View Full Version : Plz help me, I have a question. :)
01-07-2010, 12:29 PM
Ok, I started to play this game yesterday, and its very very fun. Ist time I play the game like this and I rly like it.
Ok, here is my question (this will be long) :)
I'm lvl 5 Mage, in my army I have : -1 beholder
-2 archmages
-12 sea dogs
-13 robbers
-1 inquisitor
I cant have more army cause of the Leadership, ofc...
I have finished every quest in Debir, except the old castle, its very hard.
I came to the 2nd island Scarlet wind, but here I have a problem.
Almost every enemy is INVINCIBLE. I cant fight without loosing all the army, and I cant go anywhere else to level up, cause I finished everything on the 1st island. (my lvl of difficulty is Normal, btw)
So, what should I do? I'm I doing smth wrong about the army, or?
Or is the point of the game that I should fight with this INVICIBLE creeps, kill as much as I can, and than just get a new army and so on and on, if you understand me? I cant explore anything cause of this hard creeps, plz help me :)
Ok, tnx a lot, hope you read it ASAP. :)
01-07-2010, 01:00 PM
Obviously you are doing something wrong (e.g you haven't collected all leadership banners or something). There are some troops in scarlet wind which are "invincible" when you go there first time but most of the troops should be "equal in strenght" or "slightly weaker" and even "weak" on normal or easy, there's also troops that might be strong or very strong.
01-07-2010, 01:12 PM
Well can you help me? Cause i dont know what to do. Yes, I have picked up all the leadership baners, my leadership is 632. :S
Maybee its if I get some other troops? (but I dont knwo wich ones)
Just dont know what to do :C
All the enemies In Scarlet have like 34 pirates or 45 or smth like that, and I cant have more than 13, 14...
? :S
01-07-2010, 01:27 PM
Ok, explain me this... almost EVERY creep in scarlet has like 32 archers, 25 sea dogs, 47 goblins, 50 dragonfly or snakes or whatever and I cant have more than 25 troops overall? :S
Wtf, how am I supposed to beat those creeps? :S
01-07-2010, 01:43 PM
If you have 632 leadership GET THE MAX AMOUNT OF TROOPS YOU CAN GET i mean if you have one inquisitor or one beholder it's not even close to the 632 leadership so i have no idea what you are talking about when you said "i can't have more army cause of the leadership" :roll:
01-07-2010, 01:51 PM
Look at this screenshot. :S
And look how little troops I have, and I cant have more.
All the troops here have like 5x more troops than me :C
Am I still doing smth wrong?
Want more screenshots? :)
I'm glad you are helping me thou. . . <---- copy/paste
yeah, I changed some troops.
01-07-2010, 02:01 PM
Look at this screenshot. :S
And look how little troops I have, and I cant have more.
All the troops here have like 5x more troops than me :C
Am I still doing smth wrong?
Want more screenshots? :)
I'm glad you are helping me thou. . . <---- copy/paste
yeah, I changed some troops.
Yes you cannot get more sea dogs BUT you can recruit for example 2 more archmages, 7 more priests and 3 more inquisitors also i think 642 leadership is pretty low on your level you should try to get items which give more leadership, medals and glory skill.
01-07-2010, 02:01 PM
You cannot hire more Sea dogs but you can hire more from the other kinds.
What you should do:
1. Get the Glory Talent. I dont like it, but your leadership is two low.
2. Use spells a LOT. Trap, Slow is like the two best spells here.
3. Buy Royal snakes. Learn to use their no retailation ability and the wait command.
4. Buy Royal Thorns. There should be some in debir (not surely)
But most importantly:
You should try a warrior first if you have never played this kind of games!
Also check the "mage impossible and mage hard" for exper advices.
Normal is extemely easy if you know what to do.
01-07-2010, 02:04 PM
Oh, ok, tnx to both of you.
I wanted to play mage :)
Well, I will se what can I do...
01-07-2010, 02:14 PM
Umm how can i get that Glory items and medals for leadership? :)
Sorry, noob question :C
01-07-2010, 02:23 PM
Glory is on the Mind Tree (the middle one.) You need a lot of green runes for it. To get the leadership medal, you need to win fights w/o losses. The easiest way to do that is to use shooters rather than melee. You mage should cast spells to keep the enemy from getting to you and your shooters should finish them off.
01-07-2010, 05:40 PM
Look at this screenshot. :S
And look how little troops I have, and I cant have more.
