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Old 08-22-2014, 05:27 AM
MattCaspermeyer MattCaspermeyer is offline
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Originally Posted by Zhuangzi View Post
Thanks for that, Matt. I will be referring to your post as I get further into the game

Me, I kited around Atrixus and got some Demons (13 wanted to join me!) and some loot. I also thought I'd buy a Fireball spell for 5000 gold. Now I need to upgrade Chaos Magic past level 1. Another devious trick is to go through the portal to Tristem. There's an invincible troop right there that can't be kited, but now that I have the Tristem map I can sail there and kite my way around, right?
Wow! That's a ton of Demons! I was stuck with 1 Demon and 2 Demonesses for so long that when I finally was able to recruit them I was like forget it!

It is interesting that they now allow you to go through the portals to the other areas at the beginning as when I started, once you went to the catacombs, you could not go to any of the other places until you got their maps.

I couldn't even return to Atrixus because I was wanting to defeat the Knight that stole the demon child and it wouldn't let me go back. So then I just loaded an earlier save, rolled up my sleeves, and came up with a strategy to no loss him.

If memory serves, that fight got my another level and allowed me to do the big spider Catacombs stack and also made one of the Shelter or Whitehill fights easier.

Originally Posted by DGDobrev View Post
Seems our games are running similarly, mate

I opted against kiting the Portland guardians, cause they aren't that powerful anyway. I am using Scoffers, the starting 2 Demonesses (can't find any more), Demons, Demonoligists and Evil Beholders. I am getting um... re-used to the old KBAP tactic of kiting enemies into traps, as I have 4 at any point on the field, and I am not far away from a 5th. Swapping the best enemy archer unit is doing wonders too. Especially since I always try to swap them for a demon-summoned creature with a trap right behind it, lol - if you don't kill the ranged unit yourself, it will move a hex back and fall into the trap. Fun times

I haven't moved on to the other 2 islands, Inselburg and Monteville. I might do some scouting to see which ones provides better options.
That's nice that you were able to get a Demonologist (or more?) as I could have used some during my EA playthrough. And you're right that once you are "trained" by the 3 shelter fights and the 3 Whitehill fights you should be able to do most of the fights on Portland with your paltry squad.

That's how I felt, anyway, when I went there, although I did run around at first checking out getting better troops (Evil Beholders) and grabbing leadership flags, etc. to get more troops (at least Imps, Scoffer Imps, and Cerberi as I was stuck with just 1 Demon and 2 Demonesses).

I only got the first level of the trapper skill and with the Paladin (Spirit) skill I got 4 traps as the enemies start to get stronger where it is a lot harder to get them to die when they hit a trap. I think I'm like 10 deaths from getting to level 2 trapper, but I've way surpassed its usefulness.

Well, I hope you guys have fun and enjoy it. I do think it is better than WotN (I got I&F, but never played it) as I got tired of fighting Undead troops by about the time I got to Greenwort. After Guildford shows his true colors, I thought it would have been nice to see Undead variants of humans, dwarves, and elves and we now have them in DS!

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