View Full Version : Army of the Light and Army of the Dark mods

12-09-2009, 12:30 PM

These 2 mods are extremely interesting. They completely re-vamp some of the units, making them a lot stronger, with new skills, various new traits and increased leadership requirements (Fire Magi, Light Magi, Fanatics, White Dragons, Monsters, Mystics, Bombersheep, Subverter, Adept of the Dark, Darkling, Spirit master, Medium, Evil Books). They are pretty interesting, but they work with the Russian version - the English one doesn't utilize them properly.

I've checked both mods threads, and they look really interesting. Looking at those, I am inclined to revert back to my original Russian version just to check them out...

If these mods can be translated (I'm willing to help if I can), people will enjoy them a lot, as it will add an increased replay value of this game.

12-09-2009, 01:00 PM
Sounds awesome DGD!

12-09-2009, 01:01 PM
This looks pretty good, also if you test those dg remember to take couple of pictures aswell ;)

12-09-2009, 01:17 PM
I will most certainly do so :) I'll also try to install the russian version alongside the english one later today (I'll keep my fingers crossed that they will work together) and see if there's anything that can be done to make the mod interchangeable, but I kind of doubt that...

EDIT: Ok, I have discovered that Army of the dark mod is compatible with the current ENG version, as it contains an English language pack file inside. The Army of the Light on the other hand, does not.

12-10-2009, 01:27 AM
Ok, here's the promised batch of screenshots. You will discover that most of them are in english - I took the time and translated almost everything concerning the Army of the Light mod on my own account. I'll be checking if the mod creators will spawn one in english as well - otherwise I'll ask them to publish their mod here with the english translation.

Still, I came to a bunch of problems that happen only on the english version of the game. The Mage of the Light's Gift, Holy Rain and Respawn crash the game when they are disabled (meaning waiting to be recharged or there is no target available), so I had to make up my own pics for the disabled status, which did not show at all.

Army of the light screens part 1:

12-10-2009, 01:31 AM
And some more, since 5 screens per topic is max is the max :)

Army of the light screens part 2:

12-10-2009, 01:35 AM
.... and a few more to top it up!

Army of the light screens part 3:

12-10-2009, 07:24 AM
Might want to label your links up there, as to which one goes to which mod.

I am intrigued by this idea, and am probably going to try it out at some point. Do you just start the game with these items... or are they purchaseable somewhere or something?

12-10-2009, 09:42 AM
Nice but does the mod replace the units currently available with the new ones? (for example fire mage uses archmages model so does the fire mage replace archmage completely?)

12-10-2009, 11:57 AM
To start, I have to apolozige that I didn't point out the mod the screens were for. That is the Army of the Light mod. As Zechno suggested, I labeled them

Rancor, the item you saw on one of the screenshots - the sword of the successors of the light (new custom item, needs to be upgraded first to open up the new properties) - is used to transform the units in-game, so nothing is lost in general from the initial game setup (the game spawns inquisitors, archmagi and such as usual in various buildings, you simply buy them and "use" the sword to transform them into fanatics and fire magi). The Ring is also a new item, created by the mod authors. In addition to that, the mod seems to work with already existent save games by adding the sword and the ring when you switch locations - like going from one map to another. Everything you saw is from the Judgment Day Paladin playthrough I was doing, which I had already started.

Still, I didn't manage to fix the problem with the missing images of the light mage - but at least I managed to stop the game from crashing every time it was the light mage's turn.

So each unit is completely new, with its own batch of textures, its own coding. Everything about those is in the mod file.

As for the army of the Dark, I need to fix some stuff about it first. The mod, just like the previous one, has no problems with the russian version, but certainly has some with the english one - duplicate file hashes, missing images, and sometimes even occasional crashes. The good thing about it though, is that it has been already translated. The mod itself works like the army of the Light - giving you a dead book to transform the troops (which works just like the sword of successors to the light) and a ring to upgrade into the Ring of the Ruler that boosts intellect and reduces leadership requirements for undead by 10%.

I'll try to make some screens about the other mod as well - Army of the Dark, provided I find all of the units and manage to get them, because in my paladin game there are no dryads whatsoever, which is one of the units I need to transform.

12-10-2009, 12:47 PM
Ok... here's the Army of the Dark screenshots. You will see that there are some localization errors (wrong names, missing names, etc.) and well as some translation errors. I'll try to fix them if I can.

