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Old 01-02-2008, 07:50 AM
jasonbirder jasonbirder is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 135

why is CFS dead?......MODS....
Surely you can flip that around; I bought CFS3 found out it was poor and discarded it...I have recently had to go out and buy it all over I could enjoy the fantastic Over Flanders Fields Mod...and I am sure there are people out there who will say the same thing about the Mediterranean Air War mod.
Mods haven't killed it...they've brought it back to life!

Why oh why do we have to have the same argument over and over and over again...

I challenge the Anti-Mod camp to name any significant flight sim that has been degraded or reduced in quality by the addition of third party or community developed Mods?

And in balance i'll offer the following examples of Sims that have been improved by the addition of theses supposedly awful community Mods....

Falcon 4.0
Lock On Modern Air Combat
Enemy Engaged Comanche Havok
Janes F/A18
Combat Flight Simulator 3
European Air War
Silent Hunter III
Dangerous Waters

And thats just the games I am familiar with, in that I own them and have played them in both the Vanilla and Modded versions and can say without fear of contradiction that the Modded versions are more immersive, more engaging, more complex and more realistic than the Un-Modded versions...

If anyone can come up with a similar list (ideally from personal experience, not Hear-Say) of Simulators that have suffered from community based modding, then maybe there is an argument against it...
If not, then can people stop repeating the same old arguments again and again...because they simply don't stack up...