All the troops here have like 5x more troops than me :C
Am I still doing smth wrong?
Want more screenshots? :)
I'm glad you are helping me thou. . . <---- copy/paste
yeah, I changed some troops.
Do you see that shield being sold at the shop in your screenshot? It's a Knight's Shield that gives +1 defense and +300 LEADERSHIP. :) That would pump you up to 942 leadership. It costs 11,000 gold, but your screenshot shows you have 24,000+ gold to spare.
Look for such items in shops to increase your leadership. There is a companion in Scarlet that could join you, and he would give you extra item slots so that you could use many more items.
01-07-2010, 07:46 PM
One more thing...
What are crystals for? How do I get them exept of finding them and where can i see how much crystals do I have?
Btw, I started to play with warrior :) Its ok... for now :)
01-07-2010, 10:58 PM
Shady, just to make sure you understand, your Leadership (You have 642 in the screenshot) tells you how large EACH of your units can be. So right now you can have 642 leadership worth of Mages, 642 Leadership of Seadogs, etc.
If you hover your mouse over one of your troops, it will tell you how many you have, and how many more you could get.
Crystals allow you to learn or upgrade spells, once you have learned that school of magic in the MAGIC tree.
You find them on the map, get them for quests, and other random places.
01-09-2010, 03:55 AM
Ok, I started to play this game yesterday, and its very very fun. Ist time I play the game like this and I rly like it.
Ok, here is my question (this will be long) :)
I'm lvl 5 Mage, in my army I have : -1 beholder
-2 archmages
-12 sea dogs
-13 robbers
-1 inquisitor
I cant have more army cause of the Leadership, ofc...
I have finished every quest in Debir, except the old castle, its very hard.
I came to the 2nd island Scarlet wind, but here I have a problem.
Almost every enemy is INVINCIBLE. I cant fight without loosing all the army, and I cant go anywhere else to level up, cause I finished everything on the 1st island. (my lvl of difficulty is Normal, btw)
So, what should I do? I'm I doing smth wrong about the army, or?
Or is the point of the game that I should fight with this INVICIBLE creeps, kill as much as I can, and than just get a new army and so on and on, if you understand me? I cant explore anything cause of this hard creeps, plz help me :)
Ok, tnx a lot, hope you read it ASAP. :)
your army is terrible your archmage and inquis are the only correct units you have, the rest shouldn't be in your army there are alot better to have in your army...
bowman for starters are very powerful when used correctly, sadly the comp ai loves to aim these guys which creates annoyances but archers are a must have epsecially if your playing a mage.
i recommend geting these in your army or as backup....knights, paladins, red dragons (when your the right level), green dragons ("), swordsman, gaurdsmen, fire dragonflys (if your doing the smart thing with your pet dragon, which is collecting treasure chests x2 in battles, once you get to the level where you can find 2 chests dont level it anymore)
peasents are another must.... the last moment i used my peasents before upgrading i had around the 1k+ of them, now take note all tho when they get hit you can lose big numbers they are very cheap to buy back, cheapest unit to get im pretty sure, could be wrong but lol
when you have 1k+ of them they can do a good amount of dmg and can be used to tank dmg via blocking or tempting the comp ai to attack them due to distance.
at level 5 you should have priests in your group with the inquis and archmage.. thing is tho i dont understand how you got archmages and with the count of 5 of them i dont understand why you would risk losing such a strong unit...
do not use them until you are sure you can replenish your archamage losses when needing to rez more then one type of unit including the archmage.
those are the only units you should ever waste money on or use, the other units have no point in getting them.
01-09-2010, 04:38 AM
Lol... tank with peasants... lol...
01-09-2010, 05:00 AM
Lol... tank with peasants... lol...
it works when you have 1k of them... they dont cost much... id rather tank with units i wont use late game then use units i will and lose them because i have to rez other more important units...
im going to assume from your post your very bad at the game :S
01-09-2010, 07:25 AM
it works when you have 1k of them... they dont cost much... id rather tank with units i wont use late game then use units i will and lose them because i have to rez other more important units...
im going to assume from your post your very bad at the game :S
...or he's just that good that he knows to tank with something better than peasants, like something that could take hits without any casualties at all (cyclops/dragons early in the game), or are easy to resurrect and have high defense (black knights with eviln spell or paladins with resurrect/phantom and their built-in ability). Even at the very early part of the game you could tank with a single griffin (from a griffin egg) or create summons from royal thorns.
