Thread: 4.12 ai
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Old 12-16-2013, 06:01 PM
majorfailure majorfailure is offline
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Originally Posted by pandacat View Post
Rookies in 4.12 is more skilled than that in 4.11. But that's fine. It's more fun. Back in 4.11, I can occasionally kill 1-2 ace level AI. But in 4.12, even the veteran AIs are almost untouchable. It seems they have pair of eyes on the back of their heads and can see every single move you make and counter it. I agree I am not that skilled in the art of dogfight. Perhaps other people can do much better against AI than I do. But mid-air is just so annoying. Any way to possibly increase the spacing in the loose formation? Would that help out a bit.
Can't confirm the rookies are better part, but hard to judge if that's because I'm a little better than in 4.11. And yes Ace AI is difficult, in a one on one they are fine - but as a team they are really good. Try fighting two ace AI F4Fs in a A6M - you are not allowed to make any mistake, and need to constantly know what the other is doing while you are trying to get one.
And there is no art in dogfighting - as long as you have a clear plan how to get out of the fight - you can enter. That means always entering the fight with an advantage - speed/altitude or potential speed/altitude (faster plane// better climbiing plane). And even if your plane vastly outperforms the enemys you cannot let your guard down, its always the better option to get out of the fight, climb/run away, rejudge your approch, and reengage. Don't get caught low and slow by other enemys just because you followed the AI down -and they love to drag you down.

With 4.12 I think your own AI is a little more responsive to teamwork. Recently I engaged three F4F in a Zero + my AI wingman. And I did give him a lot of commands - by ordering him to attack and disengage and cover me and whatnot I could get him to distract the enemy and in the end he bagged one and I got the other two - that felt good. Try commanding the AI around all the time, and sometimes they will really do what you wanted them to. And that formation thing, sometimes the order to loosen formation doesn't get into the AIs mind, they say Yes and do No. Even repeatedly ordering does sometimes not help.
(Pilot to AI: "Loose formation, guys, I don't want you to collide."
AI1 to AI2: "What he said?"
AI2 to AI1: "Something about us colliding"
AI1 to AI2: "Really, that's a harsh order"
AI2 to AI1: "But he is the player, we need to obey!"
AI1 colllides with AI2.....)
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