Game constantly crashing -Steam version
I've played about 40 hours or so into the game. Just had the massive fight with Eric and now I'm roaming around levelling up to be able to go back. The game has had a tendancy to crash in the past, but like once every few hours or so at the least. Now its crashing after 5min. It doesnt matter who I'm fighting, what island I'm on, what spells I'm using or not using, whether I'm in combat or just roaming around. The game just keeps crashing repeatedly.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled, all my drivers are up to date. Its like once I passed a specific point in this game it decided it didnt want me to keep playing. I'm pretty furstrated as I never had any trouble with the previous 2 games which I love. But considering the performance of this I may stay away from the upcoming expansion if I cant find a work around for this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.