Maybe you played KBTL and found out that level 5 units in that game were not up to par with an equal amount of leadership lower level unit types. FYI, they "fixed" the level 5 units in KBAP and are now worth their weight in gold and leadership.
01-09-2010, 07:49 AM
If you really want to tank with your peasant, I would suggest having level 3 pain mirror and turn back time (any level) to make some fun out of it.
01-09-2010, 03:13 PM
...or he's just that good that he knows to tank with something better than peasants, like something that could take hits without any casualties at all (cyclops/dragons early in the game), or are easy to resurrect and have high defense (black knights with eviln spell or paladins with resurrect/phantom and their built-in ability). Even at the very early part of the game you could tank with a single griffin (from a griffin egg) or create summons from royal thorns.
Maybe you played KBTL and found out that level 5 units in that game were not up to par with an equal amount of leadership lower level unit types. FYI, they "fixed" the level 5 units in KBAP and are now worth their weight in gold and leadership.
i loled in rl at this clueless post....
firstly if u bothered to check ur facts before choosing to make a fool of urself... u cant have dragons at lvl 5 its not possible gj clueless one...
and cyclopes? ive seen almost the entire game and never came across any unit called cyclopes, i doubt a lvl 5 can see or get them :S
"(black knights with eviln spell or paladins with resurrect/phantom and their built-in ability)" another idiotic comment posted by u....
again he is lvl 5 i highly doubt u can get those at lvl 5....
oh btw "or he's just that good that he knows to tank with something better than peasants" was the stupidest part of ur entire post fyi.
"Even at the very early part of the game you could tank with a single griffin (from a griffin egg) or create summons from royal thorns."
to this stupid comment i say this... a smart player sells the eggs because a) tanking with grifs will only get u so far at lvl 5 and u will eventually lose especially when u have as many inques as the op stated he had....
and royal thorns are not good tanking units most part because at lvl 5 u cant get alot of them.... they dont have alot of movement and i could be wrong about this bit but im almost certain they are ranged attackers....
tanking with ranged what will noobs think of next :S
please be sure to check ur facts before making a fool of urself no offense :(
oh and btw rezin via paladin is the stupidest way to rez... i mean dont get me wrong if the opportunity arises then ye go for it but ur main rezing should be coming from ur inques and phantoms of inques.
01-09-2010, 03:19 PM
If you really want to tank with your peasant, I would suggest having level 3 pain mirror and turn back time (any level) to make some fun out of it.
nah u dont need pain mirror at all, my army consists of 60 inques, 30 archmages, 3 red dragons, 3 green dragons, 121 archers, at the moment,
this army is almost unstoppable due to me tanking and raping with the 2 dragons me using phantom on my inques making me never have any losses on troops about 99% of the time, and with my spells and ranged attack i just face roll pretty much anything... i have alot of knights, pallys, calvs, gaurdsmen on standby for when i vs stuff that my current army may have trouble with... example big amount of dragons i then switch one of my units for knights who face roll dragons especially with the dragon slayer spell...
when i was around level 5 peasents was a very good tanking unit to use due to the fact they are so cheap and the dmg they did in numbers was right where i needed it to be.
01-09-2010, 04:01 PM
i recommend geting these in your army or as backup....knights, paladins, red dragons (when your the right level), green dragons ("), swordsman, gaurdsmen, fire dragonflys (if your doing the smart thing with your pet dragon, which is collecting treasure chests x2 in battles, once you get to the level where you can find 2 chests dont level it anymore)
lol man, where can I find those knights and dragons and swordsmans? :D
I havent found them :S
even not on Bolo island, or whatever the name is...
01-09-2010, 04:48 PM
i recommend geting these in your army or as backup....knights, paladins, red dragons (when your the right level), green dragons ("), swordsman, gaurdsmen, fire dragonflys (if your doing the smart thing with your pet dragon, which is collecting treasure chests x2 in battles, once you get to the level where you can find 2 chests dont level it anymore)
I never claimed to be good at this game, I just find it interesting that you chose peasants as a tank considering how hard they are to keep alive, which in turn makes it counterproductive to getting the Grand Strategy medal as soon as possible. It never entered my thoughts as I'm playing no-loss impossible, hence the chuckle. I can certainly see how others not doing likewise might find use in peasants for such a role. Freedom to mix and match as you please is one of the great things about this game, after all.
