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Old 04-25-2009, 12:27 PM
virre89 virre89 is offline
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Originally Posted by zapatista View Post
boring ....

most people here that i know whom are interested in flightsims wont be buying it because its an online game only

pretty lame idea, i think they already lost 50% of their market before it is even released

when it functions like any other game you can play whenever and wherever it suits the person who purchased it, let me know. looking at the screenshots it also looks a very dated gfx engine, like a souped up version of il2. and i wont be giving them another 50$ each time they bring out a new plane either
So it's boring just because their policy doesn't suit you?

First of all you're statement is nothing but a child's post crying out loud, the game doesn't use the IL2 engine, the game utilize some of the latest graphic/engine/physics solutions on the market. If you've any knowledge about development, hardware & software you'd know but of course you had to bash it since the DRM doesn't suit you.

As for the sales thing, they've without no doubt lost customers however it's not near as much as 50%, it's more or less just a way for you to make yourself feel better about it. A more exact number would probably be around 5% of the potential customers has been lost. Truth is that today the majority of gamers are connected to the internet 24/7 , however many won't utilize it for gaming online BUT that doesn't mean that they don't have a broad band connection.

Their choice of online authenticity ain't anything new it's been utilized in games for the past 10 years, it's no secret that the simulation market would be moving here sooner or later and it's a good thing indeed. Sure some of the buyers might not buy it simply because they don't have an broadband connection which would render the game useless since it requires an online connection.

Then there's the argument about wither or not the product could become useless if the servers are shutdown and you couldn't play whenever you want. Tell ya what you pay for the internet , it can go time at any time , heck you pay for the electricity it can go down at any time as well, seriously even your house could collapse on you theres no guarantee for anything here in the world.

Have some faith in the developers for god sake, and even if their servers would go down for maintenance whats the big deal. The the question pops up again; what if it goes down forever?

So be it, but don't you think the developers have thought about the future. Removing the login system wouldn't be a hard task for such a talented team and if the worst case scenario would become true they'd just remove it and wola you can play you're SP all day long for eternity just like Mass Effect.

I tell you this, if you wanna miss out on such a great title just because of the copy protection so be it, you're loss dude and you won't be missed.
Truth is the once that were gonna buy it and really want it they buy it no matter what protection it has, i for once wouldn't miss out on it just because such a lame complaint.

Last edited by virre89; 04-25-2009 at 12:31 PM.
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