View Full Version : What's wrong with the textures(already installed 10G sourcemedia)?
10-04-2010, 02:06 PM
Before download the 3G packed file, there is nothing in Texture Tool on the tab Landscape of the toolbar. Then download the 3G packed file and unpack all thing to my Sourcemedia folder,JUST ONLY 5 textures appeared in Texture Tool ,whichever category I choosed JUST ONLY 5 textures.WHat's the matter?
10-04-2010, 02:23 PM
Dunno what's wrong, try to doubleclick on texture name to add it to the preview list.
10-04-2010, 02:40 PM
Dunno what's wrong, try to doubleclick on texture name to add it to the preview list.
Nothing happaned when I tied to add "New" one with any one of .dds files or .png files in dir \Sourcemedia\terrain
10-04-2010, 02:44 PM
PS: I bought CW on Steam
10-04-2010, 02:55 PM
You don't need to download the packed textures file for Steam version, install them from Steam tools menu (
Theoretically, manual install should work too, however. Where did you unpack it? It should go to Crossworlds\data (new folder Sourcemedia should appear there).
10-04-2010, 03:08 PM
You don't need to download the packed textures file for Steam version, install them from Steam tools menu (
Theoretically, manual install should work too, however. Where did you unpack it? It should go to Crossworlds\data (new folder Sourcemedia should appear there).
I modified editor.ini
sets ~sourcemediafolder "D:\kbaddon\sourcemedia"
I unpacked it into "D:\kbaddon" .Its size is 10.9GB.The dir of the Sourcemedia is no issue
10-04-2010, 08:01 PM
So my texture pack is working fine.. However, when I save my map and come back later. I try painting agian, The editor paints [tex not found] onto my map. Even thoughI can paint using those "not found textures".
Anyone know how to fix this bug or a work around for it?. I find if I make a new session and copy my locations folder into the new session, it then works agian. But that's alot of work to create save, quit copy paste, relaunch everytime the ediotr crashes or i save and exit....
please help,
10-05-2010, 01:40 AM
So my texture pack is working fine.. However, when I save my map and come back later. I try painting agian, The editor paints [tex not found] onto my map. Even thoughI can paint using those "not found textures".
Anyone know how to fix this bug or a work around for it?. I find if I make a new session and copy my locations folder into the new session, it then works agian. But that's alot of work to create save, quit copy paste, relaunch everytime the ediotr crashes or i save and exit....
please help,
After view your snap I suggest that check your space of the harddisk and uodosize of the editor (modify the content of the editor.ini),and make them enough.Frequently use the button "merge map" in Texture Tool on the tab Landscape of the toolbar.The most important is make every operation slowly,especially when you save session.
Sorry,my Enlish is so bad,hope help to you.
10-05-2010, 01:51 AM
First of all thanks to Sneaksie ,I found the issue is that my tex_mod.strg file was wrong.Now eveything is alright。
10-05-2010, 01:59 AM
JonnyFive sounds familiar,is it that robot?
City Builder
10-05-2010, 03:04 AM
Same problem as JohnnyFive, however after starting to paint again or doing some sort of action on the map, all the textures come back to the map again.
Would like to know how to avoid this as it does seem like a bug.
10-06-2010, 05:43 AM
Same problem as JohnnyFive, however after starting to paint again or doing some sort of action on the map, all the textures come back to the map again.
Would like to know how to avoid this as it does seem like a bug.
Hey man... What sort of actions did you do to get the textures to come back?..
I have spent atleast 10+ hours trying to find work arounds for this bug.. I have not yet gotton past texturing part of the tutorial, as my texturing is giving me these issues. So whatever action your doing please fill me in.
On another note, I want to express what I've experienced and what Iv'e tried...
First off, my texturing was working fine. Painted, saved came back later and bam, [tex not found]. MY work around then, was to make a new session and copy my old locations folder into it. Seemed to work.. Then the problem got worse. As I saved and came back, instead of [tex not found] bug. It would erase big sqaures of my last sessions progress of painting. But not the old session.. So I tried a process of elimination, deleting files and retrying... No luck!
So after all this I thought to myself... Maybe I caused this bug through all this copying locations into new sessions... So I make a new map, paint away, save, and exit. Come back and walla! No bugs!!.. I paint some more, save quit, come back and no bugs!! Sweeeet I can use the editor finally! paint some more save, quit, come back TEX NOT FOUND!!!.....
I just can't seem to get a break or find a work around... Please let me know what actions you do to get around this bug.
10-06-2010, 06:09 AM
Ok so....
I thought by action you maybe meant, toss an Atom down.. Like add a building or something to the map, and possibly the textures would come back....
So I add an atom... Nope textures still not found painted all over my map... Delete the atom and my editor crashes...