In any case, I'm wondering why the bolded portion is the "smart thing" when a fully leveled Treasure Searcher (2 more levelups from where you are) gets you 3 chests at 8 rage a piece as opposed to 2 chests at 9 rage a piece...
01-09-2010, 07:45 PM
lol man, where can I find those knights and dragons and swordsmans? :D
I havent found them :S
even not on Bolo island, or whatever the name is...
swordsman should be at your starting castle...
for knights and red dragons you need to go on to venora or how ever you spell it and then find that archmage standing gaurd on that hugh bridge kill him and click on the portal behind him and there you go.
01-09-2010, 07:50 PM
I never claimed to be good at this game, I just find it interesting that you chose peasants as a tank considering how hard they are to keep alive, which in turn makes it counterproductive to getting the Grand Strategy medal as soon as possible. It never entered my thoughts as I'm playing no-loss impossible, hence the chuckle. I can certainly see how others not doing likewise might find use in peasants for such a role. Freedom to mix and match as you please is one of the great things about this game, after all.
In any case, I'm wondering why the bolded portion is the "smart thing" when a fully leveled Treasure Searcher (2 more levelups from where you are) gets you 3 chests at 8 rage a piece as opposed to 2 chests at 9 rage a piece...
firstly its 2 chests at 6 rage... not 9, its 9 for 2 chests and 1 alter... and leveling it to 3 chests is not really necessary you dont wanna spend have the battle digging up chests with your dragon...aside from the face your wall, orb and dragon attack will be alot weaker making fights harder...
if you do manage to get 3 chests and win the fight without heavy losses then grats thats impressive especially with the xtra runes and magic crystals you find.
01-10-2010, 12:39 PM
if you do manage to get 3 chests and win the fight without heavy losses then grats thats impressive especially
No, that's not impressive. Even I can manage that. :) I play a no-loss game and dig up 3 chests per fight against non-hero stacks. Ususally I'm not that lucky or smart against Hero stacks.
It brings in loads of cash which I don't need because of the no-loss. But it also brings in runes (>10 in 200 fights), wanderer scolls and spell scrolls (I got sacrifice that way, I couldn't believe my eyes!)
01-10-2010, 08:37 PM
Wow, I think AP just graduated to the next level of internet forum standing. We now have an official troll. Thanks for joining BMI! I mean, what else do you call someone who says things like "It is impressive to get three chests without many losses" who also says that "Peasants are a great early game tank" (Paraphrasing of course).
Next we'll find out he isn't even playing on IMpossible, and doesn't get Grand Strategy 3 until roughly level 15.
01-10-2010, 09:29 PM
No, that's not impressive. Even I can manage that. :) I play a no-loss game and dig up 3 chests per fight against non-hero stacks. Ususally I'm not that lucky or smart against Hero stacks.
It brings in loads of cash which I don't need because of the no-loss. But it also brings in runes (>10 in 200 fights), wanderer scolls and spell scrolls (I got sacrifice that way, I couldn't believe my eyes!)
"and leveling it to 3 chests is not really necessary" and by leveling it after the initial 2 chests where it becomes 2 chests and 1 alter for 9 rage.. you actually lose chests and end up opening alot less chests... 1) because in a fight you will own in its very hard to get 9 rage x2 before you can win the round
2) you will take losses trying to get 9ragex2 anyone that says they dont take a single loss is lier and should provide proof.
3) trying to open 3 chests at 6 rage as great as that is again you will take heavy losses vsin heros and harder units while you open 3 chests.... again anyone that says they get no losses in talking out their.............
like i said if you actually can get 3 chests and take no losses thats impressive but very doubtful.
btw sacrifice spell is losses incurred and not really a worth it spell to use especially when your trying to get the achievements and trying to win fast and efficiently.
01-10-2010, 09:32 PM
Wow, I think AP just graduated to the next level of internet forum standing. We now have an official troll. Thanks for joining BMI! I mean, what else do you call someone who says things like "It is impressive to get three chests without many losses" who also says that "Peasants are a great early game tank" (Paraphrasing of course).
Next we'll find out he isn't even playing on IMpossible, and doesn't get Grand Strategy 3 until roughly level 15.
