Thread: Fool's Cap
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Old 02-28-2011, 10:54 PM
ckdamascus ckdamascus is offline
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Originally Posted by Zechnophobe View Post
Well, girl power doesn't really need to have the full 300% attack, since their base damage is so incredibly high compared to their leadership. Fairies are what... 1-2? 1-3? Don't have them in front of me, but I think it's something like 2 average damage and 7 leadership. +2 damage from whip and dagger = 4 on average. 4 damage per 7 leadership compared to a black dragon, for instance, doing 120 damage per 2500 leadership. Even the black dragon doing FULL DAMAGE with +60 attack over def, is still only 360 to 2500, much worse than the fairy.

Not that I actually use the girl power set, but it is hard to deny its awesomeness.
Well, all level 5s do really bad damage compared to the lower level ones if you can get the +60 attack bonus for the lower level units.

The big advantage is they tend to do stable damage over each round, since it is much harder to kill level 5 units, so the granular damage works against them.

Whereas, all it takes is one bad hit, and my fairies or ranged units do far less.

Anyway, the fairies seem to do SIMILAR damage to the goblin ranged army at times. On paper though they should be doing far more. It is the lack of Zeroing In. I guess not a big deal either way. I just really wanted to do 60K damage per hit, instead of like 18-25K damage per hit.

My Shrek army (I think it was the troll or possibly ogre) was doing maybe 12-18K damage consistently.

Originally Posted by Zechnophobe View Post
So Paladin is 16-20 right? So he crits for 30, making his average with 10% crit = 18.3, not 18.2 Increasing by another 10% would yield 18.6. (18 + 20% of 30). If you instead went with the jolly roger you'd get 36 crit damage, and so would do 18.36 damage, much worse than the axe of lightning. These two effects are multiplicative however. That is, the more CRIT chance you have, the more crit damage you want.

My most common way of playing is Dragons. For example Red Dragons have 25% crit chance. With +7% from Rage medal, +7% from Prayer you get 39%. With 2 morale from Voice that's 52%. Belt of chance is 65% Completing the Jolly Roger and Set would give you 91%. At that point... yeah hard to go against it. But that assumes you have the whole set, which is pretty darn rare. (I think they are all considered 'pirate' class items so you don't have many places to find them.
Hm, not sure how you are doing your calculations, I posted mine though. I am doing a weighted average of the damage based on probability of a critical hit. e.g. (average damage * prob of not doing critical) + (critical hit damage * prob of doing critical).

But, critical damage is a function of base damage. The more damage you do, the more damage criticals do. Maybe we are saying the same thing but using different terminology.

e.g. if you get the Drill item, you increase your "critical hit damage" by 25%. You also increase your base damage by 25%.

However, in the case of Jolly Roger, you ONLY do more damage IF you can score a critical hit.

Increasing your critical hit percentage increases your expected value damage since a critical hit natural does more damage (it maxes out), and is an implicit damage booster.

I do find it a little scary though that Jolly Roger actually does seem to improve expected value of damage fairly well. Not sure if it is enough for me to come out of "retirement" so to speak.

I love using dragons too. I rarely can spare the runes for Voice though.
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