View Full Version : leadership

03-02-2010, 05:14 PM
i'm playing a paladin. I 'm currently level 8 and my leadership is only 1655 !
Am I missing something? becuz i think this leadership is too low for a paladin

03-02-2010, 05:30 PM
Well, leadership in KB:AP works a bit different than in TL, it's 15 x level for the paladin, so I wouldn't say your leadership is too low at all; you are only level 8 after all. I would suggest you try to get your hands on some +leadership artifacts.

03-02-2010, 05:55 PM
Maybe is a bit low. But not too much, i am playing with a paladin right now and im level 10. I have 2150 ls. But the truth is that in the beginning i got luck and on the dragon pet garden i got a demoness blood (an artifact that gives u permanently +ls) so at level 1 i had 220 ls. And i am from 1 no loses victory to raise the medal II grand strategy. I suposse u improved the glory skill of the mind tree.