LOL !!!!
firstly im not a troll go learn what the meaning of troll is... secondly your post makes you a troll not me....
thirdly from the stuff you said in your post im going to safely assume you haven't even past the game on any difficulty due to the fact your so unaware how good peasents in large numbers can be if used correctly.
an obvious troll is an obvious one :D
01-10-2010, 10:57 PM
Zechno: We're all liars because we claim to achieve no losses while cracking 3 chests per fight. I mean, obviously anything too hard for him has to be impossible, hence anyone claiming otherwise has to be lying and cheating.
I just beat Elenhel with only my stack of 5 Black Dragons. Didn't even summon anything. No losses and I... (wait for it...) even dug up 3 chests in that fight! I'm a liar though as I haven't provided proof.
BMI: Do you even know what "no-loss impossible" means? A few others and I are undertaking (some of us already finished) such a challenge. This means playing on Impossible difficulty and finishing the game without ever losing a single unit in battle. Do you understand why "peasants in large numbers" aren't good in such a challenge? Here, have a look at this... ( (
See that number under Grand Strategy? Go ahead, load yours up and see what number you have. Again, I'm not trying to "prove" how good or bad I am at a game as that's rather childish. I posted that in hopes that it would open your mind a bit. To the fact that something you haven't figured out isn't necessarily impossible and people who have aren't necessarily lying. We're all here on this forum to discuss the game we love and to ask for help. I myself asked for help on this forum as well and I share my own strategies to give back for that help, not to "prove" I'm some kind of great player.
I appreciate you trying to help others with your tips and whatnot but there's really no reason to constantly put others down. I know you think you must be the greatest player to ever walk the earth and frankly, I couldn't care less how good you think you are and how bad of a player you think I am but please refrain from acting like a 10-year-old.
01-10-2010, 11:08 PM
Well, I can confirm that people can pop 3 chests per battle on impossible difficulty with relative ease, even with a full army roster (which usually means you're way too busy hacking at the enemy or ressing your own troops to be thinking about chests). I, for one, am one of those guys. I love popping chests, since the more Ancient Knowledge scrolls you get, the better your game will go.
In addition to that, when a person is bent on doing a no-loss victory, it is absolutely normal to go for tough units. Faeries, Peasants, Dryads, Zombies, and whatever that's under 150 HP will not do well without a strong backbone (spells, paladins, inquisitors, etc.).
As for Elenhel, using Black Dragons only is a really good (and somewhat cheesy, but that's the fun of it) tactic against Elenhel. He can't use geyser on the Black Dragons and since most of his army are mage-based (necros, archmagi, demonologists, druids, and whatnot), the Black dragons will shrug off most of their damage, since it's magic-based (and black dragons have 80% base resistance). So... I can well see how Temjin did it with relative ease.
01-10-2010, 11:26 PM
DGD: Hehe well I actually barely scraped through that fight. When Elenhel can't geyser, he turns to Call of Nature. Scary with his 40 Int as it means he can have a huge stack of stuff appear in front of my dragons just like that. His demonologists summoned 118 dogs too, which stayed near the middle of the screen. He then surprised me with a stack of Royal Snakes from Call of Nature that went before my dragons. My stack's top unit had like 12 hps left when I won that fight.
01-10-2010, 11:48 PM
Well, you have spells to counter that as well - some call of nature of your own or something a bit more offensive (death star... the best addition in KBAP in my humble opinion)? However, I can see your point - Royal snakes can be a royal pain because the Black Dragons lack Poison resistance and their poisonous lunge is an ability, not a spell.
01-11-2010, 04:02 PM
Zechno: We're all liars because we claim to achieve no losses while cracking 3 chests per fight. I mean, obviously anything too hard for him has to be impossible, hence anyone claiming otherwise has to be lying and cheating.
I just beat Elenhel with only my stack of 5 Black Dragons. Didn't even summon anything. No losses and I... (wait for it...) even dug up 3 chests in that fight! I'm a liar though as I haven't provided proof.
BMI: Do you even know what "no-loss impossible" means? A few others and I are undertaking (some of us already finished) such a challenge. This means playing on Impossible difficulty and finishing the game without ever losing a single unit in battle. Do you understand why "peasants in large numbers" aren't good in such a challenge? Here, have a look at this... ( (
See that number under Grand Strategy? Go ahead, load yours up and see what number you have. Again, I'm not trying to "prove" how good or bad I am at a game as that's rather childish. I posted that in hopes that it would open your mind a bit. To the fact that something you haven't figured out isn't necessarily impossible and people who have aren't necessarily lying. We're all here on this forum to discuss the game we love and to ask for help. I myself asked for help on this forum as well and I share my own strategies to give back for that help, not to "prove" I'm some kind of great player.