12-10-2009, 01:02 PM
Here's part 2 of the screens:

12-10-2009, 09:25 PM
Nice...keep it up

Coin-coin le Canapin
12-11-2009, 10:39 AM
Is it possible to use these two mods at the same time?
Or do you have to choose only one?

12-11-2009, 12:05 PM
Yes, they can be used together, although the units are mutually exclusive (they decrease each other's morale severely and tend to debuff eachother if they are allied).

The thing is that the original mod Army of the Light doesn't include an english translation, and Army of the Dark's translation is a little poor (but understandable)

Another problem is that they don't work properly with the english version due to missing pictures, duplicate file hashes, improper translations, etc. The missing pictures can lead to crashes though. This doesn't happen with the russian version at all. The mod works perfectly with it.

12-11-2009, 12:12 PM
i have a idea... so you buy or download russian version , after you can use englishs version's loc_ses.kfs file (this file include english words ) you just overwrite russian version , and after you can use mods ?

12-11-2009, 12:31 PM
No, that won't work. The mod has new units and items. Everything for them (various new descriptions, ability pictures, textures, etc.) is packed in the mod file itself.

The best shot at it is to find all the missing stuff in the english version and add it, I think...

The Rider
12-11-2009, 12:32 PM
there are no localization errors, you have to translate the rus_*.loc files in English and than rename the prefix rus_ to eng_ in the file name - that will fix all [NF] not found errors :)

12-11-2009, 12:43 PM
Well, I did that. That fixed the most of the problems with the Army of the Light mod (and this is why some of the screens from it are in english), but one crucial remains - no pictures show for the Mage of the Light's gift and heal abilitites whatsoever, which leads to a crash. I made my own pics (by editing and renaming the original pics to suit the game), but that forced the game to show empty buttons. Well, at least it stopped crashing :)

As for the Army of the Dark, it causes a duplicate file hash for the dryad (a window will show, and if you hit ignore, the game simply continues), but it has a built-in enligsh translation. It's a bit poor, but it is understandable.

In the master mod (required to run these 2 versions properly), one should translate parts of the loc files to fix all the NF errors. Actually, the only NF error I found was when trying to bring up the info about the master mod, so it's not that big of a deal.

EDIT: Well, I managed to fix most of the army of darkness errors and corrected some improper translations in the localization file. There are still a few missing button pics though, but at least now the game starts without any warnings about duplicate file hashes.

12-11-2009, 02:31 PM
Oh-kay... I think I managed to fix it all. The mod doesn't even hint at the existence of a unit, which in fact is present - the Forsaken Book transforms all Giants into Taus Clasans (Santa Claus) who spawn Christmas trees, toy soldiers (allied troops) and gifts (chests, pretty much like the pet dragon's ability, also include Christmas toys in addition to their original contents).

Hmm, I'm beginning to see why it was disabled. Taus Clasan is supposed to have a healing aura, which doesn't work - but it is a fun unit nonetheless.

A lot of fun indeed, as you can see from the screens :)

12-11-2009, 04:14 PM
Oh-kay... I think I managed to fix it all. The mod doesn't even hint at the existence of a unit, which in fact is present - the Forsaken Book transforms all Giants into Taus Clasans (Santa Claus) who spawn Christmas trees, toy soldiers (allied troops) and gifts (chests, pretty much like the pet dragon's ability, also include Christmas toys in addition to their original contents).

Hmm, I'm beginning to see why it was disabled. Taus Clasan is supposed to have a healing aura, which doesn't work - but it is a fun unit nonetheless.

A lot of fun indeed, as you can see from the screens :)

Looks cool. How does this mod work you have to use an item to change your troops? Maybe if you fixed it you could upload it? Thnks

12-11-2009, 04:23 PM
Yes, you simply use an item and any troops that the item can transform, get transformed. However, I'm not certain I have the right to upload it the mod here.

But I think that there is a workaround. People can download it from the original links and I can upload only the required files to convert those mods into english.

Will that be ok?

12-11-2009, 04:28 PM
Yes, you simply use an item and any troops that the item can transform, get transformed. However, I'm not certain I have the right to upload it the mod here.

But I think that there is a workaround. People can download it from the original links and I can upload only the required files to convert those mods into english.

Will that be ok?

Yea sounds good. Thnks

12-11-2009, 05:02 PM
Army of the Light and Army of the Dark unofficial fix README (included in the archive as well):

This is the unofficial english fix for the mods Army of the Light and Army of the Dark, created by

Serega, zini4_tha_grunt, and sayNT.

