View Full Version : Please help with vampire bats attack script
05-04-2010, 04:01 PM
Hi, I am trying to edit the vampire attack script in addon_special_attacks.lua.
I am trying to make it so that only half (or 1/4) of the damage done by vampire bats is used to resurrect the vampires. I am not good at reading the script or figuring out which part to edit. Please help.
Thanks in advance
05-04-2010, 05:17 PM
Hi, I am trying to edit the vampire attack script in addon_special_attacks.lua.
I am trying to make it so that only half (or 1/4) of the damage done by vampire bats is used to resurrect the vampires. I am not good at reading the script or figuring out which part to edit. Please help.
Thanks in advance
you must find where the amount of damage is being calcullated into health and multiply it on 0,25.
05-04-2010, 05:23 PM
I tried looking at the script but there are many places listing damage, etc. Here is the script maybe you can notice. Thanks
function special_vamp()
local cycle = Attack.get_cycle()
--local count=Attack.act_size(0)
local dmg_min,dmg_max = text_range_dec(Attack.get_custom_param("damage"))
local power=tonumber(Attack.get_custom_param("power"))
--local damage=Game.Random(dmg_min)
local typedmg=Attack.get_custom_param("typedmg")
local source, target
if (cycle == 0) then
local source = Attack.get_target()
Attack.val_store("vamp_source", source)
--Attack.val_store("vamp_hp", math.min(Attack.act_totalhp(source))) --*power/100
elseif (cycle == 1) then
source = Attack.val_restore("vamp_source")
target = Attack.get_target()
if ((source ~= nil) and (target ~= nil)) then
Attack.aseq_rotate(0, source)
Attack.act_aseq( 0, "cast" )
local dmgt = Attack.aseq_time(0, "x")
local a = Attack.atom_spawn(source, dmgt, "effect_life_minus", Attack.angleto(source))
local dmgts = Attack.aseq_time(a, "x")
Attack.atom_spawn(target, Attack.aseq_time(0, "y"), "effect_life_plus", Attack.angleto(target))
local max_hp=Attack.act_totalhp(source)
common_cell_apply_damage(source, dmgts+dmgt)
local max_dmg = Attack.act_damage_results(source)
local rephits = math.floor(math.min(min_dmg,max_hp)*power/100)
local count, hp = Attack.act_size(target),Attack.act_hp(target)
-- if Attack.get_caa(target) == nil then count = 0 end
local before = Attack.act_totalhp(target)
Attack.cell_resurrect(target, rephits, dmgts+dmgt)
local after = Attack.act_totalhp(target)
Attack.act_cure(target, -(Attack.act_size(target)-count), dmgts+dmgt) -- îòðèöàòåëüíîå ÷èñëî - òîëüêî îòëåò öèôð
count = Attack.act_size(target) - count
local heal = "resr"
if count == 0 then count = Attack.act_hp(target)-hp; heal = "heal" end
Attack.log_special(count, blog_side_unit(target,-1))
return true
05-04-2010, 06:26 PM
multiply rephits
05-04-2010, 07:40 PM
I tried mulitplying (by 0.5 or 0.25) just about everything in that script but it has no effect.
05-04-2010, 10:39 PM
there your script.
and it's taken from unit_features.lua, not addon_special_attacks.lua
function features_vampirism( damage,addrage,attacker,receiver,minmax ) -- minmax, равный 1 или 2 означает, что функция вызывается только для определения мин/макс урона во всп.подсказке
if (minmax==0) and damage>0 then
-- сколько хитов у вампов
if --[[Attack.act_need_cure(attacker) or ]]Attack.cell_need_resurrect(attacker) then
if Attack.act_enemy(receiver) and not (Attack.act_feature(receiver,"undead,boss")) and not (Attack.act_feature(receiver,"plant")) and not (Attack.act_feature(receiver,"golem")) and not (Attack.act_feature(receiver,"pawn")) and not (Attack.act_name(receiver)=="griffin_spirit") then
local count_1 = Attack.act_size(attacker)
local vamp = math.min(Attack.act_totalhp(receiver), damage)
local hp1 = Attack.act_totalhp(attacker)
Attack.act_resurrect(attacker, math.floor(vamp+.5))
local count_2 = Attack.act_size(attacker)
Attack.atom_spawn(attacker, 0, "effect_total_cure")
local log_msg="add_blog_vamp_"
local special=count_2-count_1
if count_2==count_1 then
special = Attack.act_totalhp(attacker) - hp1
Attack.log_special(special) -- работает
return damage,addrage
you must multiply "vamp"
this function being called from bat2 and bat.atom in line posthitmaster=features_vampirism
05-05-2010, 01:46 AM
Thnks, would have never found/done it. Didn't know about that file.
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