I appreciate you trying to help others with your tips and whatnot but there's really no reason to constantly put others down. I know you think you must be the greatest player to ever walk the earth and frankly, I couldn't care less how good you think you are and how bad of a player you think I am but please refrain from acting like a 10-year-old.
firstly thank you for miss reading my post entirely...
secondly grats on winning one battle with 5 black dragons and digging up 3 chests...
thirdly wow 198 fights won without a loss i have close to that much and still haven't finnished this game on the current game i'm playing...
fourthly your screenshot doesn't prove anything tbh :(
fifthly when did i say that something i couldn't do is automatically impossible? please stop putting words in my mouth....
sixthly due to the fact you did your talents very badly i highly doubt you haven't lost one unit the entire game on impossible...
all the items you have which you aren't using A SIDE THE ONES YOU HAVE AS BACKUP for other situations which you haven't dismantled for extra runes and magic crystals...
lastly i love to help others and in no way shape or form do i think im the best player and the only 10 year old here is you with that trolling post.
and to prove my point i wont be replying to any more idiotic posts...
01-11-2010, 06:00 PM
Well, his last point is my favorite, I hope he thinks all my posts are idiotic, to save us from his angry attacks. I wonder what skills he thinks you are supposed to have in the magic tree at level 40? I mean, what skills help your Peasant-Tank stack work better?
01-11-2010, 06:21 PM
Like I said, you can say and believe whatever you like. I'd be surprised if even a single person on this forum finds you credible in any way shape or form. You can "highly doubt" my no-losses on impossible all you like. I've posted detailed strategies on how I get them on this forum. I know an objection you had was "what to do before you can get L5 units." I actually wrote out an entire strategy post on what to do from the start of the game (including how to win the tutorial fights with only 1 paladin) till the time you have enough leadership to get the free green dragon without taking losses. I know you don't like searching this huge forum so I can link you if you are interested. I'm not here to prove anything though and I'm only offering to link you if you are interested in opening your mind to other strategies. I would be wasting my time if I did try to prove anything to you because there can be no solid proof unless you came by my place to watch me play.
I will reiterate: the point of the snapshot is to simply try to open your mind to the fact that just because someone does something different from you, doesn't make it horrible. I'm only Level 40 as you see and games I hear end at 55-58ish. I'm barely past the halfway mark. Why don't I dismantle the stuff you see?
1) The cloak I plan on upgrading before breaking. However, I only do upgrade fights when I need the rage for the next battle. It's simply not time yet.
2) The musket, scope, and dagger I'm hanging on to in case I decide to go with an archer army backed up by 3 stacks of fairies.
3) I'm not hurting for crystals because I don't scribe/upgrade every spell. I only scribe the ones I use.
Do enlighten me though on why my talent picks are horrible as I honestly don't see why. I am a believer that anyone can learn from anyone so constructive criticism is always welcome. The only abilities I haven't tried to max yet are ones that either give me more mana (I have 110 mana, 120 with the cape, and I get 14 mana a turn with concentration 3 and 2 belts, which is more than enough for me), more Intellect (Linguistics will be good but it's low priority from a cost benefit standpoint compared to the skills I want to max early), or use less crystals (which I don't need.)
I really hope you are 12 years old or you are purposely trolling to piss people off. Because if you're an adult and this is how you approach life, you won't get very far and you will simply end up making a lot of enemies. I mean that purely from a standpoint of concern because you have a lot of anger and insecurity in those posts. If berating others on a forum is your outlet, I guess that's better than taking it out on people in person. Go ahead and call me a troll and whatever names you want. I feel no rage towards you because I honestly pity you. Because just like in real life, it's not what you or I think that matters. It's how everyone else in the community perceives you.
01-11-2010, 09:29 PM
Guys, with all due respect, it will be much better when Temjin finishes the game, provides a save game file with 0 losses just before finishing the game - after beating up Baal (like I did in the high score thread - and no, I'm not boasting, I did it to set an example for fair play) and everyone will be FORCED to believe him and not question him as it is the case right now :) Actually, the same can be done right now I think... But it is the battles against K'Tahu, Zilgadis and Baal that actually decide a no-loss game.
Otherwise the "petty bickering" (I'm sorry if anyone is offended by this expression) can continue on and on and there won't be a chance in hell to prove who's right :)
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