Originally Posted by valerian
OK, so I got the Russian version, and got through about a third of it. To be honest, I was expecting an atmosphere created by yells in the native language (like it was in Stalker), but the voicing was unimpressive. It was rather bland. I could well get an English version, and would not lose on the atmosphere.
I couldn't agree more. I'm a fan of original voice overs. I also had Stalker in mind when thinking about how the russian one might sound, but it was truly unimpressive, yes, even narcotic in some way. In a review I read that the english voice overs were bad, but I thought they were quite good. In the russian version, the captain always sounds like he took a bottle of sleeping pills, while the english voice actor actually emoted. They were trapped in the ice with some serious problems after all. People died constantly, so who would be so ice cold (no pun intended)
Originally Posted by valerian
The gameplay is uncomplicated and is probably what the first year students in game development would have done. Some people liken it to Penumbra, but it lacks the Penumbra atmosphere, in my opinion.
Well, the gameplay was pretty basic, but it doesn't always have to be as complicated as in Stalker to bring the story across and the story was what drove the game, not the gameplay. As for the athmosphere, I thought the game had plenty of it. You just had to have a feeling for the situation of the falles seafarers
Originally Posted by valerian
The game lacks polish -- for example, once I slipped into the water (which means death), and the game made an automatic save. (This means each time the game loaded the last save, I died.) The other moment was when I opened the door and hid behind it from the monster. The problem was that I got stuck behind the door. Oh, and I could not get through the introduction stage of the game, the very first seconds -- I was constantly falling through the cracks when trying to get to the icebreaker. That was ridiculous. I had to resume to the walkthrough to get past that stage.
The game sure has its bugs. Luckily, I didn't encounter any when I played the game for the first time. When I played it again, I had the full arsenal though: falling through the level, being pushed tohrough obstacles so that I got stuck etc etc... Still, I have to say that the game is worlds away from being unpolished. After all, the game only had a few critical bugs after its release and that is quite impressive, especially since the release was only delayed by 3 months. Compare that with Stalker, which was delayed for 2 or 3 years and still was buggy as hell when it came out.
Originally Posted by valerian
The other thing which confuses me is the mental echo. I just could not relate the actions of the protagonist and the actions of the dead character on the floor during mental echo and during the 'replay' of what was happening on the ship. They are just disconnected in my mind, i do not know where I am going and why. This does not add to the atmosphere, but rather to the confusion.
lol that's a personal issue then. I pretty early realized that these echos were only available when I had to overcome an obstacle. Also, the puzzles were rather easy.
Originally Posted by valerian
The game has some influence from Dead Space, however Dead Space was a highly polished game. If Cryostasis was as polished, it would be a winner.
lol certainly not, otherwise the game would have had to be developed after Dead Space came out and that was clearly not the case. Both games had been in development for years and the first thing you do is to decide the gameplay and layout, so it's clear that all similarities are only coincidental.
Originally Posted by valerian
I will finish the game, because I am suitably motivated. However, I told to my gamer friends that they did not lose much by not playing the game.
I thought so too while playing it, but the ending turned it around for me.