgot to mention, I have the Apr.15 beta patch installed, but so had my game buddies who tested with me, and they could click airfields while I couldnt. Also at least one of the servers I test-joined was listed as beta patched, and I couldnt click airfields.

I'll try again after the official version of that beta patch is released, and if I still have the same problem I'll post here again.

04-18-2011, 01:54 PM
I changed mouse sensitivity in conf.ini and it happens to me.

You have to
1st: rightclick on map end DEselect "airfields". You will see only active airfields as a result.

2nd: move your mouse about 1cm to the right and a bit lower the desired airfield and move it around till you see a hint popping up with airfield description. Doubleclick this particular point of map.

04-18-2011, 02:46 PM
OK, that is working. Thx a lot buddy.

I can't remember changing mouse sensitivity (in game or in Windows) but anyway, the problem is that airfield icons aren't really on the airfield but a little bit off.

I assumed that you had to click the airfield icon, and that didn't work. While trying to find the right spot to click as suggested in the latest post, I realized that I had to click on the actual airfield and not on the icon.

So, now, while this is fixed in the sense that I can play the game on line again, I would suggest if possible to make airfield icons appear on the clickable spot at all resolutions.

NOTE: it may be an issue related to the uncommon resolution that I run at (3840x1024 on 3 monitors).
If the problem only affects users on 'weird' resolutions, I guess we can wait until more important things are fixed. I mean, it's not a big issue after all, at least as long as we know how to work around it (i.e. click the airfield, not the icon)