View Full Version : Map of Van Hausen

02-09-2010, 12:50 PM
Hello there,

in one Quest, you have to find 4 bottles for Van Hausen.

I found the bottles in a minute and give him the bottles back.

Know, I found some post, that if you search the bottles that you get a "map of van hausen".

What did I miss, because I didn´t searched the bottles of him?

Regards Tenbian

02-09-2010, 01:09 PM
a treasure map

you got to finish the contraband quest to get the map iwhtout Van Hausen noticing.

The trick here is to put the map form the contraband quest in the bottle instead of van hauen treasure map.

By the way that's the kind of quest I love storytelling wise. You tought that poor Van Hausen had become an honest person where in fact he just put his treasure map in one of the bottle by mistake! Kinda make the game intesresting

02-09-2010, 03:12 PM
Hehe, you´re right!

Thats one of the few games (except KB-TL) where I read every quest-text completely with blissfulness.

By the quest with Van-Hausen I had no time, had to go to work, so I speeded up the whole.... that was the mistake <grrmmml>

Thx for the info :)

Regards Tenbian

02-09-2010, 04:50 PM
You basically get a random lower level artifact.

02-10-2010, 01:37 AM
Yeah I like that where some quests have interactive story arcs with decisions and different outcomes. Should be more of those with more depth and complexity.

I take the map and put rum back in the bottle so Van Hausen attacks me. Fun battle, it's one of those with mass enemy unit stacks. Get more XP and gold than you do for the quest payout. Fails the quest though.