View Full Version : Trim and Straight Flight?

04-10-2011, 11:29 PM
Okay, this thing isn't flying straight from the start so you have to trim it..
It keeps banking to the right and if you counter it with (alot) of rudder trim there's still some side banking and the rudders aren't responding fluently.

So I thought to use the ailerons but they don't function or use the same routine as the rudder trim, it seems. I hope they get this fixed cos the first the first thing you want is to achieve straight flight.

Also I'm buying a new videocard for this sim cos I think it's more of a video then a processor problem with this game. With an E6700 processor and a GTX560 with 1024MB it should run fine, maybe later preferably on HIGH and VERY HIGH too. No need to buy a new rig (i7) for this yet, I think?

04-11-2011, 01:07 AM
I can't help you with your PC upgrades since the game is not fully optimized yet. There are people with mid-level PCs getting good results while others with better ones get worse results, players are tweaking things on their own ranging from config files to mods, etc...long story short there's no common standard yet to know exactly which upgrade will give the best gain in performance, so it's smarter to wait a few more weeks before making decisions ;)

As for level flight, not all aircraft have a complete trim set. Some have aileron and elevator trim, others have rudder and elevator trim and the 109 only has elevator trim.

So if you are flying a Hurricane for example, you can correct the yaw with rudder trim and the climb rate with elevator trim, but you can't do anything about the fact that it's slowly rolling to the right. You will have to correct it yourself every now and then.

However, this is not a mistake with the simulator as these aircraft were like that in reality. The game only gives you the same controls a real pilot in the real aircraft had.

I think the only aircraft with full trim capabilities are some of the Luftwaffe bombers (they even have autopilots). Everything else can still be trimmed to make flying more comfortable (less use of the stick during cruise), but it won't fly hands off in a completely straight and level attitude for more than a few seconds.

04-11-2011, 01:35 AM
WWII fighter planes are inherently unstable, meaning, evena wind gust/ change will upset the trim.

A Cessna, will for instance, come back to a stable flight after a bit of porpoising, where in the fighter plane, the porpoisoing will get worse.

The idea of trim, is to relieving pilot strain on the stick holding the plane level, which is why (if you look in the cockpit at what the stick does in relation to turning the trim wheel) the stick moves when the wheel is turned.

In a jet for instance trim can be used to set the climb/ descent rate

04-11-2011, 08:27 PM
I'm having the same trouble. I understand that trim is different for different aircraft, but I know, that in some planes such as the Spit and 109 i'm able to add trim to the right aileron but not to the left. Is this normal? I would think that if a particular aircraft had no trim capabilities for ailerons I wouldn't be able to trim the right aileron.

04-11-2011, 10:01 PM
I'm having the same trouble. I understand that trim is different for different aircraft, but I know, that in some planes such as the Spit and 109 i'm able to add trim to the right aileron but not to the left. Is this normal? I would think that if a particular aircraft had no trim capabilities for ailerons I wouldn't be able to trim the right aileron.

Have you checked that your axes-is are correctly "tuned"? ie. in the control page on the axes tab clicking on the trim axes and fiddling with the bars that appear at the bottom screen? Try and get the input and output bar behaving the same.

04-11-2011, 10:58 PM
I'm having the same trouble. I understand that trim is different for different aircraft, but I know, that in some planes such as the Spit and 109 i'm able to add trim to the right aileron but not to the left. Is this normal? I would think that if a particular aircraft had no trim capabilities for ailerons I wouldn't be able to trim the right aileron.

109 does not have aileron trim, only elevator trim ;)

05-18-2011, 10:32 PM
turn on torque effect in realism setting and this should cure the roll problem

05-19-2011, 11:45 PM
its not a problem though... its how it was