View Full Version : Archdemon Gates of Hell

The Rider
10-15-2010, 03:05 PM
I just started a game in which I will use only demons. As you know demons cannot be resurrected with normal means (if you dont count the weak vampirism attack of the demonologists). So I created a mod that gives the Archdemons two new skills:

Gates of Hell:
Calls back demons from hell, raising 10% of the initial size of the stack (if you had 100 demons at the beggining of the battle, 10 will be raised)

This ability recharges with another one, that is passive - every time the Archdemons kill an enemy stack they got 1 more use of Gates of Hell.

The only thing that I dont know how to fix is the label over the targets head that gives wrong numbers of the creatures that will be resurrected. Besides this the mod works just fine.


BB Shockwave
10-18-2010, 09:16 AM
Demons can be resurrected with Time Back. I never tried, but I suspect the Rune Mage's Revive would work as well.

10-19-2010, 03:27 PM
Great, finally someone fixed the one thing that always prevented me from using demons. Thanks mate!

All right, time to kick some non-demon butts :evil:

Saiko Kila
10-19-2010, 09:49 PM
I feel I'm missing something. Since when Demons cannot be resurrected?

BB Shockwave
10-24-2010, 01:28 AM
Yeah, it was late at night when I replied and I realized afterwards... Demons CAN be resurrected, of course. Healing and God Armour does not work on them, but Resurrection does. And for Archdemons, there is always Time Back or Sacrifice.

Frankly though, if I was a Mage using Demons, I'd resurrect them by Sacrificing some hypnotized/charmed troop.

01-27-2011, 02:39 AM

The exact error is "Attack Definition not found: Archdemon, dprayer"

Also I noticed that the files have to be extracted and directly placed in the correct spot for the definitions to show up.. dispite the error (I just tab out, close the error, tab back to game) it works just fine! the error only appears when loading a game after initial game start.

Great mod!! This makes Archdemons much better! Somthing they should have had to start with, afterall they are level 5 bunits! Also I like how you made it so that the archdemon has to kill a enemy stack to recharge the ability!