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Old 10-27-2009, 02:09 PM
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Originally Posted by HenFre View Post
No philip.ed. Perhaps I did not describe the question clearly enough

In the editor in il-2 you can control vehicles through waypoints and I was just wondering if this would be possible with humans in SOW:BOB.
Ahh, that makes sense

I'll tell you what would be a real immersion factor in SoW. If ever a BoF addon was made, how cool would it be to land to find the airfield completely destroyed and to have some erk shouting 'get in the bloody truck!'. Then you can get in the truck, be driven to another airfield and start operating from there. I've never played a game, apart from maybe BoB2 WoV, where I have had to move airfields because my one was too badly damaged.

This brings me on to another question: oleg, will airfields have the ability to be damaged to the extent where there are bomb craters on the field, and even unexploded bombs?

Last edited by philip.ed; 10-27-2009 at 02:44 PM. Reason: typing error
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