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Old 06-10-2011, 11:27 AM
II/JG54_Emil II/JG54_Emil is offline
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Originally Posted by Aracno View Post
If this discussion was made ​​on the forum HFSX the problem would be solved immediately, without shedding doubt on the validity of the work done by Aachen.
I absolutely agree.

Which leads us to the question why do we have such a discussion here?
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Old 07-29-2011, 04:07 AM
439th_Spider 439th_Spider is offline
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You know what, this mod war goes nowhere and is non productive.
Since it began we had less and less people flying mods in Hyperlobby almost all coop start with 4.101

Not that it's not good but it's just not enough when you used to mods

Ace of Aces because of your behavior i restart flying UP instead of HSFX, if HSFX is so good no need to compare or bashing Ultrapack 3.0

I was suprise by HSFX 5.0 and i found it stable and fun to fly, why in that case bashing Ultrapack team, you surely had personal reason for doing it but you can KEEP IT FOR YOURSELF!

You use forums to settle your personal affair and i am sure other people are bored to see you continue to argue about your point of view, i don't see why people had to give answer to your thread, useless, as you always say you are right.

I will give you my point of view, go on vacation for a while, a year or so could do the trick

Over an out, and be sure i won't read your anwer if you ever give me one, but you won't be able to retain yourself don't you?
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Old 09-05-2011, 05:13 AM
Bearcat Bearcat is offline
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Originally Posted by BadAim View Post
There needs to be no war boys. For it seems that in spite of all the "Hate" that seems to be going on between the Major "packs", they are indeed compatible. Simply drop HSFX over your clean 4.10.1, drop Modact 3.04b over that, and UP 3.0 over that. BINGO! You now have a 4 in one install. Just point Hyperlobby at your (single) IL2 folder and after you find a server you want to join pick which version you need from the handy dandy little switcher and select the JSGME options you want. Simple, elegant and no more fighting. Just pick what you want for a given need!
I did not know that.. I'd hate to corrupt my current install. I'll have to try that out. Now t is up to Modact 3.06.

Last edited by Bearcat; 09-05-2011 at 07:17 AM.
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Old 09-05-2011, 06:52 PM
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Ace of Aces
Is Tagert.....

all FW190 have a climb rate of 14m/s.???
Of course not. The conditions matter and since very few people seem to be capable of understanding how conditions effect performance or how to convert to a baseline these discussions will always exist.
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Old 09-05-2011, 10:38 PM
Bearcat Bearcat is offline
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Originally Posted by BadAim View Post
There needs to be no war boys. For it seems that in spite of all the "Hate" that seems to be going on between the Major "packs", they are indeed compatible. Simply drop HSFX over your clean 4.10.1, drop Modact 3.04b over that, and UP 3.0 over that. BINGO! You now have a 4 in one install. Just point Hyperlobby at your (single) IL2 folder and after you find a server you want to join pick which version you need from the handy dandy little switcher and select the JSGME options you want. Simple, elegant and no more fighting. Just pick what you want for a given need!
I tried that.. it didn't work.. It loadedf p my HSFX fine.. and the stock fine.. but when I went to run UP 3 it crashed everytime.. The SAS Mod Act 3 install works as well.. Just UP.. and since my HSFX runs like a top... I may redo it again.. I have a stock 4.10.1 on my BU drive .. This time I just too my HSFX install and added the mod act to it and then UP .. but as I said.. no joy.
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Old 09-10-2011, 11:13 AM
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The socalled war is here in 1c forum, outside of this forum it is not a war. In SAS forum HSFX and UP lives in harmony, not making any personal attacks against eachother.
This topic is not going anywhere anyone of us want to be.
I praice the modders, TD and everybody making this game playable in 2011. Because this game soon must have a world reckord in age and players.
Why do we not join TD and the modders in the task to make this game live a bit longer, instead of tearing the comunity to pieces.

Sorry for my Bad English

Best Regards

Finn Otto
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Old 09-18-2011, 09:19 AM
SAS~Anto SAS~Anto is offline
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Originally Posted by Le0ne View Post
The socalled war is here in 1c forum, outside of this forum it is not a war. In SAS forum HSFX and UP lives in harmony, not making any personal attacks against eachother.
This topic is not going anywhere anyone of us want to be.
I praice the modders, TD and everybody making this game playable in 2011. Because this game soon must have a world reckord in age and players.
Why do we not join TD and the modders in the task to make this game live a bit longer, instead of tearing the comunity to pieces.

Sorry for my Bad English

Best Regards

Finn Otto
Indeed that's correct. The admins of HSFX, SAS and UP3 are all on good terms with each other, sharing content and communicating regularly. The HSFX crowd tend to do their own thing with their SEOW campaigns (which the pack is tailored for). SAS caters more for the offline crowd whilst UP3 caters specifically for general dogfighting and online coops.

This 'mod war' is something that apparently occurred in the last days of AllAircraftArcade. There were a handful of individuals that tried to create this big divide amongst the modding community for god knows what purpose. In particular there was a lot of excessive promotion of HSFX over the 'inferior and stolen content' of Ultrapack. Really it was quite ludicrous and an utter waste of everyone's effort involved. UP was in agreement with the HSFX admins to use their pack as a base, which simply involved removal of SEOW specific content plus a few extra community mods. The aim at the time was for HSFX to continue focussing on SEOW development whilst UP focussed on a more general approach. This has carried through to today and quite successfully.

Anyway, the reality is now, there is something for everyone And besides the occasional mud-slinger, things are reasonably harmonious.
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Old 09-25-2011, 03:51 AM
Bearcat Bearcat is offline
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Originally Posted by BadAim View Post
There needs to be no war boys. For it seems that in spite of all the "Hate" that seems to be going on between the Major "packs", they are indeed compatible. Simply drop HSFX over your clean 4.10.1, drop Modact 3.04b over that, and UP 3.0 over that. BINGO! You now have a 4 in one install. Just point Hyperlobby at your (single) IL2 folder and after you find a server you want to join pick which version you need from the handy dandy little switcher and select the JSGME options you want. Simple, elegant and no more fighting. Just pick what you want for a given need!
Any more on this since my updated post?

Originally Posted by Bearcat View Post
I tried that.. it didn't work.. It loadedf p my HSFX fine.. and the stock fine.. but when I went to run UP 3 it crashed everytime.. The SAS Mod Act 3 install works as well.. Just UP.. and since my HSFX runs like a top... I may redo it again.. I have a stock 4.10.1 on my BU drive .. This time I just too my HSFX install and added the mod act to it and then UP .. but as I said.. no joy.
Thinking about trying this again... I have Mod act 3.6 & UP 3.0RC4.. will tha6t work.. (andf of course HSFX 5.01. )
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