What does the fix do:
- Translates the Army of the Light mod in English.
- Adds some "fake" images to fool KBAP from crashing when the Mage of the Light's turn comes.
- Even though the images will not show, the description will be available, so you can refer to it for

recharge time, charges, availability and so on. You should be aware that both abilities with charges

(gift and mass resurrection) have a recharge time as well regardless of the charges left.
- Fixes multiple translation errors in the Army of the Dark english language file.
- Adds a new line for the Forsaken Book that notifies the user that he/she can also transform a Giant

into Taus Clasan (that line is not present in the original russian mod).
- Fixes multiple [NF] errors due to improper coding in the english language file.

I. Installing the fix for Army of the Light mod.

1. Download the mod from here:
(the 3 links in the first post)

2. Extract all the files you downloaded in the folder data/mods. You should have these 3 files:

3. Now open mod_a12_Master_121_army_of_light.kfs with winzip or winrar. You will see a bunch of folders

in this archive.
3.1. Go to the localization folder. You will see a file rus_army_of_light.lng. This is the file for the

russian version of KBAP. Go to Add and select the eng_army_of_light.lng file that comes with this fix.

When the operation is complete, you should have both files in this localization folder:

3.2. Go to the images folder. Select Add and select these 3 files from this fix:
and complete the operation. Sadly, that doesn't fix the images of the Mage of the Light, but at least

it prevents the game from crashing when this troop's turn comes.

That should do it. Simply update the mod_a12_Master_121_army_of_light.kfs with the new files and you

should be done.

II. Installing the fix for Army of the Dark mod.

1. Download the mod from here:
(the 2 links in the first post)

2. Extract all the files you downloaded in the folder data/mods. You should have these files:
KBMaster_2.2.2_for_a12.kfs -> necessary!
mod_a12_master_113_common_files.kfs -> necesary!
mod_a12_Master_121_army_of_light.kfs -> if you have the army of the light mod as well.
mod_a12_master_114_armyofdark.kfs -> the main file for the army of the dark mod.

3. Open mod_a12_master_114_armyofdark.kfs file with winzip or winrar. Go to the localization folder.

There are 2 files there:

Select Add and point to the eng_army_of_dark.lng from the fix. Replace the original file.

III. Final words.

You should be aware that this is simply an UNOFFICIAL fix to a mod that is in constant development by its creators. You can expect various discrepancies, problems, probably improper ability usage, and so on. However, I can tell for a fact that it is completely playable like this if you overlook the missing images and slight translation discrepancies.

Enjoy guys :)
DG Dobrev

12-11-2009, 05:06 PM
NOTE: Forgot to add that this fix also works with a game that has already commenced (started). The new items will appear when you switch locations (go to an underground area, switch maps, etc.).

NOTE 2: This mod is also compatible with the basic interface and pet hint mods.

NOTE 3: There is a known issue that may cause game crashes when right-clicking on enemy troops that have units from the army of the light or army of the dark in their ranks. Always quicksave before battle.

NOTE 4: I didn't fix the master mod file, so when you mouse over the kbmods flag in the top right of your screen, you will get a NF error. Usually, that flag shows which mods are currently in use. I don't think that is relevant, and in addition to that, it will be an alteration to the original master mod file.
- In addition to that, the original 2.2.2 version of the master mod has a built-in warning if the game version is higher than build 5700 that pops up every time you start or load a game. Very annoying to say the least.

12-11-2009, 08:23 PM
only problem I have is the 1st link seems to be broken for the army of darkness in the russian forum. I can't get the mod_a12_master_114_armyofdark.kfs file. Do you need an account on that forum to dl it too?

The Rider
12-11-2009, 09:12 PM
I am not sure if this is mentioned, but for army of light/darkness you need the KB_Master_mod
and yes, you need an account in the russian forums if you want to download the files

12-11-2009, 11:06 PM
Well, it's not a problem to register an account :) I can post the files here, but I need a permission from the mod author, and for some reason, although I am registered there, I cannot post, quote, and send PM's...

So for now, this is the only legal way to get everything without harming the rights of the mod authors.

12-12-2009, 01:58 AM
regestering an account didn't fix the problem anyways, it does seem like a broken link on army of darkness or my computer doesn't have setting required for a Russian site?
The only file a can't dl is the army of darkness from their forum

12-12-2009, 09:47 AM
That is weird - all of the files are hosted on kingsbounty.ru.