I thought, ok maybe 1 time crash bug?... MY editor always crashes on deleting an atom from the looks of things.... ARRGGHHHH!!!!
Anyone know a work around? lol... Is this just me that has this issue?....
I really like this game, and have the creativity and ambition to make a GREAT mod... However, this damn editor has 1000 bugs... How man more issues am I going to have.. I just started!..
Do I retire from this endevour? when my heart says figure it out?....
10-06-2010, 06:52 AM
Try to run editor using the 'Run as Administrator' command, it may help to solve write access issues if any. Also, where did you unpack Sourcemedia textures to?
10-07-2010, 06:50 AM
I unpacked my source media too....
C:\Program Files\1C Company\Kings Bounty Armored Princess\data\sourcemedia
there was a _games/kbadddon folder in my C drive before... But it wasnt being used for anytihng.. I originally had my source media there. But nothing was working at all... I ended up just deleting this folder entirely... and havn't seen any additional issues to my regular... The folders were empty, so I assumed it wouldn't casue any issues....
I will try the run admin tactic, see how it goes...
10-07-2010, 06:52 AM
I also went into the editor config file and changed the location to the proper spot to make sure it worked...
setf ~atomseditable 1
setf ~undosize -2147483648
sets ~sourcemediafolder "C:\Program Files\1C Company\Kings Bounty Armored Princess\data"
sets ~font "arial"
setf ~r_shadowmap_4sample 1
setf ~r_blur_shadowmap 0
setf ~editoruseadapter 0
setf ~execcount 100
10-07-2010, 07:01 AM
So I ran in administrator... Seems like nothings changed...
However, I successfully found a way to stop the editor from crashing when deleting atoms. You open the Atom list and delete form the list!! could get complicated but hey!! Its a work around and im fine with that! :)
Still can't fix this [tex not found] crap!!! GRrrrrr... I'm ready to make a game and that's the ONLY thing stoping me so far... Sucks cause you wanna paint and get everytihng layed out. Then add atoms etc.. then go back and do some touch up painting... add little decals etc...
So my only option right now is paint everything in 1 sitting and hope the editor doesn't crash. Save and I better be happy with my paint job, cause I cannot ever make a single fricken change!...
I pretty much can't live with that on my mind lol.. I must paint to perfection, so the endevour to figure out this bug continues....
Someone has to know a work around?! pleeeease help!!
10-07-2010, 07:59 AM
Try to cange this line to
sets ~sourcemediafolder "C:\Program Files\1C Company\Kings Bounty Armored Princess\data\Sourcemedia"
I think the 'Sourcemedia' folder itself should be included in the path.
You have a 32-bit OS, right?
10-07-2010, 11:34 AM
Hmmph, I have the same problem as JonnyFiveAlive, and nothing seems to help.
I tried a lot of things and it still remains, making it about literally impossible to texture out my map...
So, if anyone can help, we would appreciate it. :)
Btw, I think it's layer related. When you save your session, it should save the data on texture layers as well, but it doesn't, so when you try texturing after restarting the Editor, it can't load that data and that's why this is happening.
But, I'm not sure.
10-07-2010, 05:31 PM
Try to cange this line to
sets ~sourcemediafolder "C:\Program Files\1C Company\Kings Bounty Armored Princess\data\Sourcemedia"
I think the 'Sourcemedia' folder itself should be included in the path.
You have a 32-bit OS, right?
Now I have no problem.
thx all the time.
10-07-2010, 07:00 PM
I tried the : C:\Program Files\1C Company\Kings Bounty Armored Princess\data\sourcemedia
aswell as : C:\Program Files\1C Company\Kings Bounty Armored Princess\data\sourcemedia\terrain
Still nothings working...
and I think I am on vista 32 OS not a 64...
10-11-2010, 06:48 AM
I tried the : C:\Program Files\1C Company\Kings Bounty Armored Princess\data\sourcemedia
aswell as : C:\Program Files\1C Company\Kings Bounty Armored Princess\data\sourcemedia\terrain
Still nothings working...
and I think I am on vista 32 OS not a 64...
This path needs to start and end with quotation marks because it contains spaces:
sets ~sourcemediafolder "C:\Program Files\1C Company\Kings Bounty Armored Princess\data\Sourcemedia"
In addition, run the Editor using 'Run as Adminstrator' context menu command to make sure Windows allows it to write anything into the game folder.
City Builder
10-14-2010, 05:45 PM
I'm sorry, I didn't subscribe to this thread.
By action, for me all I need to do is to open the texture window again, and when I try to paint down a new texture, all the existing textures I already painted on the landscape come back and pop on the view again.
I'm sure you've already tried this so not sure what else to help you, or why it works for me but not you.
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