Boss turtle
Ok from what i read some said do crown quests first to get the chest. Well at level 4 the turtle makes short work of me with those darn earthquake stomps. trying game as a mage so asking what level should i be to do this quest. Thank you
There are many strategies against the trutle boss...
you may read this one: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showpos...1&postcount=18 But I would just go for the one Sector posted : put griffins or horsemen (both have some PHY resistance and nice ammount of HP) in front of the turtle (this will provoke her simple hand-to-hand melee attack - so it won't use spells/ or mass damage "stump") with archmagie cast the "shield" on the "provocative" unit you may also add stoneskin or if you are hell lucky and got the spell - also god amor... then just heal the poor provocative unit (as it should not take more than 30~40 damage per turn max) and the rest of your units may damage the turtle w/o problems (i.e. snakes with the special attack or bandits with very similar spacial attack that does not provoke counterattack) or standard shooters... (thorns/archers... priests/inquisitors are not huge damage dealing shooters, but one can heal the other even resurrect.. what comes handy if your mana should go low) This is possible even if you hare level four... it depends on the army and spells you have - no special INT or ATT/DEF is needed
WOK pan? You sure mean WOG... Equilibrium? You sure mean Equlibris... |
Level is a bit irrelevant if you ask me. You just need to make sure that you place an army in front of the turtle head and help that army surviving through its attack.
You can even finish the turtle with freelance only armies depending on your class, spell availability and difficulty. |
Well, just got game a few days ago and and its very apparent that i have alot to learn to what you mean freelance armies and such. But thanks for the advice that was offered.
I call them freelance because they are all picked up along the road, obtained through gravedigging or consumable items that grant you units.
Another way is to use the phantom spell if you can find it around Darion. You'll probably have to do a lot of sneaking and dodging around to find the spell and gather enough runes to get distortion magic level 1, then the rest is easy.
I found it easiest to cast on my royal snakes. |
In the old HOMM saga, those 'freelance' armies have a proper name: Wandering Armies. Funny thing is, those WANDERING armies did NOT wander at all, they just stayed put on the map. But they do wander indeed in KB:L (to a degree, of course). Gogogo Katauri
In Homm 4 they could wander by default - and the "stationary" could also attack you if it was not your turn, but you was near enough ...
WOK pan? You sure mean WOG... Equilibrium? You sure mean Equlibris... |
Enemies in the original KB always chases you to death you know.
Back to the topic. I recently try my hands on taking the turtle on impossible with "picked-up" armies only. Most of the time my armies consist of Vampires, Skeleton Archers, Snakes and sometimes Griffins. 1. If you ever find a piece of armor called "Steel Cuirass", buy it. It costs a mere 8000 gold and provides 10% physical resistance. Even better if you find the boots (Flickering boots?) that gives 15%. 2. Since you are a mage, I suggest you get distortion magic 2 and upgrade stone skin to level 2 (I hope you have the spell). That gives your tanker another 30% physical resistance, not to mention a even higher defense value. |
Thanks for the info. If I ever go back an play KB again..
It's so sad, I never actually finished the original KB. The aging process of my hero really pi$$ed me off. No idea why lol. Maybe I was scared that he would eventually die of old age before i finish the game.. |