Try the links from this post.

2.2.3 is what you need.

Coin-coin le Canapin
12-12-2009, 04:17 PM
I'm not sure finishing the game with 0 loss is the same challenge if you start to modify the game statistics . :D
But I understand what you mean, just joking a bit.

12-12-2009, 06:02 PM
I am not certain that this post was applicable to the thread, since we're simply discussing the extra fun with a few mods that upgrade the units here :)

12-12-2009, 07:49 PM
Well I did manage to download it but it was hell going through that russian ifolder site in google translate, hope it works after all that.

12-12-2009, 08:44 PM
Suffice it to say, I went through the same hell. I am well aware that the easiest thing to do is to simply upload all the necessary files here, but I neither have the permission, nor I am willing to violate the rights of the mod creators.

12-19-2009, 04:10 PM
What is the name of the sword and ring if we use the save game scanner to look for it? Didn't find sword of light nor ring in search string.

12-20-2009, 07:51 AM
Those items should simply appear in your inventory after you do something (start a new game, take an item, change the area, etc.). They can't be bought so they shouldn't be in the scanner at all.

12-23-2009, 02:00 AM
Yea, got that figured out when I restarted a game. The units are fun but overpowered I think. Too bad the army of dark link is not working, didnt manage to download it.

12-23-2009, 03:31 PM
Overpowered... I wouldn't say so :) Fun - most certainly.

12-24-2009, 07:03 AM
hie, I'am the one of the authors of theese mods.
have you had solved the problems with the mods (i mean Lightmages and images)?
Te lastest versions has nave no such a problem.
Btw, these mods are also available for KB:Legend too.

12-24-2009, 09:27 AM
Hey zini4!

Yes, I managed to solve some of the problems. For some reason I was unable to post on the russian forums to let you know about my unofficial translation.

Please check this post and download the translation:

And you can test it for yourself. I did some translation upgrades - I hope you're not insulted. And BTW, if I can help with anything, you can PM me in russian if it will be more convenient for you.

Great mods, hands down :)

12-24-2009, 08:36 PM
Hey zini4!

Yes, I managed to solve some of the problems. For some reason I was unable to post on the russian forums to let you know about my unofficial translation.

Please check this post and download the translation:

And you can test it for yourself. I did some translation upgrades - I hope you're not insulted. And BTW, if I can help with anything, you can PM me in russian if it will be more convenient for you.

Great mods, hands down :)

if you do download the last version of Army of light, you'll see, the problem with image has been solved long time ago.
You can continue to support the english version of the mod - i don't interested in translating and my free time is short, so you can add yourself in authors.

P.S. i'm sorry for my english, i hope it's not so bad, as i think.

12-29-2009, 12:47 AM
Hi zini4,

Do you mind if some of those that managed to get the mod from the russian sites post it here? Some of us have been having problems downloading the mods from the russian sites.

12-30-2009, 10:26 PM
yeah. gimme some links, which fully reacheable for you.

01-14-2010, 09:11 AM
Now that you have permission to post the English version here, could you please upload the complete English archive so we don't have to go through the Russian forum?

Many thanks in advance.

01-14-2010, 09:42 AM
The thing is, I don't know if what I have is the last version, this is why I wanted the author to post them.

However, if it would set your mind at ease, I will upload what I have. This is army of the Light and Army of the Dark + The master Mod needed to run them. What I'm uploading is the archive in which I already did everything: fixed the images, and replaced the russian with english localization files. It works perfectly for me like that, so it should be working for you as well.The files inside are as follows:


If there are newer versions, whoever finds them, should upload them here as well - because in these versions I do get the textures bug, which zini4 said it was fixed - which leads me to believe that there are newer versions that I am unaware of.

01-16-2010, 11:12 PM
My dear friend, you are a gentleman and a prince.

Thank you!

01-17-2010, 10:23 AM
The thing is, I don't know if what I have is the last version, this is why I wanted the author to post them.

However, if it would set your mind at ease, I will upload what I have. This is army of the Light and Army of the Dark + The master Mod needed to run them. What I'm uploading is the archive in which I already did everything: fixed the images, and replaced the russian with english localization files. It works perfectly for me like that, so it should be working for you as well.The files inside are as follows:


If there are newer versions, whoever finds them, should upload them here as well - because in these versions I do get the textures bug, which zini4 said it was fixed - which leads me to believe that there are newer versions that I am unaware of.

