View Full Version : german Bomber CEM observations

04-15-2011, 01:18 PM
1. should not have the Ju88 an automatic supercharger control ?
if not, where are the levers in the cockpit for their shifting ?

2. the manual supercharger shifting of the He111P does not work. Actually that is correct as the DB601 had an automatic supercharger. But the 111P has the supercharger levers in the cockpit (left behind the pilot) and these small controlbars in the InfoWindow. So it would be nice if these two would be 'removed'

3. the He111P should have manual propeller pitch control not a ConstantSpeedPropeller. And make these Pitch "watches" (left of the control colum) please work than , at least in the 111P.

4. not CEM related, if you are in the bombardier position of the 111P, you see the second, 'overhead' MG15 that the 111P, in comparison to the 111H, not has.

5. again not CEM ;) , it would be a nice feature if the front MG15 of the Ju88 could be locked (as best by the gunner with the already existing command, like in the Bf110 and Blenheim) and than be used by the pilot as a fixed gun as in real :)