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Guy's,can you tell me why the King Tiger that was involved in WW2 is more costly to buy in the game than the USA T29,British Centurion & British Turtle,none of which was involved in the war,& all of which are capable of taking out a King Tiger or any other German Tank or SPG for that matter,please.
![]() Last edited by Morgoth; 05-29-2009 at 01:42 PM. |
Very simple.
No matter if they are protype tanks, The king tiger is still better. It has the best gun mounted on a tank. Centurion can't win against the KT unless it shoots it from the side. But most decent tanks can kill a king tiger by doing that. Centurion got a crappy gun compare to the KT and its armor is not as good. Its basicly buildt for flanking tanks like king tigers. Turtle just can't beat a king tiger. Even tho turtle got better armor then the king tiger the KT still got like twice as good gun. Turtle is basicly an elefant with a shitty gun and its really slow. Its only the t-29 that is close to being as powerfull as the KT. Tho KTs gun is still slightly better. Jagdtigers are excellt for dealing with T-29s because they can just drive up to em and shoot em without even risking of being penetrated. Or just get a Sturm tiger and kill it with one shot. So if KT was cheaper it would be OP and it would be even more late game KT spam. |
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![]() Also,remember a Tiger costs 62,a panther cost 70,only 6 less than a tank which the game itself says in a dual both would lose vs centurion,so why such a big gap cost wise between KingTiger,Jagdtiger & centurion or turtle is i think another important point. Last edited by Morgoth; 05-30-2009 at 09:51 PM. |
I can agree that the price on the centurion is abit low. But Centurions should be better then Tigers and panthers.
The Centurion was a next generation tank and it was to be used many decades to come. In a game full of late game units and protoype tanks. Tigers aren't that powerfull anymore. They came out in 42 but by the time of 44-45 they weren't as deadly. In real life they mostly fought shermans/t-34s/cromwells etc not prototypetanks. The Reason i can think of why centurion is so cheap is because its buildt for flanking and its hull armor isnt very good. Centurion may have 160 mm armor on its turret. but its hull armor is actually only around 80! So truth is its not as badass as many people think it is and it can get fucked up by a panther in a duel. Making the centurion much more expensive to use it would be no point in getting em for flanking enemy superheavy tanks. I personaly prefere to fight king tigers with achilles instead of centurions. Just cuz they are cheaper. And no a turtle can not easily knock out a king tiger. Both tanks has to be pretty damn close to even have a chance of penetrating eachother. Reason why turtle cost 95 is because it lacks a turret and is mega slow. Turetless units are always cheaper because they are so much more limited. It may be good in face to face combat but if it gets flanked its in trouble. specially if someone disable its tracks. I still think turtle is rather shitty. id pay 5 extra points any day to get a elefant with better gun, better speed and almost as good armor. Last edited by Evilsausage; 05-31-2009 at 12:11 PM. |
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Sorry man but your way off again.
Reason why Jagdtiger cost more(only 15 points) is because it has better gun, better armor and better speed. As for the centurion... Panthers vs Centurions are actually pretty even in a 1vs1 duel. Centurions gun is only slightly better however panther has better frontal armor. Tiger would lose but it cost 14 points less. I mean seriously 100 points for a centurion? Who would ever use it? Centurion isnt even in the same league as the big King tigers, IS-3s, t-29s. But more close to a panther with weak hull armor but badass turret armor. You seriously need to actually play the brits and you will notice that the centurions and the turtles arent that great. They really don't have any powerfull lategame guns that can match the heavy german King tigers, elefants and jagdtigers. |
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![]() It actually took a sneaking flamer guy to finally finish off that Centurion. ![]() |
You must have been on drugs or something. Because its pretty much impossible to penetrate the King tiger with a centurions 17pdr gun.
And Jagdtiger!? No gun in the game can shoot throught its 250 mm armor. Only way i can think of centurion could win is that it shoot the tank in the Belly as it was going up a hill. Or you played some weird ass mod. |
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Morgoth are u sure ur being completely honest? Anyway it could have been luck, like the schell went through the viewing slit or hit the bottom armour or something, which can happen occasionally. For example I once killed a T-34/85 with the 20mm cannon on a PzKwII, front armour, because the cannon shell went through the viewing slit. Remember this game has very complex tank models and ballisics physics.
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