Excellent work!
But what about your statement previously:
"mod_a12_master_113_common_files.kfs -> necesary!"

Is it really necessary?

01-17-2010, 12:22 PM
Well, having it there will not hurt. I didn't add it, because the file is unchanged for both mods and you can download it freely.

The thing is, I managed to play with and without the common files. Most of the common files are from the russian version as well, but it doesn't seem to hurt.

02-05-2010, 11:00 AM
I am using the latest version of the Mod from this thread and I have two questions about it:

1. What are the Christmas Toys for? What can I do with them?
2. Does the Helaing Aura from the Tauses Clasan still not work?


02-05-2010, 12:03 PM
1. Sell them :)
2. I don't know. If I can get my hands on a newer version of the mod, I'll post it here.

02-06-2010, 09:59 AM
Can we use this mod with the gift pack ?


02-06-2010, 10:21 AM
yes, it works perfectly. they aren't linked in any way.

02-14-2010, 09:26 AM
you fool.
it will conflict. AoL uses KB Master Mod. It has it's own lua files, which changed in the gift-pack.

02-19-2010, 06:56 PM
My dear friend, you are a gentleman and a prince.

Thank you!

What he said. Thanks a lot for the upload DGD. And much kudos to zini and others who made this mod. Can't wait to try it out... :)

02-24-2010, 12:17 PM
I'm getting the error 'Label Not Found: add_blog_zlogn_dark_2' when using the Adept of Darkness' Dark Ritual ability. Anybody have any idea how to fix the error?

03-01-2010, 12:03 PM
Nice work with the translation. But im new here and dont know how the hell the mod should be installed. Should i replace the base files or there is someway to activate the mod without replacing files? and should i rename the files to the original ones?? how does all this work? im just a bit tired of KB's and i need to try something new -.-

03-01-2010, 12:07 PM
Well, if you activate the mod without replacing the files, you will end up reading russian. Simply download this:

extract those into data\mods directory (if you don't have one, create it) and start a game or continue another. The items that transform the troops will appear when you change the area (sail, go underground, etc.) and you can try them out. The missing images are still there, but at least I don't get any errors.

03-01-2010, 02:07 PM
Well, if you activate the mod without replacing the files, you will end up reading russian. Simply download this:

extract those into data\mods directory (if you don't have one, create it) and start a game or continue another. The items that transform the troops will appear when you change the area (sail, go underground, etc.) and you can try them out. The missing images are still there, but at least I don't get any errors.

O, i see, basically the game uses the mod automatically, i was a bit confused -.-. Thx

But the mod is still not finished for wat i see, the special habilities of almost all the new units doesnt work (except fire mage, monster and something else, but the game is almost unplayable cuz everytime u play against some of these units, the game will crash sooner or later, for the same reason the items cant be supressed), so, is there any future plans for updating the mod?? I know this should be asking on the russian forums but as far as i know, cant speak russian -.-

03-06-2010, 12:09 PM
Well, i see this post is dead.

The only thing i will say is, really dont like the unfinished mods. I needed to modify by myself the data files making the fanatics, mystics, and all the units unfinished to have 1 health point so i can kill em fast in the fist turn. But if someone is going to use this mod, dont do it, cuz its impossible to play and finish the game!! (only if u do the thing i did modifying the data files).

03-06-2010, 08:23 PM
The mod may be finished. However, I do not know how or where from to get the complete version. I downloaded it from the first post in the link to the Russian forums I gave you and made the translation so that others can play it, not only me.

For me, the mod worked perfectly in the state I added it here, after I fixed up the missing icons and such.

03-07-2010, 07:32 PM
The mod may be finished. However, I do not know how or where from to get the complete version. I downloaded it from the first post in the link to the Russian forums I gave you and made the translation so that others can play it, not only me.

For me, the mod worked perfectly in the state I added it here, after I fixed up the missing icons and such.

oh, i see.

U tried the skills of mystics and fanatics and it didnt crash?? must be a problem of my mod installation then, but i cant figure out wat is causing the crashes.

I tried searching on internet something about this mod, but found nothing. Only the russian site. That's a shame cuz this mod could be greater than how it is now. White dragons are amazing, monster torns are very resourceful, lightmages (i prefer the druid model instead the archmage again but it ok) + paladins + inquisitors make u almost invincible xD, mediums are awesome with geyser and evil books spawn. The only units i really dont like are demolishers and santas. Adept of darknes make the game crash too, but fortunately i only found 1 troop.

