View Full Version : Does rage generation stop after twentysome turns?

02-06-2010, 08:33 AM
I made a mana/rage machine:
- Let Royal Thorns summon thorns.
- Dig up altars and gather the thorns around the altars.
- The altars damage the thorns, which generates rage.
- Summon more thorns to use the dead bodies of the fallen thorns to make more thorns.
- Use rage to cast mana accelerator with the pet dragon.
- End fight with max mana and rage.

After full mana restore I let the pet dragon lay mystic eggs to gather experience and create more bodies to be damaged.

But I normally don't get to restore all of my mana because at some point damage doesn't generate rage anymore. Is this a build in feature?

02-06-2010, 09:48 AM
Rage and mana gains decay as the battle wears on; you get a little message in the message box informing you. At round 10, gains drop to 50%; at round 15, to 25%; at round 20, to 0. However...

-Mana and rage gains from abilities and spells are generally not affected.
-You are guaranteed at least 1 mana from Transmute, even after round 19.
-I'm not sure of the mechanics, but I've noticed that if I just leave 2-3 enemy dryads alive after a fight, then kill the sprouts they summon immediately, it will consistently totally refill my rage, even well past round 20. This may apply to other summoning units as well?

I think that covers the key points. There are many infinite-mana loops based on those exceptions, all of which are painfully tedious... so in general I'd recommend adjusting your tactics to make using any of them unnecessary.

02-12-2010, 08:41 AM
mana spring never diminishes, its a good way to keep mana steady enough for at least a stoneskin every turn no matter how long it lasts, currenlty tho, with my single troll game, i can manage to keep peacefulness and stoneskin on it indefinitely