View Full Version : Some Beginner Questions

05-24-2010, 04:40 PM

I just started playing and I am having really hard times on normal mode at level 5. I am in the new map and almost every monster is shown as lethal. I am unable to win any battles and I am thinking about restarting the game, so I have a question about this game.

1. How can I exp? I want to kill low level monsters and exp slowly instead of losing all my army in every battle, but it looks like monsters in maps does not respawn. Is there any way to keep exping in the first map?

2. Is there any guides or walkthroughs for this game? I searched in Google but no results.

That's all for now, thanks.

05-24-2010, 05:37 PM
I just started playing and I am having really hard times on normal mode at level 5. I am in the new map and almost every monster is shown as lethal. I am unable to win any battles and I am thinking about restarting the game, so I have a question about this game.

If you are new to the series, play Easy mode first - you need to learn the rules, and get a feeling of what the different units can do.

It is quite normal for enemies on a new island to be shown as lethal - as the ranking is based on a lot of things, but most importantly your own army. Your army size is limited by your leadership value, so get more of that asap.

You can get more leadership by:
1. Picking up flags. Look carefully around the map for them! And you can lure some of the enemies out, keep your distance, then circle around to pickup the loot without fighting (that's a method called "kiting").
2. The Mind skill tree, Glory skill (at upper-right corner).
3. Grand Strategy medal. You need to win battles without losing any units of your army (summoned units don't count as loss) though.
4. Level up. Warrior gets the most leadership on level up, Paladin second, Mage the least.

Also, the ranking is not absolute. The army composition can make it a nightmarish battle, or an easy one, even when both are ranked the same. For mages the ranking is even more inaccurate.

I warmly recommend you ditch those stacks you start the game with; get bowman, swordsman, inquisitors and maybe priests.

Take to the general and do the tutorial; leave all your stacks at the castle, you will be given a very good one for the tutorial. Once you've done it, your first goal is to grab loot and leadership without fighting much. Then try to get Royal Snakes (there's a snake handler's hut in the middle of Debir). Consider getting the Snake Boots along with them. Once you have Royal Snakes things will look much better.

1. How can I exp? I want to kill low level monsters and exp slowly instead of losing all my army in every battle, but it looks like monsters in maps does not respawn. Is there any way to keep exping in the first map?

You need to start at Easy and learn the rules, the units and common tactics; then you will find yourself clearing the first island without trouble. Don't expect to win every battle without loss at first; it's a skill that will come to you slowly.

Steal maps to the other islands, and again find more loot there. After stealing leadership flags off Debir, Scarlet Winds and Bolo, and a level or two in Glory, you should have a decent-sized army to deal with the enemies.

2. Is there any guides or walkthroughs for this game? I searched in Google but no results.

There's a stickied info thread here (http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=10991), while lots of sound advice, there are also lots of spoilers inside. So try asking in this thread first! :)

I certainly know how you feel - I was a new Armored Princess player not so long ago. I got stumped in Normal as a Mage, then I changed to Paladin (human troops with Royal Griffin) and finished it on Easy. Then a Mage on Normal (a single Black Knight stack of 312), and now I'm doing a Warrior on Hard.

As your skill and knowledge about the units grow, you can do some very amazing things - I beat 602 marauders with 22 guard droids and 38 repair droids last night, 25 turns, max (2) chests dug and no loss. That's nothing to the grandmasters of the game here, but I'm quite pleased with my progress. :D

05-24-2010, 06:47 PM
The most important thing on the beginning is:

Dont be scared of fighting any troop marked as "very strong" or "lethal", most of the time u can easily win the match with no losses if u play good strategy tactics. As the mate say, try to get all the leadership flags avoiding fighting with enemies, kite the experience training shirne on bolo, and start playing on easy with a warrior. The tutorial on the beginning is essential, cuz it gives to you 2 no losses matches, extra level, useful items for the start, and so on. Pick the 2 mind runes on debir island that the monk gives to u. And dont waste runes on level up, keep em so u can raise the glory skill fastest.

If u started bad from the beginning, maybe u should start a new game, always with a warrior on easy. I tell u, i play since AP came up, and now impossible mode seems too easy for me xD.