I wish i should know C#(i really dont know if its C# or just C++) so i could make greater things to this mod -.-

03-07-2010, 08:12 PM
Well, try to add this file to the folder with the mod and see if there's any change.

03-07-2010, 09:35 PM
Thx, but still crashing. Is there any log file where the errors are written??

03-08-2010, 02:07 AM
I'm uncertain. I gave you this file because it was included in the original mod, but I never found anything of relevance in it and never used it. I thought it may be some just in case file, but I guess it's not.

BTW, when exactly does the adept crash? When appearing in the army? When using a skill or something else?

03-08-2010, 08:58 AM
There are only 3 units that make the game crash: Adept of darkness, Mystics, Fanatiks. I am not really sure about Adept of darkness, since i only played against em once. Game crashes when they are going to use any skill. The game runs well until its the AI turn. Because the AI try to use the special skills in the first turn, it crashes. This is really making me crazy, cuz its something that, apparently happens only to me :-x

I was thinking on delete the units that are causin the problems, but i really dont know wat changes i need to do in the files for doing that, or wat exactly lines of codes i need to modify. I will investigate a bit, and if i cant figure it out someting, maybe is the end of kb for me. I am a bit tired right now -.-.

03-08-2010, 09:49 AM
Simply remove the army of the dark mod. That should clean up any adepts and other mod-based creatures.

03-08-2010, 10:06 AM
Simply remove the army of the dark mod. That should clean up any adepts and other mod-based creatures.

Mystics are from the army of the light, like fanatics. So even if i remove the army of the dark mod (and i really dont want to, cuz i love mediums) , i think it will be still crashing. But i will try , to see wat happens -.-

04-11-2010, 02:10 PM
can u please post the mods here.. i cant read anything on that link...

BB Shockwave
04-15-2010, 04:45 PM
I dunno, nice idea, but especially the Light units seem incredibly overpowered to me. Getting no losses is especially easy with this mod, I think.

By the way, has anyone tried creating a mod for KB to make it more HOMM-like? IE, having a castle where you can build up unit producing buildings, etc?

04-15-2010, 10:43 PM
I dunno, nice idea, but especially the Light units seem incredibly overpowered to me. Getting no losses is especially easy with this mod, I think.

By the way, has anyone tried creating a mod for KB to make it more HOMM-like? IE, having a castle where you can build up unit producing buildings, etc?

lol, one thing is modding the appeareance and skills of some units using the resources of the whole game, other entire different is re-desing the game itself, that can only be done by the developers themselves. Still there are a lot of textures/mips/code files that are encrypted (the interface itself and the appeareance of the whole game, for example, so no, u cant do that mod).

Dont think they are overpowered, try to play on impossible dificulty, u will see. If u need to waste 2 regular units for producing 1 mod unit, on impossible u will get out of units soon. And u can change the parameters of the units, if u think they are overpowered. But i think they are not, they are just more resourceful and more funny. Thats all. Raise the leadership needed to recruit em if u think they are overpowered.

PD.: If u think these units are overpowered , u should see my own mods: (Dictators, Sinisters, Maelstroms (posted on the forum), Celestial Snakes, Titans, Legendary Phoenixes). I created my own mods only for use on impossible mode (some of em based on units of the army of light/dark mods), and i changed the script file so i need 4 regular units instead 2 to recruit em. I also changed the leadership, for example, the legendary phoenix that is maybe the most powerful unit in the game xD u need 7500 ls. If i think it is overpowered , i can raise it to 10000 ls lol.

04-18-2010, 08:33 PM
Nemesis, Mind giving me a link to your mods? i'd like to try them

04-18-2010, 10:06 PM
Nemesis, Mind giving me a link to your mods? i'd like to try them

I need to check some minor things, like the death models of the mods, and fix some balance issues, and then i will post the mods, but not before i am 100% sure they are finished.

David James
04-26-2010, 11:00 AM
I find it a critical bug and if my pc was good enough i would buy it for the PC.
I consider this vital, and one of the most enjoyable aspects, having an army to help you.Ive just done the great gate quest and it was incredibly hard.. a great example of where i could of used this help.

10-16-2010, 01:25 PM
Thanks! nice work

I am going to try now, =)

02-16-2011, 12:53 PM
For what version is it this mod? I have v1.3

If I have KB:Crossworlds, can I use this mod when I play the original campaign: KBAP?

I have not achieved that it works.
I would like to be able to use it, it seems to be brilliant.