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Old 10-30-2012, 06:45 PM
DGDobrev DGDobrev is offline
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Originally Posted by camelotcrusade View Post
Yeah, maybe in addition to the undead invasion they could have had a bandit uprising at the same time trying to take advantage of the situation. So you at least got to fight bandits too. Part of the fun in earlier KBs was the fact that sooner or laster you'd encounter an enemy army that you weren't optimized to destroy. So you had to decide whether to use your less ideal troops and maybe take losses, or whether to reorganize for those fights. But in WoTN so far I haven't felt stretched that way.
+1 on that. There are plenty of story-creating elements that could have been used. I agree that the undead are rightfully there, but how about a demon, who entered the wrong portal and showed up right where it wasn't supposed to be, right on our doorstep? Or a shipwrecked human expedition? Pirates and Bandits who take advantage of the chaos? More animal life to prey on?

The way I see it, is that everyone had quite high hopes for the sequel, and we just got another KBAP-type game, but this time with additional limitations.
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